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Annie's POV
I just woke up like two hours ago and I'm doing school because if I finish soon mommy said I could go to bora bora with Jayden. So I might have the tiniest crush on her. I feel like we are friends but our hugs and things we do seem a little more than that. You know?

I mean we are both 13 and I think she feels the same way but I'm not sure. Like sometimes I'll kiss her cheek out of no where or she'll wrap her arms around me. Like we cuddle but it's just more than that. I don't know I'm just confused and I don't know if I am gay or bi. And I'm so tired of everyone pushing hannie on us like I mean I know we hold hands and stuff but Jayden.

I get dressed in a black lace bralette with a black jacket which is a little big so my shoulder is kinda exposed. Then I'm wearing regular light blue jeans with my white slip on vans. I do my makeup just mascara, highlight and some concealer. Nothing too big since we are only going to some selfie museum.

Daddy is home with the dogs and I really just want to move to LA because we are always here. We should bring the dogs and just live here. And I'm also close to Jayden so then I can see her more often. Since I'm always working and then writing it's just a lot for a 13 year old.

There's a knock on the door and I run to open it and I see Jayden. I jump on her and she holds me thank god because if I fell like ow! "Jayden I missed you so much" I say. "I missed you more chicken nugget" we have cute nicknames like chicken nugget and Jayden calls me princess or babe. That's another reason I think she likes me. Cause do you call your friends babe? I mean I don't.

"You look cute" I say once Jayden puts me down she smiles and kisses my cheek. "Thanks babe you look gorgeous" I blush and push her away. I hug her mom and we go into the living room.

I walk into the living room and Jayden grabs my waist pulling me down on top of her. I squeal and we land on the big bean bag thing. "Jayden"  I yell. She smiles and runs in Hayley's room. I chase her and she's laying on the bottom bunk. I jump on her and tickle her. "Annie stop" she laughs out. I giggle and she flips us over. I bite my lip and she kisses my cheek. "Girls you ready" I hear my mom yell. "We're ready" I yell back.

"Get off me" she shakes her head and I groan. "Kiss me" she says. I get nervous is she kidding? "Jayden" I whine. "Kiss me and I will get off of you" I smile two can play this game. I sit up and grab her face pressing my lips against hers. She leans me back down onto the pillow and her hands grab my waist. "Annie" Jayden groans and gets off of me. I fix my hair and my jacket before grabbing Jayden's hand.

We are taking tons of selfies and Jayden comes next to me and kisses my cheek. I smile and she takes a picture. "We're so cute" she says smiling. Gosh I really like her! She grabs my hand and it's 5 now Hayden's party is at 7 and we have to go home to get dressed. Jayden has clothes to sleepover for the next two days I think or more. We have a week off of shooting besides pick up scene and some voiceovers.

We get back to the apartment and I fix up my makeup and my hair. I brush out the curls so it's loose. Jayden's hair is straight. She's wearing white ripped jeans with a bomber jacket and a crop top. She's wearing black heels so she's super tall to me right now. I put on my timberland boots heels with blue jeans and I white cropped shirt. "Your cute lets take a mirror pic" she says getting her phone. I grab mine and she wraps her arms around my waist and takes a picture.

"Annie and Jayden and Hayley can y'all go wait for the food downstairs" I hear my mom yell. I run downstairs. "Sure mommy" Jayden holds my hand and we go into the elevator. Hayley runs in before it closes and I press the first level. It's taking forever to go to the first floor. We are only on the fourth floor. I press the first floor and we don't move. "Jayden" I whisper. Hayley is on her phone and I'm freaking out. "Babe you okay" she whispers.
I press the door open button and it's not working. "Um Hayley don't freak out we're stuck" I say trying to stay calm. I can't freak out because Hayley will freak out. I check my phone it's only been 5 minutes. I hug Hayley as I see her start to freak out, she hates elevators and this is like her worst fear. Everyone says I hate Hayley but I love her she's my sister and of course she annoys be but I will always love and care for her.

"Hi um we are stuck on the elevator" Jayden says trying to stay calm. Hayley starts crying and all I can do is hold her and try not to cry. Gosh! I grab my phone and call mommy I put her on FaceTime and Jayden is holding Hayley she's still crying. "Hi Annie what's taking so long" tears fall from my eyes and mommy gives me a concerned look. "We're stuck in the elevator" I say. "Okay did you call them" I nod. "They said call 911 and don't press any buttons" she nods and I see her walking around. "I says we're on the 2nd floor" I tell her. "Okay stay calm were coming"

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