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"Can you like, move?" Beyoncé said as she rinsed the last few dishes off. Shawn held her from behind with his hands rubbing her belly. Beyoncé rolled her eyes as he did so, but she couldn't complain about the way it was making her feel. Her stomach had been hurting all morning and just by his hands on her tummy, she felt a ton better.

"So I can't touch you now?" Shawn mumbled in her ear.

"I don't know who would want to touch something that's not theirs." She said, reminding Shawn of the comment he made the day before in his office. He sighed when he realized she was being petty.

"I asked one question, and I understand why you would get offended but you have to see where I'm coming from."

Beyoncé grabbed a paper towel to clean her hands and then turned to look at him. She could tell by Shawn's apologetic facial expression that he didn't mean any harm, but she still felt a certain way.

"I didn't understand the nature of you and that Russian nigga relationship."

Beyoncé frowned, "Russian?"

"Whatever his name is!"

She laughed and shook her head, "You're too damn old to be acting like this. His name is Reggie."

"Reggie, Rufus, whatever. Why you taking up for him?"

"I'm not," Beyoncé said with a shrug, "I just would like for you to say his name correctly."

Shawn shook his head and leaned down to kiss her belly. Beyoncé looked down at the gesture with a smile. It's been so long since she remembered them having a moment like this — nearly 18 years to be exact.

"Man, I really hope it's a boy." Shawn said proudly. He kissed her lips and closed her in with both arms on each side of her, leaning on the kitchen counter.

"And if it's not?"

Shawn shrugged, "I would still be happy. You know it's every man's dream to have a little them running around."

Beyoncé smiled and placed her hand on her stomach, "I want a boy too. I wanna give that to you, so let's hope and pray for a healthy baby boy."

She held out her hand for a handshake and Shawn gave in. They did their signature handshake and ended it with a kiss.

"When will we tell everyone?" She asked, finally breaking away from him so she could finish cleaning the kitchen.

"I guess when we come back from our vacation."

Beyoncé frowned and looked at him, "Vacation?"

"Yeah. I booked everything already. We're leaving to go to Italy Sunday."

She gasped and squealed a little before doing a little happy dance, "Shut your pothole! Did you really?"

Shawn busted out laughing at her expression. She joined in and playfully punched him. "That's not funny babe. Did you really do that or are you joking? Don't give my hopes up."

Shawn nodded his head and pulled out his phone to show Beyoncé the confirmation email. He had booked their flight and room the day that they finished their last session with Mrs. Harvey.

"Babe, you really did," Beyoncé said with tears in her eyes, "But why?"

He pulled her into a hug, rubbing on her ass in the process, "It's my gift to you. You're an amazing mother and wife, and you put up with way more than you should. You raised our daughters to be like the queen you are and I need to show my appreciation, because I really do love, adore, and appreciate you."

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