Chapter 3 - Doubtful arrogance (1/3)

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   The explosion came from behind, opposite of the front entrance. My Diamond in shock turned to look at the onslaught of gems, in annoyance she scowled at them, angered of their presence.
"Pearl, you know what to do..", she said gesturing a hand at me (my past self)
The Diamond in distress fled away from the scene right before one of the gems attacked inches from the Palanquin. The Pearl of her's unhesitatingly piloted them away from the area in a not so fast pace, unfortunately one of the rebels snuck into the transport, wielding a tool of destruction. The present Pearl watched this past memory, not wanting to proceed into it more but she had no power to stop it.

The gem inside revealed herself, threatening the two as the weapon she held terrorised them in full distress. The Diamond came to a realisation that this gem wielded something very familiar to her. A thick covering strapped on her arm with a luminous cone of steel pointing upfront to strike. The exact weapon used for her ludicrous experiments.

She had knew that a weapon like this could be a threat to all, even to a Diamond. "You homeworld gems are No match for US! We will.." the gem was poofed right at the spot as a large finger pressed upon her top, leaving her a remain of clouds. Pearl did not focus on to much of the piloting and so the Palanquin slowed down and stopped right in the middle of the long stretched field of the base. The base was practically empty as all defence sources had been allocated to fight in the war going on in the planet below them.
A few agates were only present as they were aware of the traitors chasing after the Palanquin.
I took a few steps back a bit from where I was standing, hiding myself behind a pillar. I didn't want to see this part of the memory, I didn't want to remind myself of this. I laid my gaze upon the couldy blue sky behind as I took the moment to ignore the scene, for a while I forgot I was in a high stress situation of almost being caught in a testing facility but the surrounding blurred once more and changed to appear outside of the base causing me to be reminded of the reality.
The guards (Agates) had a hard time fighting them off, they were just too many.

My past self was starting to fear that they might overpower us and thought the worst of what could happen to my beloved Diamond.
She just, sat there, not doing anything. She was looking at the tool she held with her fingers, observing it, thinking of how such a rudimentary gem got a hold of it in the first place.

The agates circulated around the group, not knowing what to do else wise, they stroke them all with their whips, quite dated for the most part of our current weapons.
The gems cried out in pain, some starting to give up from fighting back as they stood down surrendering themselves. One of the bunch snook past them and quickly got away running towards the Palanquin urging to complete their mission of shattering the Diamond inside.

None of the Agates could break their circulation surrounding the gems as they would all escape which might lead them to cause more trouble in other colonies.

She jumped into the open clear in sight as she too held the device screaming words desperate to be true. My Diamond, expressed her anger to the gem who bravely dared to shout at her own creator,
"How dare you oppose my authority! This is my colony and I made you and so forth you belong to me!" She taunted. She stood from her seat intimidatingly scowling at the tiny gem.
She raised a foot and stomped right at the cowardice speck.
The commission that they strived to achieve was impossible to ever be an outcome, and the shattered pieces of the opposer was proof enough. She walked out of her Palanquin now looking to be open towards what was happening, she stood a few feet away from the Agates restraining the group.  They looked at her with faces of regret, now admitting the power of the Diamonds.
I stood just right at the side of my past self, she seemed pleased to know of the succeeding situation. However. A rebel in the group provoked the Agate holding them captive, sooner annoying her going as she planned.

The Agate took a final word of humiliation as she turned to face the gem in anger. Disgusted of her, she swung the gem a hand, slapping her face in despise.

The gem slowly turned her head to the Agate piercing her eyes at her whip, then turned to face the Agate's unpleased expression and in a blink of an eye, she head bumped the Agate by her legs, causing her to fall and hit the ground. The restrains clamping her hands were heavy, but she managed to get up and swing the heavy metal onto the back of the Agates head and thus poofing her, leaving her gem on the ground. "You might think that gems who rebel like these are kind and giving, but the truth is, they are aggressive, merciless and sinisterly selfish. They would even shatter a gem like this....", the memory manipulator said as the Agate's gem broke into several pieces by the rebels. " matter what.."

(Lets just call this test subject gem 'the memory manipulator' for the moment)

The gem used her heavy restrains as a counter defence against the whips slashed at her. She somehow managed to poof and shatter all of the Agates leaving nothing but their whips to use for their own, all happened witnessed by the Diamond and Pearl. The one particular gem who beat the first Agate seemed to be the leader of the bunch. She glared at My Diamond, intending their threat to finally be done with.
She slowly took a few steps heading towards us, then, she gained pace. I looked at my Diamond who was currently calm and arrogant, as if nothing had just happened and the impending danger was nothing to be concerned of. The rebel, alongside with the others behind her now ran, screaming, as they quickly got closer and closer.

I was worried and terrified of this, but just when the gem swiftly jump and pointed her weapon directly at my Diamond... I got startled and gasped, I awoke to find myself back in the cart inside the testing room again. I looked around panting and breathing heavily as I shoved the curtains to the side looking out to the memory manipulator seated un-dauntingly.

The door opened yet again with the same group of gems coming in and checking in on her. I covered my view back up with the curtains as they entered. They were all holding their screens still typing and reporting of the gem's current state. She was in a state of paralysis again. I shoved myself back a bit but my elbow hit something behind. It made a few 'tings' and those 'tings' were apparently coming from glass but alas my end might come to this, a glass apparatus fell and broke behind me.
It caught nearly all of the gem's attentions, that one of them that happened to be an Aquamarine went ahead and left her spot to check on it.

I panicked, I didn't know what to do! Her wings flapped and fluttered louder and louder as she got closer to me.

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