Judicial dispute (5/5)

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Pearl stumbled over to the hard ground causing her to retort and remark angrily at the gem, but on the inside, she was scared and confused. She was relieved though to find herself in her Diamond's plain white ship.

The Aquamarine faced away after a final glare at Pearl and fluttered out of the room. The door closed, Pearl looked around in confusion to the unfamiliar surrounding that she was introduced to by force. She had been everywhere in her Diamond's ship, but never in this blank, white, enclosed room with a single warp pad being in the middle. "Where the heck..?", Pearl muttered slightly feeling a stroke of worry. She was concerned about Tourmaline, who would probably had been brought back to the torment of the tests by now.
In the abrupt moment, the sound of the warp pad emitted. It came from behind her as she looked back to see the Blue illumination coming from the pad. Soon, a gem appeared. She was clearly an era 1 Zircon.

Her attire signified that she was under my Diamond's court, who wore a mix of white and gray, as a rectangular cut gem was located on her chest. Her facial expression portrayed a worrisome look and she seemed to be in a knot doing something, being focused mainly on her screens.
"Hukh!, all that hard work for this? Of all the assignments I've had, how can you..", she pointed at me with a full grimace, "... be conducive to legality?",
Pearl looked to her sides, and back to the Zircon, "uhh, can I help you?", she asked being unsure of the gem's state.
"Help me? Your the one who's going to need help right now!"
Pearl was immensely oblivious to the Zircon's exclamation.

"Uhm, what do you mean?", Pearl asked assuringly.
"I know right? This is truly a beset, incoherent to any explanation!...", the Zircon said ignoring Pearl's question.
"...These files can't explain anything! Emphasising you as a subjugation to the whole incident does not clear anything up!",
The Zircon's hand fiddled a cacophony of beeps as she continued to tap her screens elegantly in a technological manner. Pearl had only stared at her, still being confused on what she was talking about.

"Hugh, no, were going to be out in 2 minutes, this is certainly unprecedented! Who does that Amazonite even think she is? Suggesting such proposals!
'It would be easy' they said!"

"Umm, hey can I please know why I'm here???", Pearl questioned.

"Well what else are you here for?, Your here for a Trial!, And they said that Aquamarine would do great at introducing you to all this!" Zircon explained.
Pearl looked at her in disbelief,
"What? A trial? For me? a Pearl? Your joking! There has never been a trial held for servant such as me, why would they.."

"The regulations had been changed during a court meeting, proposed by an Amazonite! Now come on, we need to list out the events that happened during the incident and concatenate them to prove your innocence." Zircon cut in through Pearl's words.
"Wait, wait, wait! What is going on? Why am I in a trial? I did not do anything wrong unless if it's because..", a stroke of memory of Pearl being a trespasser of the testing facility came to mind,
"I, uhh...",
"Well, from the information that had been gathered, you were accused for being unattended to our Diamond during a fire incident, having an unclean record for starting rebellions and piracies in Homeworld's native bases, aaand, accused for exchanging secret information from Homeworld's highly secured database via our Diamond's main screen."

"Uhhh...", Pearl was too overwhelmed that words had failed her.


  The last thing that Tourmaline heard from Pearl was her terrified scream fading away as she was brought out from the room by a blue gem.  "Aaagghh, let me go!", the Peridot held the escaped test subject firmly to the ground. "Oh shut up, you! This is going to be amazing, I wonder what they would reward me for this heroic act?!", the peridot exclaimed clenching her fist to her body as she looked up being proud of herself.

"Heyy! Please, No!!!! I don't want to go back to that horrible place! Please!", Tourmaline pleaded only to get ignored by the gem holding her in place.
She yanked Tourmaline up, holding both of her hands behind her back as she pulled out a sort of restraining device from her belt and placed them over Tourmaline's wrists. The device cuffed her hands, restraining them as it made her incapable of moving them apart.

The Peridot took a minute as she still admired her thoughts, 'maybe they'll give me my own Pearl!' she exaggerated in her head. Tourmaline struggled to get herself free from the restrains, but did not avail. Her heart sank as the memories and thoughts of her being tormented flashed through her mind, she was devastated, unknowing what to do next as her heart raced in fear of the situation. Eventually, the Peridot snapped out from her day dreams as she took out another item from her belt, this time, a green tinted communicator.

Tourmaline tensed a little, still, she did not let her fear get in the way of her courage. As the Peridot tapped a few buttons on the display, she proceeded to gain contact with a commander, intending to report to her about the Tourmaline she had found.
Tourmaline couldn't let her do this, she was too depressed of the idea of getting back to the facility, she had to do something.

  Right before the Peridot could land her finger onto the screen to tap a button, Tourmaline slowly pulled herself forward, and in an immediate action, she swiftly bumped the Peridot behind her. Causing them both to tumble over.
"Awe!", both of them exclaimed. The communicator fell to the ground just inches away from the Peridot rubbing her nose right over the other side. They looked at each other, squinting and having the same intentions.
They both jumped over to the small pane of glass, again, bumping foreheads as they exclaimed in pain. The Peridot reached her hand out for it, but Tourmaline kicked the communicator right out of the way, as it slid away further near to a spacecraft. "Rrrrggh! Why do you have to make this much more difficult?!", the Peridot barked angrily.

She got up from the ground racing to the communicator, but Tourmaline clamped both her gravity connectors with her's, resulting the Peridot to fall flat on her face. With Tourmaline's greatest strength, she tore apart the restrains on her wrists letting her sore hands be free. She loomed over the Peridot, who was in a mess trying to get herself together as Tourmaline shot her a shadowy, and frightening look. She lifted her hands as both met being grasped in a fully clenched manner.

Her gem on her chest glimmered and illuminated, causing her clenched hands to do the same. The glowing clenched hands distorted in shape as it slowly manifested it's light into a hammer, finishing it's form as a menacing tool.
The dumbfounded Peridot moved back in terror, as the gem before her readied into position.
"I'm sorry..", Tourmaline said at a final. She swung the manifested hammer hands to the gem, causing a green poof of cloud to blur her surrounding. The green gem laid flat on the ground, as the smoke lingeringly disappeared from sight.

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