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Annie's POV
I wake up around 8 and no one is up at least I think so I shake Jayden.

"What's wrong" she asks.

"Nothing I just don't want to be up by myself" she smiles and rolls her eyes. I grab my phone and she does the same. We go on Snapchat and send streaks. She grabs her camera and vlogs and that reminds me to vlog but mommy already has the camera probably vlogging Hayley or something. I lay my head on Jayden's chest and kisses my forehead. I see mommy walk up the stairs vlogging and I smile and yawn.

"Morning sleepy heads how was the party" she asks.

"It was fun" we both say at the same time.

"So what are we doing today" asks Jayden.

"I have set" I say.

"It's fine I get to see you act" I smile and sit up. Jayden sits up and mommy turns the vlog camera off. She goes back downstairs to get ready.

"I'm gonna shower" Jayden says grabbing her bag of clothes. She pecks my lips and goes downstairs. I fall back on my bed and smile up at the ceiling. I'm dating Jayden Bartels. Life is crazy!

Once I hear the shower stop I run downstairs and knock on the door. She opens dressed and she's doing her makeup. I take a shower quickly and Jayden is doing the rest of her makeup in my room in front of my mirror. I grab the vlog camera once I'm dressed. I run upstairs and set it down filming me do my makeup.

"Jayden can you straighten my hair" I ask. She nods and folds the couch in and puts the throw pillows and blanket on it. She parts my hair and straightens it. It looks cute.

"Thank you" I turn around and turn the camera off so I can peck her lips.

"No problem babe" I don't do a lot of makeup because they are going to do it so I just prime my face and put on very light concealer.

"Annie lets go" my mom yells. Hayley is filming today too but daddy is going with her and mommy is going with me. So we all get in the car me and Jayden in the way back Hayley is in the middle seat and daddy is driving. Jayden puts her arm around my waist and luckily you can't really see it so fans don't get any ideas.

I get out and we walk into the makeup trailer we are filming a dance today and I'm excited. I hold Jayden's hand as we walk in. I see Mads getting her hair done and Riley is getting makeup done. They get up and hug me. Dylan and Indiana are filming some pick up scenes.

"Hey I'm gonna go find the boys and hang with them" Jayden says. She pecks my cheek without noticing and walks out. My mom is with the parents probably drinking coffee and talking. I blush and mads eyes me.

"What's going on with you and Jayden" Riley asks.

"Nothing what you mean"

"Well I thought hannie was real" says mads.

"No we are friends he almost like a brother to me" they nod and then I get makeup done. It's light and simple they put lipgloss on me and i think it looks really good. They stick with straight hair and then I head to wardrobe. Rhyme has a very different taste for fashion she likes pink I don't really well it depends on my mood because I think I've worn pink once but I was filming for we are savvy. I find Jayden on the bleachers with Christian and Carson. I walk over there and sit next to Jayden.

"Chicken girls get ready" I get up and do the scene with the girls. It's been about four hours and now I'm doing school with Indi.

"Hey babe" someone whispers in my ear. I blush and turn around to see Jayden and I smile widely. I wish I could kiss her but I will at her house because I'm sleeping over at her house.

"I got you chips" she says sitting down and handing me Doritos.

"How did you know the their my favorite" I ask.

"Your my girlfriend" she whispers to me. I try not to blush and I bite my lip looking down at my lap trying to focus on my school work.

I'm going to the movies with Jayden and she said it's her treat and it's a date and that's super cute. My mom dropped us off at city walk and Jayden grabs my hand.

"Our first date" she says smiling.

"I know what movie are we seeing" I ask.

"How about it" I look at her scared.

"Seriously" she nods and I sigh.

"Fine" she pecks my cheek and we walk to the movie theater. She pays for tickets and then we go inside to get snacks.

"A coke and a large popcorn please" Jayden asks.

"That will be 15.21" Jayden hands her; her card and I grab the popcorn. We are like 5 minutes early so we sit in the movie theater watching the trailers and previews.

Jayden grabs my hand and i smile at her. There are so many people in here but Jayden kisses my lips softly making me smile.

"Movie is starting stop distracting me" I say pushing her away.

I grab Jayden's hand and scream at the jump scare. "Shh annie" Jayden says laughing.

"It's not funny this is scary" I whine.

"Sorry baby" I blush at her calling me baby.

Once the movie is over my mom picks us up and I grab everything I need for the sleepover and we go to Jayden's house. This is the first time I'm sleeping over at Jayden's. I'm so excited! We go to her room and it's super cute. "I love your room" I hear the door close and arms wrap around my waist I turn around and wrap my arms around Jayden's neck. She picks me up and puts me on her bed and kisses me. I kiss her back. I haven't kissed anyone but Jayden and all I know is that she's the best kisser ever. Her lips are so soft and she's gentle and kind. She kisses down my neck and I let out a small moan. I blush feeling embarrassed, I've never done that before.

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