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Annie's POV
I wake up and I stretch around and I yawn and sit up grabbing my phone. Jayden is at home she has early auditions today so I don't know if I will see her. Bora bora in two days and Jayden and I have been together for 3 weeks. I've never even had a boyfriend let alone a girlfriend but this is great.

I walk downstairs and see mommy and Hayley on the couch eating cookies.

"It's so early" I say yawning.

"We are going to get our nails and toes done do you want to come annie" mommy asks flipping the camera so it's looking at me. I put the view finder up and fix my messy hair.

"No I'm good I'll stay home" she nods.

"We are gonna get ready" mommy says.

"Okay can Jayden come over when you guys leave" I ask hopeful.

"Yea sure" I smile and run upstairs to do my makeup. I see my fake lashes and I get an idea. "Mommy can I wear my fake lashes today" I yell. "Why" she asks. "Because I wanna be extra and I'm not going outside" I don't hear anything for a few seconds. "Yea sure just don't go outside like that" I smile and put on fake lashes. I'm pretty much done with makeup right now so I put on a white tank top under my grey jacket. I unzip it so it's low off the shoulder. My hair is still curly so I brush it out so it's loose. I put on my rings and then I put on some high waisted ripped jeans. Once I look pretty good I take a mirror selfie and post it on snapchat.

"Annie we are leaving" Hayley yells. "Okay bye" I yell back. I clean my room and then I vacuum. I fix the living room and the kitchen. I close Hayley's door and the bathroom. I close mommy and daddy's room door. Daddy is home with the dogs. Which I miss so so much. There's a knock on the door and I'm guessing it's Jayden.

I open the door and Jayden is there. I wrap my arms around her and she picks me up and spins me around. She closes the door and then pushes me against the wall. She picks me up and kisses me. Her hands are holding my ass as she walks around the house and she plops down on the beanbag. I wrap my arms around her neck and kiss her back. I hum against her lips and her tongue slides against my bottom lip. I open my mouth letting her tongue enter. I've never French kissed before but I like it.

"god jay" I mumble as she kisses down my neck. I unzip her jacket and throw it on the steps. She slips out her shoes and I grab her face to kiss her again. She unzips my jacket and I throw it off somewhere on the couch. I guess we are doing this on the beanbag. She slips her pants off and I take mine off too.

"Annie are you sure" she asks.

"I want you" I say kissing her again. I flip us over and I straddle her. I grind against her and she grabs my ass and pulls me closer.

"Fuck Annie" she groans and bites on my neck making me moan. She flips us back over and takes my panties off. She stares at me and I blush because no one has seen me naked like this. She takes my shirt off and now I'm just in my bra.

"Annie your so beautiful" I smile and peck her lips before she removes my bra and throws it. She kisses down my chest and to where I really need her. I moan when her fingers run through my folds. I close my eyes and her tongue enters me. "Shit" I moan. Her fingers rub my clit and then two fingers enter you. "Jayden more" she thrust hard and fast and I come undone and she licks all my juices. I moan again when I taste myself on her tongue. "That was amazing" she says. "Yea" I whisper still feeling weird. It felt really really freaking good. "Can I do it to you" I ask. She nods and I take off her shirt, bra and panties. I try to think of what she did so I kiss her first and she moans. I rub her clit her hips moves around wanting more.

"Annie" she moans and I smile. I push two fingers into her and I go slow at first and the faster until she comes undone and I lick and suck on her. She taste like strawberries. "Mhm you taste so good" I say before leaning up to kiss her. I straddle her and she smiles before kissing me. I suck on her neck hopefully creating a hickey.

"I wanna mark you" she says.

"You know my mom and dad, if they see a bruise anywhere near my neck they will kill me" she nods sadly. "But I can mark you" I say smirking. I look at her neck and it's tiny and red but it won't be there for too long. "Shit I told my mom I would vlog while she was gone. I jump up as put my bra and panties on. Jayden gets dressed and I put on my pants and my tank top. I feel hands on my waist and I turn around and smile. "Your so beautiful" I blush again and she pecks my lips. I lean back away from her kiss and she grabs my ass. "Mine" she growls before kissing me again. I move my lips against hers and she pulls me tighter to her body. "Okay let me finish getting dressed" I say pushing her away and grabbing my jacket. I zip it up and then I unzip it again so my shoulder is showing. I feel lips against my exposed shoulder and I smile and i know who it is.

"Jayden" I giggle. She kisses up my neck and I close my eyes and lean my head to the side letting her have more access to my neck.

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