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Jayden's POV
I get to Annie's house and then I go inside with my camera and she's taking a shower so I set up my camera in the room so you can see everything that goes on. Annie's shoes are on the steps and it's the perfect place so I hid the camera in there. I play on my phone and sit on the couch just chilling. Annie comes upstairs in a robe I smile. "Hi baby" she leans down and pecks my lips.

"What are you doing here" she asks.

"Just hanging out, I miss you" she smiles and kisses me again.

"I enjoy the kiss ass but you saw me like two days ago" I smirk and she's goes to change. I watch her and she shakes her head realizing I'm staring.

"Damn you're so fine" I bite my lip looking at her. She puts on black biker shorts and a black tank top that's cropped giving me a perfect view of her phat ass. Mhm! I lick my lips and she pushes me but I grab her down with me.

"What the hell" she says and sits up. I sit up too acting confused. She saw it.

"What" I ask.

"What the hell is on your neck" she asks.

"What are you talking about" I push her hands away moving over.

"What's on your neck Jayden" she says sternly and now I'm getting scared.

"It's nothing come on babe" I try to touch her but she stands up pushing me away.

"That's a hickey" she says rubbing my neck and of course it doesn't come off.

"No it's not"

"Where did that come from"

"It's not a hickey babe" I laugh and she crosses her arms glaring at me.

"Then what the hell is it!"

"Nothing just come here"

"No don't freaking touch me. Tell me who did that"

"Are you kidding me"

"Obviously not" I stand up now I'm gonna pretend to be mad.

"It's not a hickey Annie"

"Who the hell is it from!"

"You, who else" I feel her hand come across my face hard and I rub my face looking at my hand.

"Tell me now!"

"It's from you"

"I would know if I gave you a hickey and I haven't so it's not me. Jayden who"

"I'm telling you it's not a hickey, babe it's just a prank"

"It looks real. You're lying" I grab her hips and kiss her but she doesn't kiss back.

"Really" she looks at me sadly.

"Don't lie to me" her voice cracks and I shake my head hugging her but she pushes me away. I run and grab the camera.

"Baby it's a joke, I used the toothbrush that sticks. I would never do that to you" I say giving her a serious look. I turn to camera so you can see both of us.

"I know it just looks real" I kiss her forehead and she closes her eyes and rests her head in my neck. "I love you" she doesn't answer.

"I love you" I say again.

"I love you" she replies and I laugh resting my head on hers.

"That's it for this video, hope you enjoyed because I got smacked" I say.

"I'm sorry, babe I didn't mean to" she says rubbing my face and I kiss her lips.

"It's okay, but can we take a moment to appreciate this beauty. My wife" she laughs and covers her face.

"Stop it" I laugh and kiss her before ending the video.

We are going to see the baby today. Annie is three months and still not showing luckily but she will be soon and we will have to tell everyone soon. She's so scared. And I don't know how to help her. I don't know how she's feeling or if she's okay. All I know is that she's going through something crazy.

"Ready babe" I ask and she nods and we head to the doctors in an uber. I hold her hand and she's nervous I can tell. We finally get there after a dreadful 20 minutes in the car of just panicking and we sit and wait for our names to be called. I had to write down her paperwork because she can't even focus on anything right now. I don't think this is healthy.

"Annie Leblanc" she stands up and I follow her into the room. "You can sit on lay on the table and the doctor will be in shortly" she smiles and leaves. Annie lays down but her leg is bouncing like crazy. Someone comes in asking to swab my mouth. "Just another DNA test" I nod and let her. They've been swabbing me and doing stuff and drawing blood making sure the baby is mine. But she's three months and she's go pregnant November 1st my birthday. So it has to be mine. She was with me all day. Like they are crazy to think it's someone else's baby.

We wait for a little and I grab Annie's hand. "Baby please calm down" I say and she looks at me with a scared look. "I'm getting bigger. I weighed myself and I'm four pounds over my weight and people are gonna notice my stomach. I'm gonna get bullied saying I'm fat and a whore and a slut" she cries and I wipe her face. "It's gonna be okay" she nods and I peck her lips letting go over her hands.

The door opens and the doctor walks in. She's been here testing us and doing a lot. I smile at her and she smiles back sitting down with paperwork.

"Ready to see" she asks and Annie nods nervously and grabs my hand quickly. "Nervous" she asks. "I'm 14 and pregnant shouldn't I be nervous" she asks. "Yes but you have a loving partner and so far you're healthy and the baby is too now you just get to see it" I nod and so does Annie. "Lift your shirt" She lifts it to under her boobs and she puts a stick on her stomach.

"Sorry it's cold" She says and then I see a small thing that looks like a baby. "That's it" Annie asks and tears fill her eyes. Mine too. "Yep, can't tell the gender yet but soon i'll give you a second" I nod and she cleans the gel off Annie tummy and then leaves.

"I'm pregnant" Annie says and covers her face crying. "Are you okay" I ask. "This is exactly what I want with you. This is everything I want. I'm pregnant" I smile and kiss her. She kisses back lovingly and the doctor comes back in telling us we are fee to go and handing us baby pictures. I put mine in the back of my phone case along with a picture on Annie and Hayley.

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