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Annie's POV
I set up the camera in our room and I start filming and Jayden sits on our bed. We've moved in. It's been about a week. And there's still boxes and things to be put away. "Hi guys its Annie and I wanted to film a video about everything" Elle stars crying and Jayden gets her. Jayden sits down holding Elle and she cuddles into her chest like mommy does. "So you guys obviously know about everything cause we vlog daily but this is our side of the story and what happened. Cause I've heard crazy rumors" I say.

"Um so Elle is biologically mine and Jayden's. It's confusion and I'm gonna get demonetized if I explain that. But she's Jayden's too. She doesn't even look like me. She looks like Jayden. So that's that. And we moved in together yes. Our parents still live with us but they stay at their houses some nights because they are finishing packing. My mom and dad have been packing the apartment still. And we are not getting married soon. It's illegal but we've been together like two years so I don't know why it's surprise probably because we are young but. We love each other. We have a kid together and we want to spend the rest of our lives together" Elle grabs on my shirt and Jayden's hands her too me. "She wants milk" I walk away off camera and breastfeed her. "Damn she's sexy" Jayden says eyeing me up and down. "Stop" I say blushing and she bites her lip. "Damn girl you look like someone's baby momma" I laugh shaking my head.

I finished the video and edited it. "When are you gonna post it" Jayden says. "I don't know" I say and she puts her arms on the side on me. I look up at her and she's looking down at my chest. "Stop" I say pushing her. I get up and go into the kitchen getting a water. Hayley is on set. I lay on the couch and Jayden comes laying down between my legs. She pulls me down and I wrap my legs around her waist and she kisses my lips softly. I hum against her lips and she kisses my cheek and then my jaw and then down my neck. "We already have one baby we don't need another" I say. "I know but I miss you" She says. "You see me everyday. How could you possibly miss me" I ask. "He misses you. And I miss you sexually" She whispers bitting on my ear making me moan. "Oh well then I miss you too. But it's just not safe. Don't want to get pregnant again" She nods and I flip us over. She groans and I lay on her chest and go on Netflix to watch a movie. She grabs my ass and I roll my eyes. "If I can't get inside you at least let me grab your ass, my ass" She says and smirks. "Fine" I say.

It doesn't actually bother me it's just kinda inappropriate. The baby monitor is downstairs on the living room table so we can hear her and there's a camera in my phone so I can see her if she needs me. She might want milk or just a cuddle. Or a kiss who knows. There's a knock on the door and then I get up opening the door to see all our friends. Saryna, Jay, Connor, Mads, Carson, Matt, Greg, Austin, Tyler, Riley and Indi.

"Let's watch movies" They say and I sit up.

"Where's the baby" Mads asks.

"Sleeping" we both say. We watch the movie and Jayden made popcorn so we have like four bowls somewhere. It's super quiet and then Elle starts crying and I go on my phone to see she woke up.

"We didn't give her; her blankie" I say to Jayden. "I got it" She says. She pecks my lips and leaves going upstairs. I watch her and hold the monitor to my lips. "It's okay baby. Mama's coming. Mama's here." She calms down a little and just hiccups. We put a camera in the room so we can see her when we are downstairs.

"Shh baby it's okay, it's okay" I hear Jayden say picking her up and wrapping her in the blankie. It's baby yellow and says Jaynnie. She doesn't sleep without it. She starts crying but louder.

"Elle what's wrong" Jayden asks. She cries and I frown. "I'll be back" I put my phone down and go upstairs. "What's wrong" I ask Jayden. "Sing" Jayden says smiling. Last time she had an episode where she just kept crying we sang to her. Elvis Presley. And she falls right asleep.

"Fine" I say and Jayden sets her down in the crib. We got a tall crib so we don't have to bend down too much to get her out.

"Ready" I ask her and she nods.

"Wise men say..... only fools rush in" I sing and Jayden joins in wrapping her arm around my waist.

"But I can't help falling in love with you. For I can't help falling in love with you" We sing and she closes her eyes. But she's not asleep but we whisper the last verse. "For I can't help falling in love with you." I feel Jayden's eyes burning into the side of my head so I look at her. "What" I ask.

"I can't help falling in love with you" She says putting hair behind my ear.

"You're so cheesy" I say blushing.

"But you love me" She says and I smile.

"But I love you" I say wrapping my arms around her neck. "Okay let's go watch the movie" Jayden says. "Wait I wanna give her a kiss" I kiss her cheek. "You can give me a kiss" She says smirking. "No because you want to turn it into something more. And we don't need another baby" I say walking past her. "Oh come on" Jayden says sitting next to me on the couch. "Nope" she rolls her eyes and I kiss her quickly.

"No!" I say again. "Please I would love another baby" She whines. "Jayden no! I already have ruined my young body. Have you seen these stretch marks?"

"You're gorgeous. And so are those stretch marks" I smile and peck her lips. "Thank you now I wanna watch a movie" I run downstairs and everyone smirks. "You saw all of that" I ask blushing as Jayden comes down wrapping her arms around me. "Yep" They answer smiling.

"Don't worry you two are adorable" Saryna says.

Jaynnie (annie and Jayden)Where stories live. Discover now