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"You better not drop it." Summer mumbled to her sister as they walked from the kitchen to their mother's room.

It's September 4th — the day their grandmother gave birth to their mother. Unfortunately, they had to go to school but thanks to their father, they were able to do something nice for their mom.

Skylar held the cupcakes while Summer held the two Louis Vuitton bags. Again, with the help of their father and the money their grandparents Tina and Richard sent every week was enough for them to buy Beyoncé a bag and shoes.

"Bitch shut up." Skylar said as she slowly walked up the stairs.

"Because if you drop it, we really are fighting."

Skylar gave Summer the side eye before laughing, "I would love to see that happen."

They finally made it to her room and Summer knocked on the door before walking right in. Beyoncé was still asleep since she took off work.

"Are you going to wake her?" Summer asked.

"I'm scared, you do it."

Summer looked at her mother peacefully sleeping and sighed. Last time she woke Beyoncé out of her sleep, she got yelled at.

She set the bags on the bed and softly nudged her mother. After a couple more pushes, Beyoncé's eyes fluttered open and she stared at her daughters.

"Happy birthday mommy." They said in unison. She wanted to kick their ass for waking her up but she was happy to see what they had done for her.

"Y'all didn't have to." She said in her husky, morning voice. The girls sat on the bed as she sat up and reached for the two boxes.

"Who is this from?" She asked as she pulled the beautiful LV purse out the bag.

"Us, duh," Skylar laughed, "Daddy and grandpa Richard helped too but we did all the work."

Beyoncé smiled and pulled the shoes out of the other bag. She wanted to cry because she had been looking for those exact shoes for the longest.

"Y'all are so sweet. Thank you." She leaned in and kissed both of their foreheads.

"So were you going to take us to school or were you going to let me drive your car?" Skylar asked.

Beyoncé sighed and sat back in bed. She didn't feel like moving at all unless she really had to. She said a prayer to herself before opening her eyes and staring at them.

"Skylar, you will drive going to school and Summer will drive coming back. Please, pretty please, do not wreck my car. Bring her back in one piece."

Summer rolled her eyes, "We do know how to drive."

"I'm not worried about you two, I'm worried about the other drivers. But my keys are somewhere in the kitchen. Text me when you guys make it."

"Alright! Thanks mommy. See you later."

Beyoncé watched as they walked out her room. When she heard the front door open and close, she closed her eyes and fell right back to sleep.



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