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Her eyes slowly opened as her head laid against his chest. She peeped at the clock on her nightstand and saw that it was going on 4 AM.

She looked at her ex-husband as he slept peacefully and all she could do was roll her eyes. She didn't know what possibly made him stay the night, but he had wore her all the way out. Beyoncé felt like a new person but that's what sex with Shawn always felt like.

She quietly got out of his grasp and made her way to the bathroom to piss. She then laid back in bed with him, trying her best not to wake him up but Shawn felt the movement. He opened his eyes and looked at her.

"I'm sorry," She said, "I had to pee."

"You fine." He thought she would lay back on his chest, but he was kind of hurt to see her turn her back towards him.

He sat up and looked at the time before pulling her closer to him. They spooned and he figured she would stop him but she never did.

"You know you have to leave before the girls wake up for school, right?"

"I do." He wrapped his arm around her and they both fell asleep until Beyoncé's alarm went off. She let him stay asleep while she got herself ready for work.

6:30 AM came quickly and the girls would be waking up soon. As she put on her Fossil watch, she looked at her ex-husband and wanted to strangle him. That's how it usually would go. They have sex and she's okay afterwards until she think about him doing the things he do with her, with another woman.

"Shawn, get up." She said nudging him.

He groaned, "I'm up." He said, barely awake.

"No seriously, I need you to get up and leave before the kids wake up."

"Why can't I just stay here and leave when I wake up?"

Beyoncé sighed, "First of all, you wasn't suppose to stay anyway so get up before I call the cops and say you broke in."

Shawn laughed and finally opened his eyes to see Beyoncé staring back at him. He could tell she was serious so he got out of bed and put on his clothes from the night before.

"Don't think you can stay here again." She mumbled under her breath as she walked into the bathroom to curl her hair.

"I put it down good and you still have an attitude, damn."

"Shawn we are not friends. I'm not obligated to be nice to you. Now go, seriously."

He nodded his head, "You wasn't saying that last night but I'll go."

She rolled her eyes and followed him downstairs, watching him drive away before closing the door.

"Oh shit!" She said when she saw Skylar standing behind her, "It's too early in the morning to be playing these games."

Skylar looked at her, "Dad is just now leaving. That's interesting."

Beyoncè didn't say anything so they just stared at one another until Skylar rolled her eyes. "Y'all are confusing. Why have sex with him but claim to not want him anymore?"

Beyoncé looked around to see if Skylar was talking to her, "You have two seconds to walk back up those stairs and get out of my face."

"But — "


She groaned and stomped up the stairs with her mother right behind her.

"You doing all that damn stomping like a little kid. Make sure you stomp your ass right on outta here and walk to school because I'm not taking you."

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