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Annie's POV
We are going to the VMA's today and I'm super excited. I'm home and sleeping in my bed. Jayden is coming over later but I'm getting ready now. "Annie come downstairs they are ready for you" I go into the bathroom and brush my teeth before going into the kitchen. Mommy is vlogging and today is Jayden and I's 8 month. And next week it's December and almost my 14th birthday. I can't believe I'm almost 14. Where has the time gone.

I try on a red two piece dress. It's like a bra and a skirt and it's so pretty. It's shows a bit of cleavage which I'm surprised mommy is okay about. They want Jayden and I to do some awards and a speech for the LGBTQ champaign. And we are honored. My hair is half up half down and curly. My makeup is freaking gorgeous and I have on falsies. I have on some high heels and they are red and black with a bit of white in them. It's a very pretty design. I have a clutch that's black and has some pretty designs and my rigs. "Guess who's here" My mom says. Jayden walks in and I smile widely getting off the chair. She looks me up and down and then hugs me and pecks my lips. "Babe you look beautiful, stunning, I'm so lucky" I blush and she kisses my cheek. She sits down and they start on her makeup and hair. Her hair is straight and down. I love it down. She walks out in a red and black tux. My mouth goes wide and I stand up as she walks towards me. "Where's the tie" I ask. Hayley hands it to me and I put it on. "You're very beautiful Jay" she smiles and kisses me. Her tux is so cute! And she's wearing nude heels but the pants are so long that you can't see them so she just looks really tall. My heels are tall too but Jayden is still taller. I set my hands on her chest and I get on my toes to peck her lips. We take selfies and photos for instagram and snapchat. We hold hands as we walk out the house and into a limo they have for us. My parents aren't coming but Hayley is with Coco. So she will meet us there. I saw Hayden is gonna be there with Kenzie and I'm okay. I love Jayden and this stupid drama is just dumb.

We arrive and there are cameras and flashing light everywhere. Jayden holds my hand tight knowing I get shy and super nervous around people. We wait to get on the carpet and we hold hands doing poses that couple do. She kissed me again and then interviews. I see someone holding a brat mic and it's Bryce.

"Hi Annie and Jayden" we both say hi and we let go of each other's hands and she wraps her arm around my waist.

"So you two are dating" I nod laughing and so does Jayden.

"How long has this been going on"

"About 8 months as of next week" I answer.

"How have the fans and internet been treating you"

"You know it's crazy people wished we were together for a while and then when we get together and announce it it's seems a little weird. Everyone was like we were right they're in love and we are in love and it's amazing. Of course we have haters but we get through with each other" I smile at Jayden.

"Annie went live and everyone thinks that fight was scripted"

"No it wasn't for a fact scripted I don't want to fight with her even if it's fake" I answer.

"How did you handle it"

"Well that was our first fight in 7 months and as much as I hate that it was public and everyone saw it and still can see it a part of me is kind of happy. Because people need to know that relationships are hard work. Everyone thinks they are perfect and easy and they aren't. It's work to be with someone you love. And it was an eye opener for both of us"

"That fight kinda hurt us because it was public. Because people were taking sides and saying things about the other person when in reality it was Jayden's fault and she even admits to it but it took a toll on us for a few days just because the after math of the fight was a lot since it was publicized" I answer.

"Okay well that's all the time we have see you out there" We both wave bye and Jayden grabs my hand again and we do a couple more interviews and then we go back stage because we are opening.

They hand us mics and we walk out on stage holding hands. "Hi everyone" I say shyly and people cheer. "How's everyone tonight" Jayden asks and people cheer. "So it's VMA's today and we are so excited to introduce our first performer of the night is" I look at Jayden and nod. "Little Mix!" People scream and we walk off getting our seats.

"Now we have a speech about the LGBTQ community from Mrs and Mrs Bartels" I blush wildly as we both step forward to the podium. We didn't write anything because we wanted it to come from the heart.

"I'm Jayden Bartels and I'm lesbian" she says. "I'm Annie Leblanc and I'm bi" I say. "Everyone is judged everyday whether is race or eye color or body type and now sexuality. But it's so fucked up. It really is. People can't be themselves because they are scared of what others will think. People who don't give a damn about them. People who are only there to see their downfall. Not to pick you up and help you along the way. I met Annie maybe two years ago and the moment I met her I questioned my sexuality" Everyone laughs and I smile up at my beautiful girlfriend.

"It's true and I was scared for the first time in my life what people would think. It took me forever to just get over it and ask her out and she said yes. And till this day that is the best day of my life. The day I met her, I knew I would fall in love and never let you go" She looks at me with tears and I look away to the audience who look like they are gonna cry too.

Jayden's POV
"If I didn't have Jayden I would be lying to myself. Telling myself that it's okay to be scared and not tell people what I thought or how I felt. I thought it was fine and normal. She makes me feel normal. My normal not anyone else's. I can be myself. My weird quirky annoying self around her. And even to this day sometimes only sometime I get scared to kiss her in public because the judging faces and the stares and the comments. To this day sometimes when I'm out I feel like I can't hold my girlfriends hand. I feel like I can't tell her I love her. And it's not fair" Annie says and I nod.

"It's not fair at all. For people to scrutinize us for loving the same gender. For loving someone. This isn't fair! Judging people because they love someone isn't fair. Who cares if I love a girl. I love her and thats all that should matter. You love a girl or a boy that's all that should matter. You want to marry a girl or a boy it doesn't matter. I want to marry a girl and it doesn't matter. I want to love a girl. I want to be with a girl. I want to kiss a girl. I wanna hold hands with this beautiful girl I call my girlfriend. I want to have kids with a girl. I wanna grow old with a girl. And if you can't accept that then get over yourself because I'm Jayden Bartels and I love a girl." I end and Annie looks over at me as people begin to stand and cheer. "I love you" she says. "I love you more" I say before I grab her face and kiss her pink lips asking to be kissed. The screams get louder and people holler and whoop at us. I smile and pull away with my head against hers. "Thank you enjoy the rest of the night" Annie says and we walk off holding hands.

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