Legible Emanation - (2/2)

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Aquamarine : "Indeed! I saw her lurking around in the ship hanger, and I am confident that she had intentions on trying to escape by stealing one of our army crafts!"

White Zircon : "Your honour if I may object, the timeline of this event just doesn't make sense! I completely disgaree with the statement as my files states otherwise.

Judge : I reside on your opponent, clearly as a fact that there is no denial!"

Deeper into the trial...


"As the previous client has stated, it can't be more clear that she is guilty!", accusations arose.

"Your honour I request a five minute recess! Clearly there has got to be a drawback to- "
White Zircon exclaimed but got cut off.

"Please defendant, the proof has been made quite clear with no valid excuse to be retained! And that concludes it, I declare that the client White Pearl, to be, Gui-"
A voice from the crowd cut off the Aquamarine's words.
"Wait! I propound for the trial to extend!",
I looked firmly at the back and saw that it was a Sapphire, the same familiar Sapphire I saw when I lurked within the testing facility who was getting mad at a Morganite.
"And just who do you think you are?", the judge questioned with a mocked tone.
"I - I for see, I for see, that an impending danger is being placed upon everyone in this room..."
The Sapphire said making everyone in the court room gasp in shock.
"Would you care to explain yourself of this danger, and if not you had just absurdly disturbed this gathering!", the Aquamarine remarked.

The Sapphire clenched her gloved hands, as they rub against her puffy white gown to explain,
"My Diamond! you will have to exit the room, you are in peril, uhh, the threat is, readying, itself,  to attack you!",
the crowd of gems let out another gasp as both Diamonds looked at this tiny Sapphire in full concern.
"This is completely outrages, do not make such claims without any informative proof, please leave this cour-", the Aquamarine barked but stopped to the deep voice of my Diamond.
"Please, Aqua, this is my Sapphire, I trust her fully on what she has to say, now Pearl, ready my Palanquin, this trial will be put on recess until further notice."
White Diamond gestured her hands summoning her big White Palanquin through the warp, her Pearl entering right after. Yellow Diamond did so as well leaving the court with a unenthusiastic look.

As both Diamonds left the room, everyone excluding me was in a shock. All of the aristocrats went to this diplomat Sapphire to question her of this abrupt disturbance, but I noticed that she was moving away from them, it was as if she was avoiding from answering them.
With everyone distracted, I looked up to White Zircon, "So, uhh, whats happening?", I asked being oblivious to the situation.
"I'm afraid, I don't even know myself. But at least we have time to gather more information to prove your innocence!", she replied giving a slight grin.
I looked into the crowd of gems huddled over to the Sapphire, obstructing each angle, preventing me from seeing her. The court was now filled with questions and bustling with gems fussing at each other. The Sapphire still was in a silence.
Across the room, Yellow Zircon was just as concerned as them trying to know what was this "danger" the Sapphire had abruptly and rudely claimed all of a sudden.
I didn't care about it though, I was too clouded with the thought of that Pearl, being my replacement for my Diamond. 'Does she even need me anymore? Even if I do get away with this trial, will she still even like me?, what is my purpose? What am I For??', I strained in my mind.

  Just then, I snapped out from my cloud of thoughts to look at the crowd, as a white figure emerged itself from the huddle of gems. It was the Sapphire! In that glimpse of the moment, she grabbed my hand along Zircon's, and just pulled us away, as quick as she escaped those gems. It all happened so fast that all I could remember at the time was that me and Zircon being pulled by a white gloved hand heading towards the light, as gems from behind screamed and wailed at us. Or, at the Sapphire.

The court room's dark flooring slowly faded into a white tile flooring, we were heading out into a divided hall. The Sapphire was basically dragging us along the way, fortunately I was able to keep my stance while I was forced to run with her.
"Woa woa whAt? wHaT ArE yOu DoinG??" Zircon wailed.
The White Sapphire made a stop, causing us to tumble forward and hit the hallway walls. The divided hall was split into two directions, she seemed unsure to either go directions though as she looked to her sides with guards blocking the view.
I spun around, looking at the two directions as well, as the Quartz soldiers notice us. 
I wasn't exactly sure what was going on, but I was confident that this gem lied for our escape.
My Zircon was in such a disarrangement that she could only stare to what was happening and was paralysed with shock.

The gems of the court ran to our direction as the Quartz soldiers from the sides were no exception heading towards us as well. I was surprised that the Sapphire was in such a calm state. She was as if not threatened to the situation.
She then turned to the stark white wall and raised both her hands, her gem glowed as the wall revealed an opening.
The opening led to a dark void, tempting but scary to go into.

She offered her hand to me as her hair cleared its obstruction revealing a single eye on her face.
"Are you coming?", she said, her eyes glistering by the light. I reluctantly accepted the help, but I was still unsure if I can just trust her straight away like that.
She offered her hand to Zircon as well, but as she did, Zircon was still paralysed in shock as she was speechless to what was happening.
The gems running after us were getting closer each second we waited for a response from Zircon.
The Sapphire was impatient to wait any longer and so she disappeared, entering the dark opening.
Inches away, an intimidating Quartz soldier glared at us, threatening to put us in capture. Without hesitating, I grasped and pulled Zircon in with me, the opening closed after our entry.
We were greeted with a full blank darkness to my dismay.

 We were greeted with a full blank darkness to my dismay

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