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Annie's POV
"Babe we need more formula" I hear Jayden yell and I'm laying down on the bed in her house. We decided one month mine one mother hers. We still see our parents and my sister but then it's it's easier because Jayden wants to go home too. I think when we find a house we are gonna do it together so we don't have to worry about this. Jayden doesn't want me doing it all and I don't want her doing it all.

"You wanna go get some" I yell back. She's in the kitchen with Elle. She's 3 months now and gorgeous. Looks like a Jayden look alike just with curly hair.

"Yea" I stand up and In already dressed. I'm wearing a black shirt with a tan cardigan and blue jeans. I put on black slip on vans and take my hair out the two braids. It's curly and i'm makeup free. Damn I really look like a mom. That's sad. "Jayden" She comes upstairs with Elle and smilies at me. She grabs the vlog camera and vlogs me. "So we are going to get Elle some formula, we like have been us since 4 cause Elle was hungry at 4 in the morning and we both ate" Jayden says informing them.

We get in the uber and go to target. Jayden holds Elle and I find the aisle getting the formula. I get an 8 pack and then go to self check out.

Annie's POV
I wake up and Jayden isn't in bed with me. I frown looking around and I see her in the crib. I grab my vlog camera because I'm doing a day in the life of a teen mom.

"Hey guys it's 4AM and I'm only up because normally Elle is up this early but she isn't and Jayden isn't in bed but look. I stand off the bed and there's Jayden in the crib cuddled with Elle.

"She's laying with her, she was probably fussy and Jay came a laid with her. She's gonna be in pain" I whisper. I set the camera down on her desk and I pick up Elle and Inset her down on Jayden's bed. Her bed is a twin bed but I'm not complaining. I like being close to her. "Baby" I whisper. I lean in and move her hair out her face. "Baby wake up" She groans and for a second freaks out realizing Elle isn't there. "Shh" she nods and I help her out which was super hard. I grab the camera and I turn around to see Jayden in bed with Elle on her chest. I smile.

"So since she isn't awake we are probably gonna go to sleep and at sixish she might wake up and be hungry because she hasn't eaten since last night. I'll update you later" I turn it off and then crawl into bed with Jayden. She puts Elle in between us and looks at me. "Emma go in the living room" She whispers. "Yeah" I say. She grabs Elle and I grab the camera.

"Okay so it's been like two minutes since you saw me and we are having a change of plans. Elle is gonna sleep out in the living room while Jayden and I watch a movie out there. Just some downtime to just snuggle" I say and set the camera down as I help Jayden put Elle back to sleep. She woke up but quickly went back to sleep.

I lay down on the couch and then Jayden pulls me on top of her. I giggle and straddle her sitting on her crotch. I quickly turn the camera off because she has to strap-on on. It's crazy. I kiss her and start to grind on her but then I hear a door open and I stop. "Oh you guys are up" Ivone asks in a whisper. "Yeah" Jayden says grabbing my waist and pulling me closer. I stop straddling her and we just hold each other until we both fall asleep.

I wake up to crying and so does Jayden. "You got her" Jayden asks. "Yea I got her" I pick her up get a bottle from the fridge. We have them already made because she gets hungry whenever.

I put it in her mouth but she's still crying. "Not today" she keeps crying so I go to sit down on the couch and Jayden is vlogging. "No bottle" I nod and breastfeed her. I put a blanket over her and Jayden vlogs me.

"What time is it" I ask.

"5:57" She says and scoots closer to me.

"So what are we doing for the rest of the day" I ask.

"I don't know maybe we can house shop with our parents my mom and Katie are out now looking"

"Sounds like a plan"

"I'm gonna shower" she says and I nod. She stands up and kisses me before leaving. I grab the camera. "So this is our morning routine every two hours she will eat and then take a nap maybe. Some days she's up others she's down and sleepy. Hopefully it's a sleep day" I laugh and turn the camera off.

We are house hunting and Elle is asleep in her stroller. She's so cute. We've been vlogging a little but not alot since we want to keep the houses a secret for safety purposes.

"Baby come" I hear Jayden yell. "Watch Elle please" I ask my mom. She nods and I go upstairs. I walk around looking for her when someone grabs my waist and pulls me into a room. The door closes and I'm pushes against it.

"Don't do that you scared me" I say pushing her she laughs and pecks my cheek.

"I really like this one" She says.

"I love it. It's perfect for our family. Us. Elle."

"I know. I love it"

"And I love you, with all my
heart I am in love with you. I don't want to spend my life with anyone else. I don't want to live with anyone else. I don't want to kiss anyone else. I don't want to hug anyone else. I just want you. I've wanted you since I met you. I've loved you since I met you. And I will continue to love you forever. Until I take my last breath I will love you even after. You're mine forever. And I won't even let you go. God I love you so much" She cries and I wipe her face getting emotional too.

"I love your smile,by our hair, your amazing body, your eyes, they way your hand fits perfectly in mine. They way you walk is fucking perfect. Everything about you I love. Even you're flaws which you don't have. I love you. So much baby. So" She pulls out a box and I cover my mouth and tears fall down my face. She's proposing. Oh my god. Oh my god! "Julianna Grace Leblanc will you make me the happiest person alive and marry me" She asks and gets down on one knee.

I nod not saying a word. "Yes" I say and I hold her face and kiss her. My tears don't stop falling and she stands up and picks my up. I wrap my legs around her waist and keep kissing her. I can't believe this. "I love you so much" I say after we stop kissing and I wrap my arms around my neck and she puts me down but I don't stop hugging her. "I love you too babygirl" She says and then slides the ring on my finger. I gasp. I didn't even look at the ring. And I don't care. It could be plastic for all I can and I would still love it. "Wow Jayden it's beautiful" I hug her again and then I hear cheering. I turn around see my mom recording. Jayden walks to her mom and gets flowers. "For you" I smile and peck her lips.

"Wait picture time" Hayley says and I laugh rolling my eyes playfully. She's our little photographer. She gets the camera from mommy and starts taking pictures of us. We smile and then show the ring and then take ones with Elle.

Jaynnie (annie and Jayden)Where stories live. Discover now