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Annie's POV
I'm having my launch party today and I'm super excited and tomorrow we are going to see James because the video. Which is gonna be fun. It's almost our three months and I'm so so happy. We are happy. No fighting just live and I couldn't be happier right now. I get dressed in a cute red velvet colored dress. It has cut out at the stomach and I paired it with silver heels. My makeup and hair is done like normal very cute but not too much. My hair is curled now I like it and I'm wearing hoops because I never got to cause gymnastics. I'm all done and I grab my phone ready to go. I'm meeting Jayden there first. She modeled with me for them. She wore the boys lightning bolt ones and I wore the rose ones. Today I'm wearing a black rose and she's wearing a black and white lightning bolt. Mommy and Hayley are wearing their bracelets too and I'm so glad they are always supporting me. It makes me so happy.

"Are you excited Annie" mommy says getting the camera out. "I'm so excited but of course nervous" I say. "I think it's gonna be fun" Hayley says. There's gonna be a lot of people there.

Jayden gets her and I run to her hugging her tightly around her neck. She picks me up spinning around. Since I'm in a dress I can't really jump on her so I just lift my feet up to my ass. She puts me down and kisses my cheek. "I'm so proud of you" she says and I smile. "Thank you" I say happily. She's wearing white jeans with a red velvet cropped flannel. And silver heels as well. We decided to be that couple who matches. We hold hands and go to the little red carpet thing with the annielebling sign above. We pose cutely. One where she behind me holding my waist and my hands are on hers. Like prom pictures. Mommy is holding my phone and taking pictures and videos on my annielebing account. She posted me hugging Jayden as a boomerang and it's so cute.

I greet everyone who comes and Jayden doesn't leave my side but I'm not complaining she's the cutest girlfriend ever. We have been holding hands the whole time.

The day is finally over and I'm so tired. Jayden is coming home with me and sleeping over. Because we are getting up early and going to James house. Well not early but early for Jayden. Our parents still don't know we are dating and they will when the video comes out. We are nervous but it's gonna work out.

We both go to my room and get changed into pajamas. I put on my Calvin Klein bra and black shorts. Jayden is wearing a shirt and shorts. She unfolds the bed and I vlog the question of the day and then we jump into Jayden's arms. She goes on Snapchat and takes a video of me.

"Your so cute baby" she says and I hide in her neck. She doesn't post it and then we go to sleep.

I wake up at 8 and Jayden is still sleeping so I go downstairs and go live while making her some eggs. "What are you doing today" I read. "I am going somewhere to film something with someone your going to love" I say. I see one that says smile if jaynnie is real and I try so hard not to smile. I answer questions and read stuff. A lot of them is like hannie stuff. "Should I go try and wake her foods done" I ask. I see yes fill the comments so I go upstairs and everyone is still sleeping because we had a lot of fun yesterday.

"Jayden wake up" I say sweetly. "Babe come back in bed" the camera is on her thankfully cause I'm blushing. "I'm live jay" I say. "Fine turn it off and come in bed with me" I smile and shake my head turning the camera around. "Fine I'll eat it by myself" she groans and I walk down the stairs. I see another comment 'wink if hannie is real' I sigh rolling my eyes and I get two plates putting bagels and eggs on the plate. I get fruit and put it on my plate. Jayden says fruit ruins breakfast. Whatever. "I'm up" I feel hands around my waist and I know it's Jayden. "Happy 3 months baby" she whispers and I blush. "Fruit" I ask hopeful she will take some. I stab a piece of watermelon and hold it over my shoulder. I look in my phone and she takes a bite. I turn around in surprise as she eats it. "You ate it" I smile. She smiles and then cough laughing. "You were so happy, it's adorable" I smile and kiss her cheek.

More comments about hannie pops up.

"Guys hannie isn't real" Jayden says before stuffing her face with food.

"Tea" I say sipping my milk. Jayden laughs. A comment says touch Annie's hip if jaynnie is real.

"It was really good babe" she says putting her hands on my hips. "I try" her phone dings and she grabs it. I lean against her and she wrap her arms around my waist and I see who she's texting.

-hey sisters see you soon

-yessss soon

I end the live and we both decide to get dressed. I put on blue high waisted ripped jeans in the front and back. Mommy is up and vlogging. I put on a white tube top and my boobs are finally growing but my period finally came and I hate it. Now I can stop getting hate since I'm flat chested. I put on white slip on vans and then I'm done. Jayden is wearing leggings with a tie dye crop top and Nike shoes. She's always wearing Nike. I swear.

"Guys my girlfriend is so pretty" I turn around and she's recording me. I cover my face and then she stops. She saves the video and then we both sit and do our makeup. Very light makeup. Her hair is in a low bun and mine is down and curly from yesterday.

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