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Annie's POV
I push Jayden away from kissing me and distracting me. I pick up Jayden's shoes and put them upstairs with mine. I grab my phone to vlog and I sit on the couch and Jayden is on her phone next to me. "So Jayden is here and we are doing nothing pretty much, just chilling and yea" I say and then I stop recording. She kisses my cheek and I smile at her and turn my head to kiss her. "You want cookies" I ask. "We love a cooking girlfriend" she says. I get up and get the cookies out the fridge. I grab my phone and decide to go live on Instagram while I'm rolling dough. After about 15 minutes I press end and Jayden comes behind me and wraps her arms around my waist. She kisses my shoulder and then moves my hair to kiss my neck. "Mhm jay stop I'm cooking" I say smiling. "I know but your just so cute" she says kissing my cheek. I push her away and she groans before going to sit on the bean bag we just had sex on. I'm never gonna see it the same.

My phone vibrates and I grab it to see Jayden tweeted something. She said 'she thinks she's in love.' Is that a coincidence or just because she loves me. I like the tweet and people are commenting about Connor. I put my phone down and put the food in the oven. I sit down on the couch and sit on my phone texting people and ignoring Jayden. She sits on the couch and I still don't acknowledge her presence.

"What did I do" she asks.

"It's not you it's me"

"Are you breaking up with me" I turn to face her and I set my hand on her face to lean in to kiss her softly. She sets her hand on my hip squeezing it softly. "No but I'm sorry" I say.

"Why are you sorry"

"Because I am being a jealous bitch because of what you tweeted and everyone saying it's about Connor"

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you, I just wanted you to know that's how I'm feeling"

"Well I'm feeling the same way"

"I know it's really early in our relationship to say those three words so I won't" I chuckle softly at her.

"But I like you a lot" I smile as she kisses me again.

"I like you a lot too" she laughs and pecks my lips. I hear to door open and I jump in fear. I know it's mommy and Hayley but it just surprised me. Jayden wraps her arm around my shoulder and we both go on our phones. Mommy is vlogging and Hayley jumps on the beanbag and I hide my face in Jayden's neck hoping no one sees the blush on my face.

"What did you guys do" mommy asks.

"Morning but I'm making cookies" Hayley screams excitedly and I smile.

Jayden just left and I'm sad because I miss my girlfriend so I go on snapchat and take a video and caption it 'missing you' and then I used the little sticker that says 'my boo' and I put it really tiny so people can't really see it. I sit on the couch, I still can't look at the bean bag it's bringing back some very vivid memories with Jayden's face in between my legs. I quickly go upstairs and then I see Jayden posted something and it says 'missing you' and she used the 'baby' sticker. She's so cute. I slide up.

Me: come! I miss you so much!
Babe💓: I wish I could babygirl but I can't
Me: why?😔
Babe💓: because I'm horny
Me: your so cute!
Babe💓: not cuter than you
Me: kiss ass
Babe💓: I wanna kiss your ass
Me: bye
Babe💓: no baby don't leave me
Me: your so cute
Babe💓: stop not cuter than you
Me: I have the best girlfriend ever
Babe💓: I could say the exact same
Me: when you coming over?
Babe💓: I'll see you tomorrow because we are going to BORA BORA
Me: I'm so happy
Babe💓: me too but we need to go to sleep babe
Me: I wish you were here
Babe💓: I don't cause I could not control myself
Me: I don't mind
Babe💓: but I do
Me: okay good night
Babe💓: good night
Me: 😚💓
Babe: 😚💓

Jaynnie (annie and Jayden)Where stories live. Discover now