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Annie's POV
I wake up to my alarm I jump up happy because I know I get to see Jayden soon. Hayley slept with mommy and I slept on the bottom bunk the door opens and mommy walks in vlogging of course. "Do you wanna come with daddy Hayley and I to go get breakfast from somewhere" I shake my head. "Evone is coming but she's dropping Jayden off" I nod and try not to smile too hard. She leaves and then I hear the door close. I start to get dressed and I play music. I put on a dark purple cropped sweater with black lulu leggings. I put on my white vans and then I leave my hair down I brush it and straighten it. Perfect by ed Sheeran comes on and I smile and start to sing along. I feel hands on my hips and I smile knowing who it is.

"Hi baby" I say smiling. I wrap my arms around her and she hugs me. She kisses me and I kiss back and she pushes me onto the bed. "Wait did your mom leave" I ask. "Yea she said they would be ten minutes" she says before leaning back down to kiss me. I flip us over and straddle Jayden. She grabs my hips pulling me down and I start to grind on her. "Please don't baby" she groans. I kiss her and then down the neck. She's wearing a crop top and I pull it down so I can kiss her collar bone. I continue grinding on her and she grabs my ass and massages it making me moan. "Jayden please" I say wanting more. "We can't our parents are gonna be here soon" Jayden says sitting up. I groan and sit up but still straddling her. I grab her face and kiss her and she pushes me away. "Hey" I pout. She pecks my lips and moves from under me. "If we continue I won't be able to stop" the door opens and Hayley runs in hugging Jayden.

"Hi jayjay" I smile at the cute nickname and go into the bathroom to brush my teeth. The door opens and closes and I see Jayden in the mirror. She smacks my ass and I jump glaring at her. I spit out my toothpaste and Jayden grabs my hips pecking my lips. I smile at her and she wraps one of her arms around my waist and i kiss her cheek. "Your so cute" she says.

"So you tell me" I say.

We pull up in the Uber and we are finally at the airport and we get out with our suitcases. Me and Jayden decided to share one because we are sharing a room at the resort we are going to. She grabs the bag and holds my hand. She goes on instagram and we wait while the parents unload the car. "Walk" Jayden says. I grab the suit case to push it and we talk a boomerang. She doesn't tag me but the fans will find out who it is. lol. She grabs the suitcase from me pecking my cheek. After we leave Hawaii it will be me and Jayden's 1 month. I think we will wait till 3 months to announce we are dating. I don't know we haven't really talked about it. We go through baggage claim and then security check. Jayden and I had PSA pre-check. We held hands the whole time of course. We go to Starbucks and take cute pictures but don't post them.

"I have a surprise I think you will enjoy once we get to Bora Bora" Jayden whispers. Her lips touch my ear and I blush like crazy. We are in a booth sitting next to each other. I wonder what the surprise could be. She always spoils me.

The plane ride was long and we get there and it's night time. We get to the resorts and head to our rooms. We all wanted to freshen up and then go to dinner. It's a late dinner but the food places don't close so great for us. We are surprising the fans so they don't even know we are in Bora Bora. And they won't till the vlog comes out. We get to our room and it's very cute.

"My mom said we can shower and then meet them at the bar and grill" I tell Jayden

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"My mom said we can shower and then meet them at the bar and grill" I tell Jayden. She nods and jumps on the bed. I go into the shower and I forgot my clothes. "Jayden can you bring me some clothes" I yell. "Sure babe" I hear her say. I continue to wash my hair and then I feel hands on my hips and I turn around to see Jayden. "You in the shower with me" I ask which is obvious. "Is that okay" she asks. I wrap my arms around her neck and nod. "Is this okay" she says looking down. I gasp seeing she's wearing a strap on. "This is my surprise" she says. I though maybe, jewelry, a cute shirt, food. Not a strap on but it works. "Yea" I say kissing her. She pushes me against the wall and the water falls down onto us. I scream as she enters me. It's painful for a few seconds and then I moan in ecstasy. "Yes Jayden" I moan. Aw goes faster and harder and I'm almost there. "Faster jay" I whisper. She kisses down my neck and I moan once she hits the g-spot. She's moaning and I'm moaning. "Fuck" she says as I cum onto the shaft. "That was so amazing" I say. "I know" she says. She takes it off and keeps her arms wrapped around me. She gets the wash rag and puts soap on it and she washes me. She squeezes me boobs earning a small moan from me. As she runs the rag down my body she drops it and lets her fingers run through my folds. I'm still sensitive from cumming just seconds ago. "Jayden please" I whine leaning my head back. She inserts one finger and I cum again.

After about and hour and a half we get out the shower. She puts the strap on under the sink and we blow dry our hair straight. I wanted it curly so I curled it quickly. Jayden is doing her makeup and I'm doing mine. But I'm in the bathroom. She's in the room on the bed I think. "Baby" I call out. "Baby" I say again. "Yes sweetheart" I blush at the name. "Can you come here for a second" I ask. She walks in and she's recording me. I'm guessing on Snapchat. "How do I look" I ask jumping off the counter. "Perfect" she says smiling. She flips the camera around and grabs my face to kiss me. She got that all on recording. She saves it but doesn't post it. I'm wearing a white tube top with ripped jeans. Jayden picked it out and it's cute. I'm not wearing a bra under it for once. It's weird but oh well. I put on chapstick and then I'm done. "Why were you recording" I ask. "Because you called me baby and it was the cutest thing ever" she says smiling at me. "Okay let's go" I say and she grabs my hand.

Jaynnie (annie and Jayden)Where stories live. Discover now