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5 months later

Beyoncé dipped her hand in the bag of potato chips as her eyes stayed glued to the television. It wasn't much to watch since she was in the hospital and they only had basic cable. She was flipping between Criminal Minds and Flip or Flop.

She was two days late of her due date so her doctor had no other choice but to induce her. She had been in the hospital for a total of 14 hours but it felt so much longer.

Currently she was alone. Her parents and Shawn was working, the twins were in school, and Robyn and Kelly was also working. Since they worked in the hospital, they stopped by whenever they had a chance to sit with Beyoncé.

Once she was done eating the bag of chips, she balled it up and put it in the trash can that was next to her bed. She sighed as she laid back in bed thinking about how bored she was.

She played a couple of games on her phone until she heard a knock on the door. She was so excited knowing that someone was coming in to entertain her.

"Sister!" She said loudly when she saw Solange walk in with her husband Alan and son, Daniel.

"Sister!" Solange greeted back in the same tone. Beyoncé knew her sister was coming but she had no clue when. Thanks to Shawn, Solange was able to surprise her. It was a 5 hour drive from New Orleans to Houston, but thanks to Alan, they made it in almost four hours. They were earlier than expected.

"How did you figure out where I were? You didn't tell me you were coming so soon." Beyoncé said as they each gave her a hug. Afterwards, Daniel put his hands on his aunt's stomach, making everyone laugh.

"Your husband gave me the room number. I wanted to surprise you."

Beyoncé smiled, "Well you did! Thank God, because I'm going to die of boredom sitting in this damn room. Make yourselves comfortable."

While Alan and Daniel sat on the long couch, Solange had pulled a chair next to Beyoncé's bedside. They had so much to talk about, especially since Solange noticed the diamond ring on Beyoncé's finger.

"Wait, so you guys getting remarried?"

Beyoncé nodded her head, "Yeah we are, maybe a year from now when the baby is old enough to walk or whatever. You know we never had a wedding before so we want things to be special this time around."

Beyoncé and Shawn never had a wedding. They did it the easier and fastest way by going to the courthouse. Beyoncé was against it, but Shawn made her agree to it.

His funds were low at the time. Beyoncé had all the money because of her parents and Shawn refused to use someone else's money to plan his wedding. He wanted to be able to contribute, so they decided to not have a wedding at that moment.

"So counseling must have worked," Solange said with a smirk, "I told you it would!"

"You did," Beyoncé said nodding her head in agreement, "Thank God we moved on from all of that. We're just ready for this baby to get here."

"You thought of any names?" Daniel asked.

Beyoncé smiled, "Serenity if it's a girl. Sayler if it's a boy."

Alan laughed, "I can't believe you don't know the gender. I wouldn't be able to go that long without knowing."

"You know you're having another girl right?" Solange said. Beyoncé rolled her eyes at that. She hoped and prayed for a boy. She didn't plan on having anymore children so she at least wanted her last child to be a boy. She also knew how much Shawn was looking forward to having a son. She wanted to be able to give him that.

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