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"So we're uh stuck in an elevator" I'm sitting in between Jayden's legs and I'm recording on my phone. "We called the office they said to hold the button for 5 seconds and we already tried pressing every button but it's not working and we are kinda freaking out. "You okay" asks Jayden I lift the view finder up to look at her. Tears for in my eyes and I bite my lip to stop myself from crying. "Babe" i shake my head and wipe my eyes before I start crying.

It's been like 30 minutes and they say we have to wait another hour. "So we have to wait another hour" Jayden wipes my tears and wraps her arms around my waist. I push my head into her shoulder and cry. My makeup is ruined!

I see the door crack open and we have to jump. Holy crappppp. "We have to jump" I tell her. "Sheezz" they go to grab me but I push Hayley in front. "Her first" Hayley was having a freaking panic attack and she will probably never ride in an elevator again. "Jayden go" I tell her. I grab my purse and I jump into Jayden's arms wrapping my legs around her waist. She holds me and I finally let all my tears out not caring that mommy is vlogging. "Annie it's okay we're fine" Jayden whispers to me. "They said the power went out" my mom says once Jayden puts me down. I hug mommy and tell her I love her. "I had to stay strong because Hayley" I say crying again. Jayden wipes me eyes.

We are back in the apartment and I eat some food before doing my makeup again. "You don't need makeup baby" Jayden says. "I know but still" she kisses my cheek and hands me a piece of pizza. I continue doing my makeup and then I open my mouth and Jayden gives me a piece of her pizza. "Thank you" I say smiling.

"You ready to go" yells mom. "Yea were ready" Hayley yells. There's going to be kids there so Hayley will have someone to hang out with. I run upstairs and fix up my hair and outfit before running back downstairs and mommy is vlogging of course. Jayden is waiting for me and she grabs my hand and we lock the apartment door. "I'm not going on the elevator" I say. "Okay Hayley just ran down the stairs" I nod and me and Jayden walk downstairs. Jayden stops me and kisses me, I was shocked but kissed her back and wrapped my arms around her neck pulling her closer. "We don't have time for this" I mumble. She pushes me against the wall and I smile at her. "Annie" my mom yells. I roll my eyes and grab Jayden's hand walking down the stairs. She's recording me and Jayden as we talk and walk to the car. "Are we all going with my mom" I ask. They nod and Jayden and I get in the way back. It's pretty far like 25 minutes plus traffic so I might take a nap.

We arrive and mommy records me "I think everyone took a nap" I nod and Jayden is sitting forward playing on her phone. I grab her hand and put her arm around me then I sit back. "Was that unnecessary" she says. "Yes it was" I say setting my head on her shoulder. Jayden goes on Snapchat at records me I kiss her cheek and she posts it.

We get to Hayden's party and I see Kenzie. I don't like her at all. She's so aggravating and problematic and I think she likes Jayden so I don't really like her. Jayden grabs my hand and we walk over there. "Jayden" Kenzie says wrapping her arms around Jayden's neck. I roll my eyes. "Can we go get a drink" I say. "We just got here" Jayden says. "Please" I whine she smiles and nods. Kenzie glares at me and I look away quickly. We get some soda and Jayden slides her hand around my waist and pulls me close. "Annie" I turn around and see mads and Riley with Indiana. "Hi girlie" I hug all them and we talk before songs start playing and we jam out.

We get home around 12 and I'm super tired, mommy already left with Hayley we are just gonna get an Uber and head home. It's Friday so Jayden doesn't have school. I haven't let go of Jayden's hand like all day. We get in the car and Jayden kisses me. I kiss her back of course but then I push her away. "Jayden what are we doing" I ask confused. "Will you be my girlfriend" she asks. "Seriously" I ask. "Yes seriously" she says I smile and grab her face to kiss her. "Yes of course" she smiles and pecks my lips. "Can we not tell anyone it's just I want this to last and with rumors and drama it's gonna be crazy" she nods. "I was gonna say the same thing, I'm serious about you and I don't want haters to get in the way" Jayden says. We pull up to my house and Jayden gets out. "Thank you" she says to the Uber driver. We go inside my house and it's dark and everyone is sleeping. I see the vlog camera is on my piano and I grab it to vlog. "It's almost one and I'm really tired Jayden is here and now we are going to bed. The question of the day is who's your favorite YouTuber" I say. "Mines Annie Leblanc" Jayden says wrapping her arms around my waist and putting her head on my shoulder. "Mines Jayden Bartels" I say. I flip the view finder up and I see Jayden smiling. "Okay so don't forget to comment down below cause we wanna know the question of the day isssssssss who's your favorite YouTuber bye love you guys" I shut it off and change.

Jayden pulls my bed out and grabs pillows and blankets because I said it's freezing. I put on Jayden's merch jacket and her merch's shorts. She smiles at me. "I love a supportive girlfriend" she says. I get on the bed and she wraps her arms around me. "Do you think I'm too old to still sleep with a blankie" I ask. "No still sleep with my moms shirts so no" I giggle and rest my head on her chest. She kisses my forehead and I drift off the sleep.

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