Doubtful arrogance (3/3)

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  I stood shakily from the ground walking over to the walls, aimlessly searching for a sort of passageway or an exit but I didn't prevail.

The shorter gem beside the looming Diamond continued on,
"I will prepare the subject for lockdown now... my Diamond.", she walked over to her left disappearing from sight as a door slid up opening a view into a different room. As she walked into it, I quickly ran heading towards her hoping to make it out with her as well but unfortunately the door closed just before I could reach it. My hands clenched as they pressed onto the closed door. I turned back, looking at the Diamond by a side view. She was still in the same pose as before, her hands behind her back and a serious expression portrayed her contoured face, observing the gems fixated with restrains. My concern began to rise on the thought of me being alone in a room with a Diamond I've never encountered before.

     Her intentions were quite mysterious and her very own being of existence was unknown by any other so far in exception to the other Diamonds. Silence filled the partly dark room. Still being in my position, I glanced over to the window, looking into the room behind it, but the intensity of the light illuminated so bright that I couldn't even distinguish a single thing but a white view. She turned her head slightly to the left, almost as if facing at my direction but she looked away into the light a second later.
"Don't be afraid...", a soft deep feminine voice spoke,
"... your going to be just fine.", She spoke again.
Pink Diamond's voice somehow echoed everywhere loudly in this small enclosed room but I was oblivious of what she said. I looked at her standing upright, showing no sign of hesitation to her needs. She then turned to me in which I slightly gasped to. I rippled in fear as I looked down to the floor, ashamed of my rude abrupt presence.
She walked over and stopped just right in front of me, I looked in wide eyes to the floor focusing between it and her Pink gravity connectors.

  A gloved finger touched the beneath of my chin as it raised my head up delicately for me to face her. She gave a smile to me as the room dimly lit with a pale pink light. I attempted to speak with a noticeable shake in my voice.
"M- my, my Diamond.. I - I..".
Pink Diamond chimed in cutting my frail words, "Hello there!".

   I was  surprised for her to say this as I was expecting for an aggression but, no. She looked at me nicely instead. For a moment I took thought of the situation,  I realised my presence of being here was quite similar to how I appeared in my memories and thought to assume the same was happening currently. I looked at her confidently scowling as I raised my hand slapping her's off from my chin.
"No! I know what this is, your not Real! Just like everyone here, your all lies, I... I just want... I just want to get back to my Diamond....", I shouted to her blindingly spitting out my feelings as I was not aware of what I mostly said.
I faced back down to the floor, shutting my eyes with a mix of anger and confusion. Her voice spoke abruptly breaking the silence after,
"She is not who you think she is..... and I am not who you think I am."

  I looked back up to her, only to find her  nowhere to be seen. The door in which the previous gem had gone out through opened once more following the gem's entry. As I remembered it, she had pale skin and had hair coloured in turquoise blue, It was now clear that she was an Amazonite.

   Her gem glowed, colouring the dark with a tint of Bluish green and Pink illumination. She walked over to the window, completely ignoring my presence as she took out a hand held communicator from her belt of items. She tapped the screen with an assent look as she proceeded to record her report. A clear, profound voice spoke,
"Test log 655, the Tourmaline has shown tremendous results. Note that test subject 2f3 cut 36t excels to develop 'Jasper' like features, acquiring Quartz strength and mass formation incongruous of her own self. We are now currently readying the subject for lock down phase. Newer abilities or other animosities that subjects to occur will be documented for any monotonous thinking. End log.."

   she said ending her report.
I stood in silence with no comment what so ever of her statement, but I still had to get out of that place.
A hand grabbed my shoulder from behind. I turned to it to find the memory manipulator, seeming to be glad after she had found me.
"Oh here you are! I've been looking Everywhere for you! Now come on..", she said grabbing me by my wrist as she pulled me to a direction.

   I followed her for a while, running behind her as she tugged me along, but I couldn't handle to go on without knowing the reason for all of this. I slowed down pulling my hand back from her grasp as she turned to me, "Wait, HEY! I am Not going any further unless you explain yourself of this, of all of this, whats going on? How do you know about me, how do you know about my memories as if you know what and who I am? I'm not proceeding without an answer!", I shouted to her. She placed a concerned look at me, as she urged me to go on as if a tragedy had just or is going to happen. "Come on..", She said but I refused to listen to her,
"....No.", I angered.

  She sighed, looking down with eyes closed. She turned to me, displaying a tiresome and concerned face in conjunction I rubbed my wrist.
"Okay.. I kinda have something to confess.".

  She sat down onto the floor and gestured me to do the same, so I unsurely sat opposite of her.
"Why are we sitting down?"
I asked her,
"Well. Do you want to hear me out or what?", she replied with a little sass.
"Okay! Okay! Fine, just tell me!"

   She sighed a little and explained,
"Alright, I know we sort of got off from a bad start, and, we just met out of nowhere and I never really got to introduce myself but, here, I am Tourmaline 24J cut d73. Well, I used to be. I was made right here on Homeworld just like the rest of our Tourmaline kind. I used to serve as a primary defence officer for the White Diamond court back when, the incident happened. The reason why you don't recognise me is because, Tourmalines were soon terminated and records referring to our existence were erased because we were seen as another failure to never look back at. Instead of continuing our line of production, we were replaced by much highly skilled guards, some I may recall being called as Quartz soldiers. All work occupations had exponentially grew too short for newer gems or even old ones that had been replaced, and so, since gems like us weren't needed and we had no purpose whatsoever to live on, we were soon left with no choice but to accommodate to being shattered or casted away. Some of us, who were  fortunate to escape the fate of being shattered, were caught and forced to be used as puppets for their orchestrated productions, which I am referring to is the gemmetics project of Pink Diamond's. This project required the involvement of a variety of different gems, most of which were commonly abundant beings such as Quartz soldiers and Pearls and conditionally, they also required the rarest beings such as Emeralds and Aquamarines. I wasn't included within any of these two groups, as I was a part of the ones who were highly.... inefficient.

  We were put in testing facilities, with gems harsher than you can imagine, as we were extracted, injected and reacted with different substances to create the 'Perfect' beings we were meant to be. Well, since this project is kept secretive from the publics eye, questions were brought up of the missing gems being used as test subjects over the extent it had been going on, and some even had information and detail about this whole  thing and started to speculate around, and, thats where you come along. Well, sort of...", I looked at her, tempted to know more, "...You dropped into this facility by accident, and I know you've been conspicuous to the idea of this project, and, well, I know about you and your whole life before this moment and you may ask how that is. Well..."
A muffled shout echoed, cutting through Tourmaline's words.

"Akh, no! Quick we have to go now!", she shouted to me as she tugged me away by my hand. I followed her reluctantly but I gained a bit of trust for  her, although not fully.

  We kept running and running, somehow phasing through the black void like walls as light began to reveal out sight. I didn't remember much of this part but all I can say is that we were panting heavily and we kept on running until we finally made it out somewhere.

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