Era of Propaganda (2/3)

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Thankfully, we landed onto the landing bay right outside the orbiting base safely. My Diamond got up from her seat and walked right up to the entrance field.
I followed right behind her as I took a glance back at the Palanquin which now was emitting fumes of smoke.
I walked straight pass my diamond as I opened the entrance of the base for her. She took a few steps in and stopped to shout at the gems destructing the internal systems.

"Who are you? How dare you do such disobedient acts! Stand down, now!.. Before I make you!" My diamond's voice echoed into the slightly dark room. The unidentified gems stopped whatever they were doing as they stood straight without giving response. They stood in the same positions for quite a while as they did not responded of anything or anyway to the shouts of my Diamond. "Pearl, contact the guards and Peridot 2FG7 to handle this situation, I'll be waiting in the palanquin once your finished" My diamond ordered as she walked back out from the base. I got my communicator out and leaned onto the cold metallic wall, I sighed a bit as I glared down to the screen noticing my reflection. I looked at my face pruning with wrinkles of stress and tiredness as the sounds of banging erupted from the end of the room. I ignored it and contacted the gems my diamond specified me to.
I saw something peering out from the edge of my screen, "yaaaarkkhghghhh!" It was the gem, well something that seemed to be a gem. I gasped in air as I tried to fend myself from this creature, it held up it's huge claws and swiped it directly at me but I dodged it in a quick motion.
I dropped my communicator as I did this however and the door of the entrance slid shut all of a sudden, I noticed three figures suddenly walked into the light revealing more terrifying beings.
They rushed at me but I quickly made a high jump causing them to bump into each other. I landed onto the opposite side of where they were and made a run for it deeper into the base. For a while I could see where I was going, but sooner as I got deeper, light began to fade away as I could only hear the sound of my heavy panting and my tapping footsteps. Darkness invaded my vision as I struggled to find light. A muffled screech emitted and echoed from behind me, I could only continue running but I stopped for a wall suddenly hit my face out of nowhere. I tumbled down to the floor as I rubbed my face. I got up but I was confused of where to go since I was blinded by darkness. More screeches occurred and I noticed that they were getting louder and closer. I trembled in fear and curled up into a ball trying to hide myself. After a while the rushing thumps and the screeches stopped but a sudden bang startled me from up front. The sound of footsteps circled around the room as I helplessly shake in fear, sudden thumps and bangs emitted but soon I could feel the heavy blows of air in front of me. It got closer when a loud final shriek broke the silence.

I squealed in terror but the creature suddenly shrieked in pain as bright yellow flashes of light illuminated the dark. I opened my shut eyes to see a cloud of a poofed gem and the gem dropping onto the ground right after. I could see a Quartz soldier was standing right in front of me as the final flash of light disappeared. "A Pearl? Wait, who are you?" She questioned me, "I - I contacted you, I belong to the Diamond waiting right outside." I explained. "Well you better hurry and get to her, she's been looking for you this whole time."
"Well I would attend for her needs but how would you expect me to get anywhere in this dark?" As I said this however, the lights suddenly turned on revealing my sight of view. The Guard  ignored my remark and had just walked right out of the room, I followed her right after passing the hallway of gray.

I couldn't help to observe the hallways we were passing, revealing rooms as if oddly designed for containing a sort of specimen, but, a frightening touch of scratch marks and broken equipment everywhere raised my eyebrow as to being curious of what had happened here.
When we finally made out from those shadowing hallways, the central rounded area of the base was now illuminated showing the complex circuitry of broken piles of wires and orbs. The requested Quartz soldiers had arrived right where they were supposed to and I could see among the bunch, a green gem working on the electrical systems. They were all spanned out across the base each doing their individual duties. However, there was one particular gem who didn't seem to be too happy, my Diamond. She was standing right outside the entrance, arms crossed having a mocked look on her face. I made my way to her as I expected for her to shout at me with all her might but surprised to instead just turn and walk away into her palanquin.

I followed her as I noticed that it wasn't fuming with smokes anymore as that Peridot must've seen it needed repairs. I got on it as my Diamond as usual seated on with comfort. I piloted it once more as we elevated into the sky entering my Diamond's ship. Although, I was still curious about those weird looking gems that tried to attack me. How odd for something like that would happen to me.

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