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Jayden's POV
I'm ready for my birthday party. It's gonna be so much fun. It's kinda small, kinda big. I invited a lot of people. I'm wearing a baby blue suit to match Annie who is looking so fine. She's wearing a white tight strapless tube top with a baby blue high waisted skirt and silver heels. I'm wearing silver sneakers and Annie still insist taller than me. My hair is in a side braid with a few hairs out and Annie's is down and curly. I have makeup on and it's natural and so is Annie's. She's so cute today. Fuck she makes me want to eat her again. I'm still wearing the dick. My mom hasn't noticed. Only Annie because she feels it when I'm super close to her. We get there and everyone is already here so far. On the red carpet taking pictures. I said some magazine companies are here and other people with cameras and stuff. I see Hayley in line with Julian. The cute boy from Mani. "Hay hay" She jumps on me and I spin her around. "Happy Birthday Jay Jay" I smile and kiss her cheek before setting her down.

Annie goes on the carpet first. Smiling and taking pictures. I go on my phone and I go on snapchat taking a video of her being so fucking hot. "Jayden" I nod and take pictures as well. Annie stands on the other side waiting for me. She has a silver clutch with her and she puts her phone into it. "Come babe" She gives me a confused look but comes with me. We pose for pictures.

My arm around her waist holding her close. Another one with her facing me. We take a few pictures and then her hand goes to my chest and she smiles up at me. I lean down kissing her softly. Her lips move against mine and she smiles backing away from the kiss. I kiss her forehead. And we finally head inside. Everyone screams and I see flashlights from everyone probably recording us on snapchat. Annie gets so shy sometimes and it's the cutest thing ever. She's spending the night along with some other friends. So no fun activities after my party.

We dance for a little Annie being super shy to dance because she gets hate but did a little for me. "You're so adorable" I whisper in her ear. She's turned to me and holding a cup of soda. I'm holding one in my other hand as we move from side to side with the beat of the song. I turn her around making sure I'm pressed into her ass. I see her smiles and take a sip of her drink. "I love you" I mumble kissing her neck. I kiss down her neck to her exposed shoulder but stopping because there are too many people around to start this. She had to cover up a few hickeys with makeup that I gave her. But forgot the one on the back of her shoulder so is covering it with her hair. Hopefully no one sees that. "I love you more" she says and I smile and use my other hand to trap her body against mine. "Can we go away for a second" She asks and I nod even though she can't see me. "Yeah lets go" I set our drinks down and grab her hand going away from the party.

"I wanted to give you your present now" Annie says and I smile kissing her cheek. "You know you didn't have to get me anything" I say. "I know but you are the worlds greatest girlfriend, you deal with my crap so you deserve it" she opens her purse and pulls out a small box. "I know this isn't a lot but I hope you like it" She slides the box open and I gasp. This ring was like 1,500 dollars. It's a Cartier silver love ring with Annie engraved in it. "Annie Leblanc Bartels you didn't" she smiles and nods. She slides the band onto my fingers and I grab her face kissing her hard. She gave me so many presents this morning and this is amazing. "I did, I know how much you wanted one"

"You listened to me"

"I know it was a long night and we were both tired and just talking about stuff but I listen to every word you say" she says and I kiss her again. "I love you so much!" she smiles. "I love you too" I peck her lips before grabbing her hand. The ring is on my ring finger and it kinda looks like we are married now. Well not yet. I saved up and bought her an amazing ring but she doesn't get it until her birthday. I intertwine our hands and walk out and everyone is ready to cut the cake.

"Happy Birthday to Jayden! Happy Birthday to you" Annie sings. Everyone else sang too but I heard her out of everyone else. My arm is wrapped around her waist and I hold her close. "Cut it" Annie says. "I've never cut a cake before" I say and watch as my mom goes to hand Annie the knife but I quickly grab it. "You are way to clumsy to hold something that big babe" Everyone laughs and she pouts earning a quick peck her lips and she smiles back. "Cut it Jay" I laugh and cut a small piece everyone cheers. I see Annie dip her finger into the icing and put it on my nose. "Babe" I say putting some on her nose. She giggles and I kiss the icing off her nose and wipe mine off. I hope someone got a video of that.

"Okay let's eat desserts and party" the Dj says and everyone screams. "I love you" I say to Annie and she's eating ice cream and it's all over her lips. She laughs and I lean forward to kiss her and she bends back away from me. "Don't start Ann's" she giggles and then finally allows me to kiss her.

The party is over and I'm home with Annie and she's asleep in my arms and I couldn't wish for anything better than this.

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