Chapter 10 - A commander's order (1/3)

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I quickly trailed behind the turquoise gem out through the door and as soon as I set foot out of the room, Immensely I was relieved. I wasn't in the room with the diamonds anymore. Unfortunately, a crowd of beady eyes were staring at me. They gave a suspicious look, one or two furrowing a brow but mostly were just mystified to see me. They stopped for a second before continuing to walk and ignoring my presence. What Zircon said was true. The slightly narrow hallway was crammed with gems. Elites, commanders and many other dictators which passed by.

I was confused however. Amazonite had just gone out and she was nowhere to be found. I looked at both directions, crowds of gems obstructing each angle of my sight but still It was as if she had disappeared. I had no time to waste and so I continued walking along the path. I tried to squeeze within the collision of gems and believe me, it was very uncomfortable. Still, the gems who were around me were busy typing on their screens, which made it less awkward but yet still nerving.

After walking down a flight of stairs, The door to the docking bay became apparent in sight. It wasn't too far but flowing in the crowd felt nearly like an eternity. I was close, nearly inches to the door. I held my hand out, trying to reach the panel as the crowd behind me kept pushing and walking forward. "Errrh, come on...", I groaned. My hand got closer as my body began to slither out between the gems. Behind me, a tall, yellow gem noticed what I was doing and grimaced with suspicion.
Finally, as though I thought I was going  to be dragged away from the door, I got free and tumbled to the floor. Ignoring the gems who were basically staring at me all around, I got up, dusted myself from the fall, and strode to the door with an eased heart. I stopped right in front of the closed entrance, looked at both directions and pressed my palm onto the glass panel. It glowed blue as an arrow displayed by it's side. It signified that I needed to swipe something onto a slider, glowing in a darker shade by the side of the panel.

I slowly took out the glass like card Howlite gave to me and Zircon, before inspecting that the gems around me weren't watching. The door was thin and tall. Not so much that could seem to cause attention. Plus that it was slightly secluded from the other entrances, the gems would probably lack the interest to know why anyone would enter here.
I held the card out and brought it closer to the slider, before I was stopped and shoved back. My back hit the metal door as a loud thump emitted. My eyes were greeted with a slight blur but I rubbed them to get a clear sight of who had shoved me.
I gasped. Standing before me was a towering Hessonite. A strong scowl now evident in her expression.
"What are you doing?", she questioned  before darting her hand to the wall beside me in an act of fury. I was terrified. Paralysed with fear.
My wavering eyes laid gaze onto a dark orange pin on her outfit. It was shaped as a crescent diamond, signifying that she was a commander.
Her hand slammed the wall again, thumping louder than before,
"Hey! I asked you a question. Answer me you mere servant!"

A crowd of gems were now gathered around me. One was green and had her gem placement on her eye. They seemed to be Hessonite's troops.
The green gem, who I was foreign to know what she was, backed away as another one of her kind stepped up and clobbered the wall.
"She asked you a question!", she shouted with a raspy voice. this one with her gem on her naval.
I struggled to find my voice as I quivered in fear, but eventually I spoke,
"I - I - I...", I stammered.

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