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Annie's POV
It's Monday and I just woke up and I'm doing school mommy is vlogging it's like 8. My phone dings and it's Jayden texting me.

Babe💓: morning baby
Me: morning Jayden!
Babe💓: I already miss you and I saw you yesterday😂
Me: I miss you too
Babe💓: I have dance after school I'll ask my mom if we can pick you up
Me: let me ask

I run downstairs and mommy is vlogging Hayley eating and they are laughing. "Can I go to dance with Jayden" I ask mommy. "Yea sure" I run upstairs and grab my phone.

Me: my mom said yes!
Babe💓: mine too yay! I can't wait to c u
Me: me too! Have fun at school
Babe💓: I will bye baby
Me: bye
Babe💓: 😚💓
Me: 😚💓

I put my phone down and continue school Jayden only has two weeks of school left and I have a few days and then I can go to bora bora with my girlfriend. I haven't told mommy but it's only been like 3 days so I won't tell her till it's like a year or something. I clean my room and help mommy and Hayley clean the house. My phone rings and I run upstairs to get it. It's Jayden. I pick it up "hi babygirl" I blush and bite my lip. "Hi jayden" I say. "I'm on my way get dressed" she says. "Why didn't you call me before what am I supposed to wear jay" she laughs and I groan. "It's fine we have like a hour" I nod even though she can't see me.

There's a knock on my door and I run to see Jayden and her mom. "Hi Annie" I smile and she wraps her arms around my waist hugging me. I hug her back and then I grab her hand and run upstairs to get dressed. I'm in my Calvin Klein sports bra and I have on my lulu leggings. "Your so beautiful" Jayden says looking up from her phone. "Thank you" I say smiling at her. I put on a white crop top and my white vans before sitting on her lap. We sit on our phone and play fortnite. Which I die from because it's scary.

Jayden's POV
Everyone already left the dance studio but it doesn't close for another 30 minutes and my mom left to get us a snack or something. I grab Annie and pulls her body close to mine. Her ass is pressed but against my front and I bite my lip when she moves her hips against me. "Baby stop" I stutter. She turns around and kisses me and I kiss back and pick her up pushing her against a wall. I start to kiss down her neck but Annie pushes me away and she's blushing. "Babe your mom could walk in" I nod and grab her hand so she can lay down on me.

Annie's POV
It's Tuesday and Jayden just got out of school and she doesn't have dance today she has an audition so I decide to be a good girlfriend and get her some ice cream. I get her sherbet with rainbow sprinkles. Her mom lets me in and I walk into her moms room where Jayden is sitting on her phone and I walk in and she smiles. "Annie" she yells smiling widely. "What are you doing here" she asks. "I brought you ice cream" I say handing it to her. "Hi how are you" she hugs me and kisses my cheek. I post the video on my Snapchat and sit down on the bed and we talk.

Two weeks later
Last day of school for Jayden and I'm already done with school and we are going to bora bora tomorrow. I'm so excited the fans don't know yet but they will when the vlog goes up and we both post pictures. Me and Jayden have been together for two weeks and 5 days. We've seen each other almost every day or every other day. She's coming over today and I'm so excited. I did my makeup and I straightened my hair. I put on black ripped jeans with a grey shirt that says girl power and I tie it. I put on my black vans with that outfit. I don't know where we are going but it's gonna be fun. And she's sleeping over we go to bora bora in like 4 days I think. Which means I need to start packing. I head downstairs because it's around 2:30 now and Jayden should be here any minute so we go downstairs and wait outside for them. I see Jayden and my mom is vlogging of course. I jump on Jayden wrapping my legs around her waist and she holds me up thankfully because that would have hurt. "Omg you look gorgeous" she says and then hugs me again. "Hi Katie how are you" she hugs my mom and then picks up Hayley spinning her around. I love how Jayden gets along with Hayley so well, like we can all hang out and have fun. We are first going to eat at chipotle and then I don't know where we are going. Jayden and I sit at a two table sort of like a little date. We are only a table away from mommy and Jayden's mom. Jayden goes on her phone to post a picture on snap and it's captioned 'date with her' and our heart emoji. 💓

"We are going mini golfing" my mom says. We all scream and Jayden wraps her arms around my waist pushing me backward in a hug. "I'm so gonna moose" Hayley says we all laugh knowing it's probably true.

We are taking pictures by this pond because it has a cute railing so Jayden and I take pictures. I look at the picture and Jayden is looking at me so cutely. "That one is so cute" Jayden says looking at me. I blush and look away from her.

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