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Annie's POV
Jayden is taking me to Disney today and I packed a little last night, not a lot but I packed so at least I'm getting somewhere. My phone dings and it says babe💓 I smile at the snap before opening up Snapchat.

Babe💓: are you excited for disney
Me: it's my first time at Disney with you of course!
Babe💓: I know please be ready we are on our way
Me: shit now I have to hurry and pick out an outfit
Babe💓: you look amazing in anything
Me: flirt🙄
Babe💓: only for you!
Me: okay bye!
Babe💓: bye😚💓
Me: 😚💓

I put on shorts with this tank top that's stripped and kinda cropped. Then I have my cute Mickey ears I got when I went with Hayley, mommy and daddy. I put on my slip on socks and white converse. I leave my hair down and it's just straight. I do my makeup simple with gloss lips because I really like it right now. I feel hands around my waist and I smile knowing it's Jayden. "Hi babygirl" she says kissing my cheek. "Hi" I whisper blushing.

"Ready for Disney" I nod and we go downstiars to head out.

Jayden is vlogging and she is being a goofball. "We are going to" I decide to join in "Disneyland" we scream smiling. "So yea we will be back" she turns her camera off and I decide to vlog on my phone.

"We are going to" I stop for a dramatic pause "Disneyland" we scream again. "We did the same thing for your vlog" I say laughing. "I know" Jayden says. Once we get in the park I start vlogging and Jayden is talking about her hair and how good it looks. "Wow it looks really good" she's so cute when she's acting all happy and smiley. "Wow" I say and then I touch it trying to mess is up and she grabs my wrist screaming. "I'm a fucking kill you" my mouth goes wide because I'm recording and she doesn't care. She smiles at me and we take pictures and hold hands we get cute shirts that says she's mine. We get to my house and Jayden's mom just waits downstairs Jayden walks me to my door and I stop and turn. She grabs both my hands and leans forward to peck my lips. "I had fun" I say smiling. "Me too" she walks away and I walk in trying not to smile so hard so mommy doesn't think anything.

I wake up around 10 and I start packing and then I'm done we have two more days till we leave and I'm so excited we are going for like 5 days I'm so happy. My first time in bora bora with my first ever girlfriend. Yay! I decide to text Jayden morning.

Me: up and adam babe
Babe💓: I'm up!
Me: I finished packing this morning
Babe💓: good I'm so fucking pumped
Me: me too! I can't wait
Babe💓: I think I'm coming to see you today
Me: you are😁
Babe💓: I think so, what should we do
Me: I don't know we could just hang out I guess watch movies you can teach me more about fortnite because I'm so confused
Babe💓: it's really easy
Me: not for me it's scary
Babe💓: pussy
Me: hey! Rude much
Babe💓: I love you😚
Me: I love me too
Babe💓: don't be like that
Me: I love you too
Babe💓: good I'll be over soon
Me: okay
Babe💓: bye
Me: bye😚💓
Babe💓: 😚💓

Jayden just got here and we are laying down on the couch Jayden has her arm around me and I'm cuddling into her chest. Since we are also best friends and not only girlfriend we figured if we do this it doesn't give too much away. I grab the tv remote and change it so I can play fortnite. Jayden has her hands on top of mine which are on the controller. I scream and throw the controller in fear because I saw footsteps and that means someone's here.

I was laying down on the couch in my room when i see I keep getting tagged in something so I go on Instagram and Connor posted a photo with Jayden. And it says dinner date. "When were you gonna tell me about this" I say a little jealously.

"I didn't think you'd find out"

"Wow wrong answer"

"Just let me finish okay.... I didn't think you would care, since we are only just friend and your my girlfriend I wouldn't do something like that"


"I will ask him to change the caption right now" Jayden grabs her phone and then after a few minutes she shows me it's changed. Now it says fun night with my friend.

"Did you tell him about us" I ask nervously.

"No no of course not I just told him that I like someone and I don't want her to think we are dating and he's fine with it" I nod and wrap my arms around her and she falls back into the couch with me on top. "Thank you" I say as I lean down to peck her lips. I straddle her and she grabs my hips and pulls me closer.

"Anything for you" Jayden says sitting up a little. She leans up to kiss me and I put my hand on her chest and push her back down but I don't stop kissing her. Her fingers play with the hem of the bottom of my shirt and I know we can't cause of my mom. "We can't" I mumble sitting back up. "I know" she groans. I smile and peck her lips before getting off her.

Jayden and I went to the gym so I put on a sports bra and leggings with my vans. Jayden is wearing a hoodie, leggings and Nike shoes. We work out and then take cute mirror pictures. I grab the vlog camera and decide to vlog is walking back to the hotel room. "So we finished working out and I'm so out of breath" I say taking a sip of my water. "We also danced and Annie was so good" Jayden says wrapping her arms around my waist. "No I really wasn't" I deny. "Oh shut up you were so good" I smile and we keep walking.

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