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Jayden's POV
It's Annie birthday and she's now about a month pregnant but you cant tell. "Happy birthday baby" I whisper in her ear wrapping my arms around her waist and kissing her neck. "Thank you" she whispers and I set my head on her shoulder. Her ass is pressed to my front and I'm dying. She's so damn hot and adorable at the same time. I can't take it. I want her so badly. "What you making" I ask. "Breakfast for the whole house" she says and holds a piece of bacon for me. I take and bite and hum at the taste. "You're such a good cook" I say kissing her cheek.

I move my hand from her waist to her stomach and I rub it softly. "How are you feeling" I ask. "The same kinda besides I have to pee a lot and my head hurts and I'm hungry for weird foods" she says laughing. "You're adorable and I love you" I see a smile cross her face. "I love you too" I move away and Katie was recording us.

"Happy Birthday Annie" Katie says and hugs Annie. I finish the food buy putting it on plates and setting them on the table. "Where is Hay hay" I ask. Hayley runs in jumping on me and I hold her carefully. She's so little. "Happy Birthday Ann's" she screams smiling and Annie gives her a hug. "What are we doing today" Hayley asks resting her head on my shoulder. "I don't know babe" I look at Annie and she smiles at me. I grab her waist pulling her to me and kissing her cheek. "I'm so in love with you! Your so gorgeous!" I whisper in her ear and she blushes.

"Well we have my party and I wanna get my nails and toes done and then some shopping maybe and just spending the night with my family" she looks at hay and I and we both smile.

"Let's get ready" I say putting Hayley down. She goes into her room and I go with Annie to hers. She puts on some blue ripped jeans and a yellow crop top with white nike air forces I bought her for her birthday like yesterday.

I'm wearing blue ripped jeans with yellow nike pros under and the band is showing with a white and yellow and pink cropped shirt and pink vans. Also a black fanny pack. My hair is straight and down. Annie's hair is curly and down she's gorgeous. Hayley is wearing a plaid skirt and a black shirt with some sandals and her hair is natural and curly. She's adorable. I want her curly hair.

"Ready" Katie asks and we head out.

Annie gets her hair done and toes.We shop and she buys stuff. We finally get back to her house after forever and she puts everything upstairs i'm downstairs in the kitchen leaning against the counter liking jaynnie accounts and following them. I watch the edits and see what i'm being tagged in. Hayden liked a ton of hannie posts. Saying it's real again and I'm just a cover story. I frown and decide to go live to clear this up. Hayden joins and I laugh because this is stupid.

"So I saw something that has me pissed off because I don't know why he's trying to ruin my relationship but Annie and I are still dating and we're happy" Hayden comments laughing emojis. "What's funny Hayden" I ask and people are commenting 'tea'.

"Annie was just texting me" I read.

"I don't understand why your in my business. This has nothing to do with you. Annie loves me and I love Annie. She obviously doesn't like you so i get it that your butthurt but it's uncalled for. Annie is dating me" I end the live and Annie comes downstairs and wraps her arms around my waist. I turn around and hold her.

"What's wrong"

"Hayden is starting drama"

"I'm sorry" I hold her tighter kissing her head.

"It's okay babe" she smiles against my chest and I laugh slightly.

"We have to start getting ready for my party"

"Just give me a minute"

"For what"

"I just want to hold you" I say closing my eyes and rest my head on hers.

"Okay Jay we have to leave" she tries to move but I don't let her. "I just love you so much. I love your hair, and your small hands, your amazing body, the way your eyes sparkle when you're really happy" she looks up at me smiling and I see the sparkle. "Just like that" her smile only grows.

"You're so beautiful and you don't even realize it. You mean so much to me. I love you. I love you with all my heart" tears fall down her cute face and I wipe them away. I lean down kissing her lips quickly and lovingly. It only lasted two second but it was two seconds of bliss. "I love you too J" I smile and peck her lips again.

"Okay okay lovebirds and sweet as this is you have to get ready" we run upstairs seeing the camera and she laughs.

I put on a suit and tie with some red sneakers. Annie puts on a tight a very tight red dress. It's not strapless and it's about knee length. She's wearing black heels and her hair is curly. Mine is straight and in a ponytail because i've been feeling it straight for a while and I want it out my face.

"You're stunning" I say looking her up and down. "Thank you" she blushes and I wrap my arms around her waist. "You're so cheesy today" she says and turns around. I kiss her hard and she moans against my lips. I push her against her railing grabbing her hips. Her arms wrap around my neck pulling me closer I lift her up and her legs wrap around my waist. "No none of that. Y'all know what happens" I put her down and keep my head against hers.

"Let's go" We go downstairs holding hands and head to her party. I have her gift in my jacket pocket and I think she'll love it. She will love it. I smile at my girlfriend who's 14 now. We go to the doctors next month to make sure she's healthy and doing everything correct and the baby's fine. We haven't decided how to tell people so this is crazy. She's due in July. So we are having a summer baby.

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