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"So did you all have fun today?" Shawn asked his daughters as he drove them to his home. He didn't get a response so he stared at Summer that was sitting next to him to see that she was fast asleep. He looked at Skylar through the rearview mirror and saw her with headphones on. He sighed and decided to save the conversation for later.

Soon as he parked in the driveway, Summer woke up and stretched. Skylar was already out of the car waiting on her father to unlock the front door. Summer followed behind Shawn as he opened the door and they all walked in.

"Did you do something different?" Skylar asked with a frown. She could see that the living room was redecorated and she knew her father well enough to know that he didn't do any of it.

"Uh, yeah," Shawn said, "Wanted something different."

She nodded her head and went to her bedroom. As she laid across the bed, a message popped up on her screen. It was a group message that included herself, Summer, and their mother.

Beyoncé: Where are you guys
Summer: Dad's place!
Skylar: Where you?
Beyoncé: Out. I'll be there soon.

Soon turned into three long hours. Skylar had fallen asleep while Summer sat on the living room couch watching a movie on Netflix. She heard a knock on the front door and waited to see if someone else would get it. A couple of minutes went by when she realized that no one else would answer the door, and since she was the closest, she decided to answer it.

"Damn, took you long enough." Beyoncé said as she made her way in. She frowned when she noticed the different furniture and the way Shawn had redecorated.

"Girl, it took you long enough. Where have you been?"

"I wish you and your sister would stop asking me about my whereabouts."

Summer shrugged, "My bad then. Skylar is asleep and dad is somewhere in his room I guess." Beyoncé nodded her head and made the short walk to Skylar's room to see her laying across the bed. She shook her and watched as Skylar's eyes fluttered open and she smiled when she saw her mother.

"Hey mom."

"Hey baby. I'm ready whenever you are."

Skylar nodded her head and watched her mother walk out. She took that time to get herself together and take a quick piss before joining her sister on the couch.

Shawn's room door was closed so Beyoncé softly knocked. "Come in." He said, figuring it was one of the girls. Seeing Beyoncé kind of made his stomach do numbers. He wasn't expecting to see her and he had no clue that she had arrived from her date.

"Well look who the wind blew in. You had fun on your date?"

Beyoncé smiled, "I did actually. Did the girls enjoy your family's gathering?"

Shawn shrugged, "Ask them. I honestly wouldn't know, but they didn't complain so I'm guessing so. You know how they act when you're not there though."

"True, well I'm leaving. Goodnight."

Shawn stood up and grabbed her hand before she could walk out, "Hold on. Where you going? We can't talk?"

She sighed, "Talk about what exactly Shawn?"

"You.. me... us.."

Beyoncé bitterly laughed, "Oh since I've been on a date, now you want to talk about us. Was there an us when you cheated on me?"

Shawn threw his hands up in frustration, "There's no winning with you! I'm trying to make shit right, but you're making it extremely hard Beyoncé. I made a mistake and I want to fix this."

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