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Annie's POV

Jayden is home and in the shower. I'm playing with Elle. I'm press record on my snapchat because when I tickle her tummy she laughs and it's adorable. I tickle her tummy and she laughs smiling widely. This makes me smile and I awe. She's so cute.

"Damn baby you looking fine. Looking like someone's fiancée" I blush and she kisses my cheek. She puts both her knees on the sides of me and her hands move my hair to the other side of my neck. Elle watches her Mama and I smile. Her hands meet my back and slide into my shirt. I hum at the amazing feelings of her hands roaming my body. She leans back down and kisses my cheek and down my neck.

"How's your day been baby?" She mumbles against my neck. I shudder at her it breath against my neck.

"It's been good. How was work?"

"Tiring. But I'm glad to be back home and see my girls. Hay hay wants to niece and I want to wifey all to myself" She whispers the last part and I smile. She picks up Elle and kisses all around her face. I save the video totally forgetting I was recording. She leaves and I roll over and sit up on our bed. She come back and I see her outfit.

"Babe you look so good" I say pecking her lips

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"Babe you look so good" I say pecking her lips. She sits at the bench in front of our bed and I straddle her. She puts her hands on my hips and I wrap my arms around her neck.

"You look like I could eat you" I blush and peck her lips.

"Stop" I say and she smiles and kisses me again. I moan against her lips deepening the kiss.

"Woah woah woah! It's time to leave. Geez can you guys keep your ands off each other for five minutes. Mommy said let's go" I groan and get off her. I grab my purse and Jayden gets the baby bag. I grab the small cooler and put four bottles in there. She was just fed. I make sure it's four ounces. She doesn't seem to be too hungry today.

I pick up my baby and then Jayden puts her into the car seat and I get in the back of the car. Jayden and Hay hay play with her. I check my purse and fix my lip gloss and check my makeup. I update my snapchat. Mommy is vlogging while daddy drives. Evone and Jayden's dad (psa: who's name I don't know) are gonna be late.

We pull up and mommy drops us off. Hayley runs inside and I smile. Jayden's gets Elle out and kisses her lips. I kiss Elle and then Jayden's lips. She smiles and pulls me closer by my hip. I push her away blushing.

"You're beautiful" I blush harder and peck her lips. Elle whines and I smile and peck her lips too. We walk inside and everyone jumps out screaming surprise. Elle starts crying and everyone awes.

"Sorry" I say and get her from Jayden's she hands puts the bag on her shoulders and pecks my lips going to say hi and hug everyone. I rock Elle and she stops crying. I wipe her face. She's wearing black leggings and our merch shirt. With white vans. Her hair is in a little ponytail and curly. She looks so much line Jayden it's crazy.

"Hey girl. You look like a mom" I turn to see Sky, Navia, Indi and Addison.

"Hi guys" I hug everyone.

"Wow she really looks kind Jayden. How do people not believe that's her daughter?" Navia asks.

"I have no idea" Elle grabs my shirt pulling me close and kisses my cheek. She just started giving kisses. She just opens her tiny mouth a little and leans in. It's adorable.

"Hi baby" Jayden whispers holding my hips.

"Your mom said she can take Elle when she's getting sleepy" I look at Elle and her eyes are closed.

"Okay. Tell her I have bottles and everything in the bag" I hand her to Jayden who pecks my lips and leaves.

"Ugh I want a relationship like y'all. How long have y'all been together?" Addison says smiling. Bella walks up to us and we all chat.

"Two years and a half" I say smiling.

Jayden has opened all the presents it mine. I make sure mommy is vlogging before I walk make Hayley walk to her handing her to box.

"I thought I said no gifts babe" Everyone laughs.

"I know but I didn't but just this one" Everyone's standing around Jayden. Tears fill my eyes.


"Just open it please" She sighs and opens the box and lifts the paper off. She looks down at the box and Hayley screams covering her mouth.

"Are you kidding" She holds up the stick and I shake my head. Everyone gasps eyes turning to me.

"Please tell me you're not lying."

"I'm not lying. I'm pregnant" I say and she wraps her arms around my waist. I wrap my arms around her neck and she spins me around. I laugh.

"Wait. You're pregnant. Baby. You're pregnant" A tear falls from her eye and I wipe it away.

"We're having another baby" I whisper.

"Kiss her already" Everyone screams. Jayden grabs my face and kisses my softly. I smile against her lips.

"I love you so much."

"I love you too" I say. She pecks my lips and everyone starts giving us hugs and congratulating me. I look at Jayden from across the room and she looks at me. The Love Of My Life.

THE END! Hope you all liked this book. It was hard for me to write but I think you'll love it. I hope you live it. Took me forever to write.

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