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Annie's POV
I went inside with Jayden and they are still at the beach. They have this movie on the beach thing but I didn't want to watch. Jayden is recording on her camera while I do my hair and I push her away. She grabs my waist with her free hand and puts her hand in my back pocket. "Jayden" I warn her. "Your so cute" she says making me blush. She kisses me and I set my straightener down to kiss her back. I grab her neck and her tongue enters my mouth. We part when air is a must and she pecks my lips again. "I was thinking when we go back home we do the chapstick challenge we just won't post it yet" Jayden says.

"Sure" I say. "Good" she smiles and leaves the room.

Jayden is taking a shower now and I'm finished and in Jayden's merch shorts and a Calvin Klein sports bra. I turn the tv on and watch Disney. I grab my phone and go on Snapchat. I lay on my back and hold my arm up in the air. I feel a head between my legs and I see Jayden smirking at me. She kisses up my stomach and stops at the hem of my bra and I'm still recording. I make cute faces at the camera not caring what Jayden is doing I feel kisses on my neck and she's grinding between my legs. I stop recording and save it but I don't post it cause no one can know we are dating. Just yet.

"I was thinking about how we should come out to our parents and if I can contact James Charles would you wanna do a couples video with him" she asks. "Omg yes, I love him! That would be so cool. So let's wait till our three month and I'll already DM him on instagram" I nod and she grabs her phone.

missjaydenb- hi!

jamescharles- hi sister

missjaydenb- so I'm gay and I have a girlfriend Annie LeBlanc, we just started dating but no one knows. We plan to come out on our three month. Just because we are still new to this whole dating thing and we don't want drama just yet.

jamescharles- omg sister! #pride you go girl! I've seen you two on videos and edits and y'all are fucking cuuute!

missjaydenb- so could we do a video with you since your like queen of makeup and your gay.

jamescharles- like a girlfriend vs. girlfriend! Omg! Sister yesssss

missjaydenb- thank you my girlfriend is in love with you, she never misses a video and she's gonna kill me for saying this

jamescharles- here's my number ********** text me anytime. And I'm so glad you found someone, by sister

missjaydenb- bye

"Babe he said yes" I smile and wrap my arms around her and kiss her.

We just got back to LA and it's our one month today so I'm gonna post a picture on Instagram and so is Jayden. Very cute pictures and nothing to give away our relationship. She captioned hers and it says

'I've know this girl for a while and I just wanna say how much I appreciate everything you do. You're my number 1 supporter and you mean to absolute world to me. You're my favorite person to talk to. My best hello and my hardest goodbye. With you I know I have forever and never will I ever let you go #jaynnie💗'

I smile and post mine everyone comments best friend goals and only a few start to think we are dating.

We are back in LA and I'm off for a whole week so Jayden is gonna spend the night. But Hayley isn't and she has to film for brat in a far location so her and mommy are getting a hotel but they will still come home if they get off early. So me and Jayden will have to house to ourselves. Which is great so we can be a couple couple like in my house since we can't do anything with my parents home. We are on our way to her house to get her some clothes and other stuff she needs.

We get to my apartment and we walk in and it feels like home. Daddy went home with the dogs so it's just me and my girlfriend. "Home sweet home" I say pushing my suitcase away and throwing my carry on; on the couch. "Yay" Jayden tackles me into the bean bag and I immediately blush. "This is where" I stop and Jayden nods understanding. "How about I made us some dinner" I say. She smiles and kisses me. Her hand moves from behind me to my face and I smile against her lips. "What are you going to make" she asks.

"Something easy because mommy has been teaching me how to cook but I haven't learned a lot. I can make us tacos" I say she nods and goes on her phone not paying me any mind. I grab the camera to vlog me cooking and I vlog a lot of other stuff.

I'm done and I grab plates making the tacos and then I set it on the table. I clean the dishes and then I sit down.

"Jay come eat" she sits next to me and we eat in silence but comfortable silence. "This was really good babe" she says playing with my hair that's in a ponytail. "Thank you" she smirks and I put both our plates in the sink. Jayden walks off somewhere and I just stand and lean on the counter with my booty out. I feel hands around my waist and I smile knowing it Jayden. She grabs my shirt and lifts it over my head. Then she unclips my bra and it falls to the floor. Her hands massage my small boobs which I don't really have just yet I hope. Her fingers twist my nipples and I moan at the pain. "Jayden" I whisper. "Shh" she slides my leggings off and then my panties. Now I'm fully naked. "What are you DOING" I scream as I feel her push into me. She's wearing the strap on. "Fuck baby" she groans and pushes into me harder. "Fuck fuck Jayden" curse words just keep coming out and I'm panting. It feels so good.

"Harder" I barely get it out as I'm cumming all over her. My head falls back and she slips out me. I turn around and she's on her knees. I'm so sensitive and I'm gonna cum again. She licks all my juices and bites on my clit. "Yes" I grab onto the counter and my legs begin to shake when I'm reaching the maximum. Her tongue is doing wonders inside of me.

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