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Annie's POV
My party is going amazing everyone is having a blast. At least I think so. Boys are on the dance floor going crazy and some girls too. It's funny. Jayden drags me to the dance floor and we dance a little before a slow song comes on and everyone dances slow. The boys play around dancing with each other. And I invited Hayden because he was my best friend. We don't talk because he's dating a girl I don't really like and she's rude to me but I'll always be there for him so yeah.

"I have your gift" Jayden whispers in my ear. "Do you" I question laughing she nods and goes into her jacket pocket getting a box out.

"I love you so much, you mean so much to me and I can't wait to spend so many more months and years with you" I smile and she opens the box and I see a ring.

"Jayden" I say nervously she chuckles.

"I'm not proposing.... yet it's just a promise ring" I nod.

"Thank you" she slides the ring on my ring finger and I grab her face kissing her softly and she grabs my hips.

"I love you too" I say against her lips and we finally move away from each other and everyone recorded that. I cover my mouth in shock and embarrassment. "Annie let's cut the cake" the dj says and everyone makes their way over to the table full of cakes and cupcakes. There's three small cakes.

"Happy birthday to my princess happy birthday to you" Jayden whispers in my ear making me smile. "I've never cut a cake before" I say grabbing the knife. Jayden puts her arms around me and holds my hands helping me cut the cake. Then we move and do the other one and then the last one. Everyone cheers and Jayden finishes cutting the cake and hands the pieces out. I hand out cupcakes and once everyone has gotten theirs I turn to Jayden who's eating a piece. I dance my way over to her and she laughs. "The cake is great babe" she says and puts a piece on the fork for me to eat. I eat a piece and it's really good. I hum at the taste and she pecks my lips.

"I love you" she says smiling. She boops my nose and I blush but I feel something on my nose. I look down and see icing. "Hey" I pout and she kisses me. I grab her shirt and kiss her hard. I don't know why I did that cause people are everywhere and recording on snapchat and instagram. "Fuck bae" I smile and take a napkin wiping my nose.

"Hay hay come dance with us" Jayden says. I grab Hayley's hand and Jayden grabs her other and we dance. "This is fun" Hayley says and I smile at her as we have fun and just dance. This is a great birthday. A slow dance comes on Hayley let's go of my hand. "I'll let y'all dance" She says. "No no come" Jayden picks her up and then wraps her arm around my waist. Hayley sets her head on Jayden's shoulder and I grab her hand. We sway back and forth and I can't help the smile on my face. She makes me so happy and she includes my sister which makes Hayley really happy. And that's just great.

Jayden's POV
I grab my camera and set it up so I can talk.

" what's up jaybaes it's Jayden thanks for joining and if your new welcome so today i'm doing something very scary. I'm pranking my girlfriend with a hickey prank. I don't know what i'm gonna use yet. I'm going over to her house later like in 15 minutes so this is gonna be quick. I'm just gonna hang out for a while and yeah. So enjoy me attempting to make a hickey" I go into my bathroom and start with trying makeup and it works. I mean it doesn't look that real and if she tries to rub it off it's gonna come off.

"Okay so we have a dilemma, she's gonna touch it and mess with it and it's red lipstick so it's gonna show, so i'm gonna use a sticky thing to try it" I set the camera back down. I grab a sticky toothbrush the ones that stick to the counter and I set it on my neck for a few seconds. I take it off and my mouth goes wide. "Wow that looks so real" I say in shock.

"Okay so I'm going over after I change and please pray for ya girl Jayden. I don't know if she's gonna kill me or not. She's gonna be pissed I can tell you that. She's gonna freaking kill me. Shit! Now I'm freaking out. God she's gonna hate me and give me so much crap about this.

I put on a white t-shirt and nike leggings with some basic black and white vans. My hair is in two braids and I'm not ready.

"Okay so outfit of the day. I'm wearing a white shirt from urban and nike leggings and vans from well vans. I'm gonna die you will never see me again. This is all you guys fault. I do this for you. All this is gonna get me in my grave early on" I say walking t the car. I'm still vlogging in the car as my mom drives. We listen and dance to music just being stupid and silly.

"I'm gonna. go live cause there's some traffic" I tell my mom and she's says okay.

"Hey guys" I say and i see comments pop up and questions. "I'm going to Annie's right now" I cover my hickey by turning the other way slightly. Don't want to give it away. I did all this mind as well do this right?

"Uh nothing special is happening i'm just chilling at her house for a few hours maybe a sleepover. I didn't bring any clothes but I have some at her house I know that.

"What's one of you and Annie's favorite quotes" I read from a jaynnie fan account.

"We have this saying. She says that I stole her heart and she's gonna steal my last name" I see a bunch of awes in the comments.

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