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Robyn stood in the women's bathroom leaning over the toilet as she vomited. Seeing Beyoncé's body on that table had made her more than sick. There was no way she would be able to continue working after what she had just seen.

Soon as her pager went off letting the nurses on her unit know that there was a shooting and five people needed attention, everyone had to split up and quickly do their jobs.

"Wait, I thought it was only five people that needed attention?" She asked one of the doctors, "Why was six people rolled in?"

"One died at the scene," the doctor said as he put his gloves on. He handed Robyn hers and sighed, "But let's not worry about that right now. We have five people that are critically injured and need our help. Do not become attached Robyn."

Robyn nodded her head and put on her gloves. One thing she hated about being a nurse was that she couldn't show much sympathy and get her feelings so involved. She was a loving person and she hated when she couldn't help everyone. It made her extremely emotional.

She began helping one of the victims when one of the other nurses nudged her.

"Yeah?" Robyn answered as she tried to keep focus on what was going on in front of her.

"They're saying it's Mrs. Carter... Beyoncé."

Robyn stopped what she was doing, "Huh?"

"They are saying the dead body belongs to Beyoncé. I haven't seen it but that's what I just heard. It's killing me on the inside. I can't even work because of how emotional I am right now."

Tears welled in Robyn's eyes and she slowly nodded her head, "I'm going to go check it out. Can you cover for me?"

"Sure." The other nurse said before Robyn removed her gloves and walked out. She carefully walked out of the operation room and down the hall to where they kept most of the dead bodies. She peeked her head in to make sure no one else was inside before going in.

The room was extremely cold like many people say it be. She rarely visit the room so she wouldn't know. She quickly sanitized her hand before going over to the body that they knew they just wheeled in.

She lifted the sheet and quickly put it back down when she saw her face. "Oh my God, please no.." she prayed as she paced the room. She didn't have to look long to know that it was definitely Beyoncé.

Robyn felt chills coming onto her body as she paced the room. She couldn't believe what she just saw, and now it was stuck in her mind. She reached for her phone and quickly dialed Kelly's number.

"Hey babe! I'm at the graduation right now so I'll have to call you back." Kelly said.

Robyn shook her head, "No Kelly, please listen to me.."

"Well what is it Robyn?"

Robyn looked at Beyoncé's body and felt the tears coming back. She sobbed and leaned against the wall as she tried to figure out a way to tell Kelly this.

"I'm at work," she whispered, "And we were paged because it was a shooting. They had six bodies wheeled in; five critically injured."

Kelly frowned, "Okay? Do you guys need me to clock in and help? I'm at Beyoncé's kids graduation but it's over now. I'm walking out. I'm pretty sure they'll understand if I have to go to work."

Robyn sighed, "No, I'm pretty sure they'll call you in if they need the extra help, but I'm sitting in this room with the dead body and..."

Kelly laughed, "What the fuck? You weird bitch. What are you doing in there? I hope you don't get caught."

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