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Annie's POVEveryone spent the night and it was really run

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Annie's POV
Everyone spent the night and it was really run. They stayed up but I went to sleep because I knew Elle was gonna be up. Hungry or something. And right on time I hear crying. I go upstairs and start breast feeding Elle. She shushes and sucks on my nipple. I can't believe I'm breastfeeding. And this is normal to me. I'm only 14. My phone goes off and I reach over trying not to move Elle and grab my phone.

Mommy- sorry we didn't come home, we are packing a little more and Hayley fell asleep. We will probably be back later tonight cause hay hay is filming again okay?

Me- yeah it's fine, ttyl

Mommy- love you

Me- love you too

After I'm done breast feeding her I head downstairs holding my baby and I get her high chair and give her a toy for her to play with. I set her in her high chair and give her a little piano. I strap her in so she doesn't fall out. It's so tiny and cute. She loves playing with it. I kiss her head and start on breakfast. The new kitchen has a really long counter to eat like with ten chairs and it's so cool. I get out eggs, bacon, sausage and pancakes. I start on eggs and bacon. I see someone steal the bacon and I know it's Jayden. She wraps her arms around my waist and kisses the back of my neck.

"Morning babygirl" I blush.

"Morning Jayden" I say.

"You're cooking" She states and I nod.

"Our guests won't starve."

"You don't feed me."

"I do you liar."

"Mkay whatever you say" She says making me smile. She kisses my neck and I giggle. "Stop" I laugh and she pulls me closer. "I love you" She says. "And I you" I say turning my head to look at her. She kisses me and I turn the stove down so it doesn't burn and I wrap my arms around her neck and kiss her back. "You are the best thing that's ever happened to me" She says once we part and I smile with tears. I turn back around to finish cooking.

"What about Elle" I ask.

"You brought me her. I love you both so much. More than my life itself. I would die for you. I would give anything for my babies. All i've ever wanted is you." I cover my face as tears fall. "Baby what's wrong" She asks pulling me around so I'm facing her. I uncover my face and wipe my tears. "I never want to loose you. Never ever!" She smiles and kisses me quickly. "You won't."

I finished breakfast and everyone is eating. Jayden is on her phone doing something. I kiss Elle and she smiles. I kiss her again and she giggles loudly showing her pink gums. "Is that funny" I ask kissing her lips again. She stops smiling and then I kiss her and she smiles again. I look at Jayden and she's still on her phone. I stand in front of her and wrap my arms around her. She's still looking down at her phone and I frown. "Jayden show me attention" I whine pouting my lower lip out. "What" She asks and I'm taken back. "Don't what me" I say with attitude. "Okay then whet" I shake my head and she laughs. "That was a good one" Carson says.

We decided to go to the mall today so we are meeting everyone and then going to Dani's party. It's her birthday. I'm excited. I haven't really been out since the baby. And that's mostly my fault. I decide to go live on instagram while I get ready because I'm so inactive. Elle is between my legs playing with stuff. I think my makeup brushes. "Hi everyone, Elle wave" I say and she smiles shyly. "What are you doing" I read. "I'm doing my makeup because we are going out to the mall. Shopping" I say smiling. Elle claps smiling and I kiss her head. "Yay shopping" Jayden says unenthusiastic. "Hey no" I pout and she leans down and kisses my lips quickly. "You're supposed to be getting dressed" I say. "I'll get Elle dressed" She says and I smile. "Okay" She eyes me up and down and I blush and shake my head. "Go away!" I say and she laughs going to change Elle. I talk and answer questions as I do my makeup. "We are done baby hurry up. Everyone is there already love" Jayden says and I roll my eyes. She sits down next to me and I smile seeing her cute outfit. She's wearing a black tank top with jeans and black converse. And a white jean jacket over. Her hair is in a slick bun. Her makeup done and she's so cute. I'm already dressed in a white tube top with a green over-all dress. And white slip on vans. My hair is curled and make up is finally do. I get up and put it all away. I put lotion on and Jayden is talking. I smile and 'aww' at my babygirl. "She's so cute" I say and take her from Jayden's arms. She ends the live and then grabs the vlog camera and I get the baby's backpack. "Ready" I nod and we head outside to get into the uber. "Aww cute baby" The guy says. "Thanks" We say at the same time.

We are shopping with our friends and I'm holding Elle. She's asleep in my arms and very heavy. People are starring and it's making me shy because I am teen mom. And now I'm always being stared at. People think I'm this and that.

"You okay babe." I nod and peck her lips.

"I love you and I can't wait till we turn of age to get married." She grabs my hand playing with my ring.

"I love you too. And I can't wait either." I say smiling. She kisses my hand and I find our friends and keep looking around.

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