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Beyoncé sat on the couch enjoying an episode of Basketball Wives. She was enjoying the time she had to herself but knew it wasn't going to last long. It was Sunday and nearing 5 PM so the girls would be home pretty soon.

Her weekend consisted of herself laying across the house doing absolute nothing. She wasn't sad or depressed, she just wasn't in the mood to be bothered by anyone.

Like she expected, the doorbell rang indicating that the girls were home. She wasn't sure why they didn't use their key, but she stood up to answer the door anyway.

"Hi mommy!" They greeted in unison, kissing one side of her cheek. Beyoncé smiled and greeted them back before putting her eyes on Shawn. He had made himself inside of the home that he once could call his and closed the door behind him.

While the girls traveled to their room upstairs, their parents stood in front of one another at a loss for words. They had nothing to talk about anymore and it made things awkward.

"You can have a seat." She said to him before leading him into the living room. He took that time to stare at her from behind. She was only dressed in black leggings and a small tee that once belonged to him.

He couldn't help but to admire her nice, round ass. It seemed as if it had gotten bigger since the last time they did anything almost six months ago.

He plopped down on the sofa next to her and kept his eyes on the television. He would glance at her from time to time but saw that she was focused on the show.

"How was your weekend?" He asked.

"Boring. I enjoyed the quietness though."

Shawn nodded his head, "Understandable. So you didn't go out with whatever guy you have on your arms now?"

She rolled her eyes and shook her head. Sometimes she didn't quite understand why he acted as if he was jealous when he was the one that stepped out on his family.

"What I do isn't your business anymore Shawn."

He chuckled, "If you're doing anything in my house, I have a right to know."

"Come again? This stopped being your house the moment you cheated on me with that stank ass bitch. This is my house and I will do as I please."

"Here you go bringing this up again."

She looked at him, "You damn right! You're so fucking stupid."

Shawn sighed and checked the time on his watch. He knew it was time to go because Beyoncé's mouth was getting reckless. He stood to his feet and yelled to the girls that he was leaving.

Beyoncé was livid as she watched him hug their daughters. She still walked him to the door to make sure that he actually left.

"Beyoncé, I'm sorry okay? For everything."

They stepped outside and she shook her head, "You're not sorry. For your information, I didn't do anything this weekend. But I guess you only care what goes on in this household when you're not the one fucking me. You cheated on me, remember? Why you care so much?"

"You were my wife! My best friend for years!"

"And you fucked that up Shawn!" Beyoncè yelled, "I've done nothing but love you and cherish you and you repay me by fucking another woman as if I meant nothing to you."

He sighed and looked at her. He has apologized more than enough times but she has yet to forgive him for it. Her feelings were hurt and her heart was broken. He didn't know what else to do to show her how sorry he really was.

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