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Beyoncé checked herself out in the mirror for the final time, making sure that she looked good enough to step out of the house

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Beyoncé checked herself out in the mirror for the final time, making sure that she looked good enough to step out of the house. It was Labor Day – the day before her birthday – and Shawn's family was having a cookout to celebrate the holiday. She had no plans of going, but the last thing she wanted to do was be stuck in the house doing absolutely nothing.

She felt hands wrap around her waist and she leaned her head back on his chest. Reggie placed a kiss on her cheek and then passionately kissing her lips. Beyoncé let out a soft moan as his hands roamed every part of her body.

"You look amazing baby." Reggie complimented, looking at her through the mirror.

"Thank you. It's not doing too much, is it?"

Reggie shook his head, "No, but where are you going again?"

"My ex-husband's family gathering."

Reggie slowly nodded his head, still looking at her through the mirror, "So you still talk to them or something?"

Beyoncé turned to look at him to make sure he had her attention and vice versa. She swatted a piece of lent off of his shirt before nodding her head.

"Yeah, that's still my family regardless of the relationship me and my ex have. Plus, my kids are there and they want me to come. Is that a problem for you?"

Reggie looked into her eyes and softly smiled, "No it's not a problem. I just don't want ole dude thinking he can get you back. You look good as hell and I know soon as he see you, he's going to start thinking."

Beyoncé sighed. She was thankful that her phone began to ring because she didn't know how to respond to Reggie. She walked past him to get to her phone that was lying on the bed. She wasn't surprised when she saw Skylar's name. She answered the facetime call and waited for the phone to connect.

"Mama, where you at!" Skylar groaned, "You said you would be here an hour ago."

Beyoncé laughed, "I said I was getting ready an hour ago, but I promise I'm coming baby. Just save me a plate."

"We did. There's no more crawfish and the last bit of it is wrapped in your plate. Just hurry before I eat it."

"Sky, if you touch my food, I'm whooping your ass."

Skylar laughed, "You say that all the time and don't do squat! But I gotcha mama. See you when you get here."

Beyoncé smiled and shook her head before ending the call. She grabbed the rest of her things and with Reggie behind her, they walked out of her home. Reggie walked her to her car, making sure she was in safely.

"Call me when you get a chance." He said before leaning in and kissing her lips. They shared multiple pecks until Beyoncé fully pulled away.

"Okay baby, bye." She said, watching him walk to his car before pulling off.

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