Judicial dispute (4/5)

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"My Diamond, my luminous, glimmering Diamond. I declare that the Pearl by once you own to be Executed!", one of White Diamond's advisors spoke making everyone in the room nod and 'hmm' in agreement at each other.

"I see no further reason for us to tolerate her well being and for an un justifying Pearl such as her who can't even place her life before yours, it is a disgrace to our legislation and our whole court in general!..", another aristocrat added.

Parties of gems raffled to each other's statements declining each one being brought up by another. The court room was bustling in a dispute, with no other witness but the Diamond seated on her throne, watching the commotion. An advocator on behalf of the Pearl, propounded the idea for Pearl to be allocated to an inferior gem as her punishment, but the rest thought otherwise.

The diplomatic gems continued on perplexing their undecided conclusion, until a familiar gem by the name, Amazonite, spoke up to silence the rest,
"I declare...", her voice resonated softly and roughened by ends.
"... that the Pearl... should be given, a trial.", she said ending her words confidently, wrying in amusement as she did. The room was in a brief, momentary silence but not until the Diamond's advisor spoke up breaking it, "....How preposterous! That is just simply unprecedented, a trial? For a redundant gem? We will absolutely-...", White Diamond's voice cut in through her words.

".. We'll do it..."
The advisor disarranged herself,
".. Wh- what? W- we will?", the advisor nervously questioned in fear.
"Yes.... we will!", the Diamond continued on,
"I would like the idea for a trial. That good for nothing ornament will get what she deserves, involuntarily, orchestrate the trial, let her crumble in failure no matter what! It will be amusing to watch...", White Diamond exclaimed at a last, confirming the trial.
The others in the room had only silenced themselves, with none daring to bring up their oppositions.
The Amazonite smirked, pleased to the success of her plan.

"Court dismiss...", the advisor announced.


I had roamed across the entirety of this "cavern" for an incredible amount of time that I had grown comfortable with it's surrounding. Somehow assuring my safety.

I leaped over a crack on the paved flooring, the slightly warm air digested the cold of my body, but I still shivered in uncertainty. I felt that we had been there for hours from the moment we saw that gem, we lost our way out, but I couldn't say the same for Tourmaline since we had split up in search of this area separately. I wasn't really sure what we were looking for though, maybe we were just intrigued to find Pink Diamond again, and that mysterious gem, but although that, this cavern place caught my interest by most. I was really eager to know what this cavern like place was after what it seemed to be hours of walking around in here. The whole place was dark from the start and so, I couldn't make out what the place was and for easier description, it was similar to how a cavern would look like.

I looked around, passing a few huge crates and large containers, "crates? Containers? What is this place?" I questioned over and over being curious as I was over the place.
It was all silent, no other sound emitted except for the heavy taps of my footsteps echoing below me. I was afraid that I had gotten lost and strayed too far from Tourmaline, but I didn't minded it since I was fascinated by my surrounding, wanting to know more of it.
I made a stop as my gem illuminated something shiny in the dark, coated in metal. I slowly made my way closer to it, but as I did, I realised that it was a leg for a ship. I looked up in confusion, illuminating the rest of the the ship's body. Particles of dust floated about as the light from my gem revealed a writing marked on the side of the spacecraft. It read, 'W - 47', the same text from the door in the rotunda of the testing facility. I pointed my gem over to its cockpit, with it's main controls in perfect condition. The Spacecraft seemed new, untouched and barely used.

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