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Jayden's POV
It's time. Annie is giving birth. It's been a crazy 9 months. She's probably so glad it's over. She grabs my hand and squeezes tightly.

"Oh god" she says throwing her head back and releasing my hand. "So close baby two more pushes" I say. "Shut the fuck up" she screams and I try not to laugh. She pushes and then breath and falls back down. A thin layer of sweat is coating her forehead.

"Oh god I'm never having sex again" she says and I frown. "Oh come on" I say and she pushes breaking my hand in the process. I hear cries and they ask me if I want to cut the umbilical cord. I cut it and they clean her off. It's a her. She. We have a baby girl.

I look at Annie and I grab her face kissing her hard and she pulls me closer. "God I love you so much" she smiles against my lips and pecks them one more time. Her eyes start to close and she falls asleep. I kiss her forehead and hold her hand. I rub her arm so she feels safe and secure. it's something i've been doing recently. I'm not mad about it.

Annie's POV
I wake up and then remember where I am. I turn to the side to see my mom, my dad and Hayley asleep. I turn to the other side and Jayden is asleep in the chair holding my baby. She stirs and then sits up and kisses her tiny mouth. I smile and she looks over at me smiling. "Can I hold her" I ask. I have no idea how I'm supposed to be a mother. But I'm gonna be the best mother I can be. "She looks exactly like you" I say look down at her. Jayden moves my bed up and I scoot over letting her in. She wraps her arm around my shoulder and I lean into her. "She gorgeous" Jayden says. "She has your color hair, skin tone, your cheeks, your lips, your chin" I say listing off things. "She has your hair type and curly like Hayley. She has your button nose and perfect eyebrows. She's so adorable. I've never even held a baby this small" Jay says.

The door opens as we are smiling down at our baby. The doctor comes in with a clipboard and papers. "Can I get some stuff from you guys" We both nod sitting more up and Jayden moves her arm from around me. "I need you to sign the birth certificates and give me a name" She says trying to be quiet for the sleeping baby and my family. We both sign and I look at each other and nod. We picked out names a while ago. We haven't told anyone the name.

"Elle Love Bartels" Jayden says and looks at me. I nod. "Okay you're all set you leave in four days just to monitor you and the baby" I nod again and she leaves.

"We have a baby"

"We do" Jayden says and I smile.

"Elle" We both say and I lean down kissing her.

Jayden's POV
Annie is finally coming home today. We set up a small get together just close friends. Austin, Connor, Indi, Riley, Carson, Greg, Matt, and Riley. Just them to have a small welcome home. We re-did Annie's room to accommodate the baby. Her bed is now against a different wall near the closet and there's a crib and changing station we just had to move the piano a little and change some other stuff. But it's look great. There's some gifts everyone brought even though we didn't ask. And there's a whole lot in Annie's room from our baby shower. They are just stacked up. Diapers, clothes, toys everything. She has a ring I'm gonna give her today. Billy just went to get her and we are all hiding. We got car seats in both parents cars. I have a crib and tons of stuff at my house as well. Baby proofed everything. I have a carriage at my house and clothes In such a mom already. Or dad. Ha.

The front door opens and all the lights are off. "Who turned the lights off" I hear Annie say. "I don't know" Everyone jumps up saying surprise and Elle starts crying from the noise. Everyone awes saying sorry. I walk over to Annie taking Elle from her and she says hi hugging everyone and we all make small talk. Having fun. We take pictures for instagram to announce her name and it's gonna be amazing.

"This is so surreal" I whisper to her. Elle fell back asleep. She's so tiny.

"I know" I kiss her softly and slowly. The kiss deepened and I turn my whole body using one hand to hold her face and she grabs my waist.

"Ouuuu" We back away and everyone is smiling. "Oh stop" Annie giggles and we play some light music. We cut cake and just have fun. Everyone want to hold and take pictures with her. Then they all leave after a few hours because Elle is cranky and Annie is tired.

"Sleep" I ask Annie she nods and we head upstairs. She lays on the bed and I rock Elle back to sleep. Annie couldn't really breastfeed her so thank God I made some bottles just incase. She doesn't really like the formula but she drinks it.

I rock her back and forth. She still hasn't opened her eyes and the doctor said it's normal. They open when they are ready she said just give them a few days. I wanna see if she has brown eyes or another color. Since with both have brown maybe she'll end up with another color from one side of our family.

I set her down and kiss her cheek before turning around and Annie is recording me. "Stop" I say and she laughs shaking her head. I push her phone away and I kiss her. "Jayden we can't" She mumbles as I kiss down her neck and I groan moving my leg between her thighs. "Why" I ask and suck on her neck.

"We just can't" She says breathless and I giggle and flip us over so she's on top. "We can't" I ask.

"Oh screw it" She says and takes her shirt off throwing it. I lean up meeting her lips.

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