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Annie's POV

"So you two are engaged I'm sure everyone has seen the footage on the youtube channel Bratayley. Here's a clip."

The play the clip and I squeeze Jayden's hand as tears come into my eyes. Everyone awes and I wipe Jayden's cheek. "Thank you baby." She says and people awe again. I laugh and Jayden rubs my hand.

"Seeing that makes you emotional."

"Every single time. I think about how lucky I am to have you. We've been together for over a year now and that means everything. You're my girlfriend, my first kiss, my first love and I want her to be my last." Jayden says and I bite my lip.

"Awe I wanna be your last." I say smiling and she kisses my cheek.

"I don't think people understand that you two have jobs how hard is it now behind a working mother."

"It's so hard and it really pissed me off because I read Annie's comments on instagram and sometimes people say. 'You never go live anymore or do you even care about us. You sit at home all day why can't you reply to a comment.' And I just wanna say for people who think we aren't active I'm sorry try having a full time job and a kid. It's hard." I clap to that.

"It is. I go on set. Because I'm on multiple shows. Or I'm traveling to places for tours or meet n' greets. Meetings. New shows. Other things I'm working on. It's hard work. Being a kid is hard when you have to grow up so quickly. I have to be mature for my daughter. I'm a kid raising a kid. People don't get it that we both work long hard hours. Sometimes we don't even see each other unless we go to bed. Because Jayden is up early with work. She dances too and takes classes and teaches kids. Going to Disney to be a guest on a show or auditions. Movies. Roles. Shows. Interviews. Meetings."

"And then add being a mother on top of that. She wakes up and cries at four am. So one of us or both are up soothing her cries. But she cries every two hours. Then she has to be fed so Annie has to stop working to feed her. Or I have to go sit in Annie's trailer to feed and entertain her. We also have things in the making and school. People we still have school. No one will understand until they have kids of their own." Jayden says and I nod.

"How did your parents react to your pregnancy." Michael asks.

"They were confused cause a girl got me pregnant. Um obviously hearing the news was hard. I was 13. I had to stop filming after I got too big. Because I'm tiny and it just was noticeable after four, five months. But they've been super supportive."

"And Hayley my sister in law. She is amazing. She will see us falling asleep and offer to watch Elle for an hour or two so we can nap. We will get home late from work. And she'll change and feed Elle while we shower. She's so helpful." Jayden says. It's true.

"Hayley has really stepped up and been just the best. She really has."

We get back to our house. Our house. It feels so good to say that. My house with Jayden. My fiancée. My baby. My baby father. My love. My heart. I'm so in love with her.

I grab my camera and I sit down in my bathroom filming. I cover my face.

"I think I'm pregnant" I say and sigh loudly. I look at the box.

"Um Jayden is working. Hayley is at set. Mommy and Daddy at with her. Jaydens parents are working and at meetings. I'm home with Elle and I just have a feeling. I felt like this pregnant with Elle. I just I don't know how to feel. I just had a baby. How is Jayden's gonna react. My parents. My friends. My fans. The whole world." I cover my face as a tear falls. I bite my lip.

"I'm gonna take the test and then get back to you guys" I shut it off and take the test. Once I'm done I put the cap back over it and cover it with the box. I grab the camera and film myself.

"So I have to wait. I have to box over it and when it's time. You'll be the first to see" I say and after a few minutes I turn the camera around and it's showing the box. I lift it and see two lines. I start crying. I cover my mouth and set the camera down. I hold the stick and hold my stomach. I cover my mouth as the tears fall.

"I'm pregnant. I'm pregnant. I" I stop and grab my phone.

Me- when you come home?
Babe- should be there pretty soon my party is tonight
Me- okay i love you
Babe- i love you too

"Okay so Jayden is gonna be home soon so I need to wipe my tears and make sure I'm acting normal. She's gonna realize if I'm being weird. I need to hide this test." I put it all the way behind my stuff in the cabinet. She shouldn't have a reason to go in there today.

"I'm having another baby" I say smiling. I look over at Elle. She's four months. I'm still breast feeding and they say it healthy for them so I don't mind. I kiss her face.

"You're gonna be an older sister Elle" She smiles and laughs. I set the camera down on the shelf and pick up Elle. She grabs onto my shirt.

"How's my baby" I says smiling. I bounce her in my arms.

"I love you so much. Should we surprise mama" Her heads bobbles around and I make sure to hold it.

"Is that a yes?" She smiles widely and I kiss her tiny lips.

"Okay" I put her down on the bed and give her a toy to chew on. She kicks her feet and I find a jewelry box. It's like a necklace box so it's long enough.

"So I'm gonna hand this to her. She's gonna think it's jewelry and then she's gonna open it. I wananmake sure it's the last present. You don't have to bring gifts but everyone is. I'm gonna see Navia and Sky. We've became really good friends.

"Okay I'm gonna get ready because once she gets back she gonna shower and then get dressed and we will head to the party. It's now 7. The party is at 8:30 and I need to feed this one. So bye" I shut it off and take my breast out my bra. They've gotten to like a C-cup now because I'm breastfeeding. Normally I'm a b. Jayden's gonna notice them getting bigger so I have to tell her now. Wow this is from... I blush and once she's finished. She's probably gonna take a nap. The party is at some place. Mommy said her and Evone will watch Elle so we can party. I said I would be fine but she said she'll watch her when it's gets too loud and she gets tired. I put her in her crib and cover her in the blanket and give her; her blankie. I start getting dressed. I'm wearing a black off the shoulder long sleeve cropped shirt with like white ish colored jeans. I have on a black Gucci belt. And my black vans.

I put the gift in my guess purse I'm taking with me

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I put the gift in my guess purse I'm taking with me. I grab Elle's bag and put in diapers. I put in wipes a binky and a bib. A change of clothes and anything else she might need. I make sure there's bottles in the fridge. She drinks a lot and I can't really be breastfeeding her at the party.

Jaynnie (annie and Jayden)Where stories live. Discover now