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Annie's POV

I'm going on Good Morning America. As breakout teen couple winners with Jayden. We won a award for it. We didn't even know we were nominated and it means a lot.

"Can you wear a dress today Jayden." I ask as she come into the living room.

"A dress babes?" I nod and she sighs.

"For you, I'll wear a damn dress" I smile and she pecks my lips.

She is done with hair and makeup. She's wearing a half sleeve white lace dress with a black belt at her waist. It stops like right above her knees and she's wearing black heeled boots.

 It stops like right above her knees and she's wearing black heeled boots

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"You look so good" I say standing up. I'm about to go change. My hair is curled and makeup is done.

"Can you help me change" I ask Jayden. She nods and we head upstairs. Hayley is awake and playing with the dogs and watching her niece. She's really good with Elle. And Elle loves playing with her. Mommy and Daddy are dong something. Jayden's parents are at work.

I hear the door lock and I turn around. "No" I say.

"Come on it's been like three months since we had sex. Elle is almost four months old. I want you baby." She grabs my hips pulling me to her.

"We don't have time." I say and she kisses my neck. I moan at the amazing feeling of her lips against my skin. It's been so long. I'm not gonna lie. It has.

"Oh please, I can be quick." I lift my arms and she slides my tank top off and unclips my bra.

"Jayden no" I whisper and she pushes me down onto our bed. I lift my hips and she slides my shorts and panties off.

"You will be screaming Jayden yes in a few seconds." She says and her lips meet mine. I moan when I feel something slide into me. She moans and I close my eyes gripping the bed. She's wearing the strap on that got me pregnant.

"Oh so you just assumed this was gonna happen and wore it" I ask.

"Shh baby" I reach behind her and unzip her dress. "We don't have time for all this babe" She says as I pull her dress over her head. She slips out and takes off her bra and underwear.

"I need to feel you." I say grabbing her hips as she settles between my legs.

"Tell me what you want." Her hot breath over my lips and I moan.


"What do you want" She growls and I moan reaching my hand down and rubbing my clit roughly.

"Don't touch yourself and tell me what you want." She moves my hand and grinds against my core.

"Fuck me Jaddy." I moan loudly. She pushes into me and I grip the covers again.

"Oh harder baby" I moan and she leans down sucking on my nipple. I moan and flip us over. I slam down onto her and moan loudly. I arch my back and she meets my every thrust. My clit rubs again her stomach and I whimper. I forgot how good this feels. How good sex feels. Man I miss sex.

"Oh fuck me Jayden. Fuck me harder." I dig my nails into her skin pouncing on her. Our skin claps and I'm so close.

"I'm gonna cum" I say. "Let go baby, cum" Jayden says and her lips meet mine.

I cum around the strap on and I feel her cum inside me. She fills me and I moan. She slides out and I hump against her stomach. She grabs my hips and flips me over. I giggle but it turns into a moan when her fingers slide into me easily.

"Oh fuck fuck. Jayden!" I yell and bite my lip. She thrusts into me quickly and her thumb meet my clit. "Let go Ans" She whispers in my ear. I cum around her fingers and pants laying down on the bed. She's still wearing the strap on. "You're so hot with that on" I say.

"You're so hot with nothing on." She says. I grab her face kissing her roughly and she picks me up getting off the bed. Our tongues fight together and she bites my lip making me moan.

"I was more. God I want more" I whisper. Now that I've had it I want more. It's been three month. Like 84 days. She pushes me against the wall and pushes the strap on into me. I moan but she covers my mouth. "You're so loud babygirl" I close my eyes and wrap my legs around her tighter.

"When we get home, I'm gonna fuck you so hard you won't be able to walk tomorrow. I'm gonna fuck you all night. Every position. I'm gonna break your pink little pussy." I moan at her dirty words. I can't wait to come home then.

We finally get dressed I'm wearing a black dress and it's lace with like cool designs or whatever. With black heels but the heel is clear. So from afar it look like I'm floating. It stops above my knee and I didn't mess up my makeup too bad from sex. But my hair. Yeah. It was kinda embarrassing cause the hair and makeup crew were blushing. They know what was going on.

_____We arrive at the lot for Good Morning America and it's like 7:45

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We arrive at the lot for Good Morning America and it's like 7:45. It's pretty early. My mom and Hayley are backstage with my daughter. She's sleeping right now. She's so precious.

"Here we have Jayden Bartels and Annie Leblanc. The winners of Breakout Teen Couple." Robin says. They stand and clap. Jayden pecks my lips and grabs my hand as we walk out. 'Don't trio don't trip don't trip' I say over and over in my head. I hug both Michael and Robin and then we sit down at the desk. The sit on the other end and I look at the live audience. They hold up Jaynnie posters and I smile. I cross my legs and Jayden holds my hand.

"How are you two this early morning." Robin asks .

"I'm good a bit tired." I say.

"I'm good thank you how are you." Jayden says.

"We are good so we have a few topic to talk about today. Regarding life questions, racism and how you two are adapting to this new role as parents. Your engagemt. And you coming out as bi or lesbian. We will start with how has it been being a mother now. And how has the world changed you. Are people quick to judge you." She asks.

"For me I think I kinda came off as lesbian to people just because I feel like I just act like more of a guy. I think cause I'm kinda a tomboy but I can be girly. And being a new mother I have to put my daughter first. And I try to be good example because I know one day she might end up on the internet and see these things and rumors about me and Annie so I just wanna steer her in the right path but it hasn't been to hard and I think I'm going pretty good."

"For me it's been hard. Because I'm bi, I have a fiancé who's a girl. I'm 14 and I have a three month old daughter with a girl. So it's been a crazy ride. People are so quick to judge me. Saying that I'm a hoe or I cheated which I've said multiple times that I didn't not cheat on her. There's things out here that can make a girl get a girl pregnant I guess. If you watch my family's daily vlogs then you'll see that we go to doctors a few times a months to get tested because well this is a first. And they can't put her on the birth certificate if Jayden is not biologically the father or mother in this case. It's been rough."

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