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Jayden's POV
We are going to a Christmas party today. With a lot of friends. Annie is showing and she looks adorable. Her little stomach. Holding my baby. I smile and shake my head. How did this happen?

"Baby its time to leave are you ready" I call out and I'm vlogging. "Coming babe" she walks down the stairs and damn. Holy fuck. If I had a dick he would be happy. "Shit" I mumble bitting my lip. She's wearing an off the shoulder black dress. It's tight in all the right places and it's a sweet heart neckline. She looks hot as fuck. Her hair is straight and makeup is done perfectly. She's so perfect. She's holding a rose gold clutch and she has on rose gold Heels. I'm just wearing a button up black shirt with black jeans and black vans. My hair is down and straight. I'm excited Annie was a little sick this morning. She steps down the last step and pulls her dress down a little. "Can we take a moment of silence to just enjoy my wife looking this amazing" I say. I put my hand to my mouth and turn the camera around and just stare at her. She laughs and shakes her head pushing me. "Damn mama" She laughs again and I fucking love her laugh. "You're so hot baby" she blushes and I take her hand. "Alright let's go" I say and shut the camera off. I give it to Katie because she's coming too and so is my fav Hay Hay.

We get in the car and I sit in the back with Annie next to me and Hayley on the other side. Then Katie in the passenger and Billy is driving. I wrap my arm around Annie and she smiles snap chatting us. I kiss her cheek and then I grab her face to kiss her.

There's a red carpet at the party so we take pictures and boomerangs. And do some interviews. Everyone asks about the baby and the moody swings. "Ready to party" I ask Annie she nods and I grab her hand going inside. I see Mads, Indi, Riley and Dylan all talking. Mads is kinda cool with Dylan I think. But Kenzie is there too. "You okay" I ask Annie. She nods but I know she's lying. "I know how to make you feel better" I tease. She wraps her arms around my neck and I wrap mine around her waist pulling her body to mine. I feel her baby bump and I smile before kissing her. Her lips move perfectly in sync with mine and she moans. She grabs my neck pulling me closer and I push away opening my eyes. "I love you" I say. "I love you too" she says and I peck her lips again. She moves her arms from around my neck and I set my hand on her face and kiss her slowly.

"Ayeeee" We stop kissing and all the girls are looking at us. "Oh" Annie says and hides in my neck. I wrap my arm around her waist and we meet the girls. Everyone hugs saying hi and everything. "How's the baby" Mads asks. "A little kicker but good" Annie says and smiles at me. I smile back. "You guys are the cutest" Riley says smiling.

Annie's POV
"You hungry babe" Jayden asks me. We all found seats like ten minutes ago. "I'm not but he or she must be" I say laughing. She laughs too and kisses me quickly. "If they have a burger and fries you want some" She asks. "Oh please" she smiles. "Anything for you" She stands up and kisses my forehead before leaving.

"Sooo" Kenzie says. "Sooo" I say back and everyone laughs. "How everything between you two" she asks. "Oh it's great she's great she's everything i've ever wanted in a person. She's thoughtful and kind and she's just I love her" I feel myself getting a bit emotional so I wipe a tear from my eyes and everyone awes.

"How's the baby"

"So far healthy bringing me hell, our little honey is always making me eat weird things. I want pickles yesterday. And then runs the other. It's just crazy. He or she loves sitting right on my bladder so I'm always peeing. I'm trying and moody and my hormones are everywhere" I say.

"How's Jayden taking it"

"She's perfect as always, she loves our baby already. She's always taking to it. She kisses my stomach. She does everything for me and more. She sos supportive"

"It's really her baby" Dylan asks.

"Yes" I say a bit offended. "I don't know how that's even possible but they've tested us so much it's crazy. We've in the hospital so much that we know the nurses who work there and their shifts it's crazy."

"Well we support you" Indi says and I smile.

"Thank you" I smile and we go back to chatting.

"I'm back" I look up and Jayden smiles down at me and pecks my lips before sitting. "Thank you Jay"

"No problem baby" I smile and lean over kissing her. She smiles and pecks my lips.

Jayden's POV
The party was really fun and Christmas is in three days. And all I want is to wake up with Annie in my arms but I cant have that so maybe something else.

"You ready to go" I ask Annie who looks tired.

"I'm so tired and my feet hurt" she says leaning into me. I kiss her forehead and I watch as she closes her eyes. "Gosh, I love you so much. I love everything about you. Flaws and all. I love you" I say. "I love you more" she turns to me and I kiss her cheek.

"Goals" Dylan says and I smile shyly they all just watched that.

"Okay let's go" I stand up and so does Annie grabbing my hand. I see Hayley and I hand her Annie's clutch and our phones. I pick Annie up bridal style and she wraps her arms around my neck.

"What are you doing" she laughs.

"You said you're feet hurt, Jayden to the rescue" she giggles and then I say bye to everyone.

I carry her outside and into the car. I put her down cuddling into me and she falls asleep. I wrap one arm around Hayley and she falls asleep two. My two favorite girls. Awww.

We pull up the apartments and Hayley helps by taking out goodie bags upstairs and I hold Annie. Billy and Katie go find parking. She hands me the keys and drives off. I enter the building and people smile at me. I smile back and we get into the elevator. "You guys are goals" Hayley whispers as Annie stirs in her sleep snuggling into my neck more. I kiss her forehead and hand Hayley the keys when the elevator door dings. We get to the apartment and lock the door. Hayley puts all the stuff down in the kitchen and I go upstairs. With one hand I pull the couch out and set Annie down. I run downstairs and go to Hayley's room. "Goodnight Love Bug" I kiss her forehead and she gets into bed. I grab her phone, my phone and her clutch and head back upstairs.

I slide her shoes off and then her dress. It was kinda hard with her bump but I made due. I grab a sports bra and take the little sticky boob thing off and she whines. I peck her breasts softly to ooze the pain. I put shorts on her and then I pick her up again and put her under the covers. I start to get changed when the front door opens. I throw a jacket on and look over the railing. "You two going to sleep" Katie whispers. I come downstairs and grab a water from the fridge she's vlogging. "Annie's asleep" She asks. "Yea she's been asleep since the car and she hasn't woken up. I just got her out her clothes and changed her she's in bed now. I'm gonna change and then go to sleep, so question of the day" I say.

"Question of the day is favorite midnight snack"

"Okay I can answer for Hayley and Annie. Okay Hayley's is pickles and Annie's is oreos mine is Chips a basic like barbecue chips. Don't forget to comment down below cause we wanna know the question of the day issssss what's your favorite midnight snack bye love you" I cover the camera and we both laugh but I quickly cover my mouth cause we are loud.

"Jayden" I turn around and see Annie at the railing with my jacket on and she looks tired. She's whiny and it's cute. "Yes my love"

"Come to bed please" I smile and nod.

"Goodnight" I say to Katie and the camera because she's still vlogging.

I run upstairs and throw on some boxers and a black tank top. I jump into bed and lay on my back with my arm open so Annie can cuddle with me. "Coke babygirl" she rolls over and lays her head on my chest. "I love you" she says. "I love you too" She falls asleep and then I fall asleep after her.

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