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Beyoncé sat in the doctor's office, waiting impatiently for her name to be called. She had flipped through nearly all the magazines and even tried to keep herself busy by doing things work related, but she was still growing impatient.

It was Monday and she was thankful she had the day off to work. It gave her enough time to do what she had to do – the most important thing was finding out if she was really pregnant.

She wasn't as nervous as she thought she would be, seeing that her and Shawn was back on good terms, but she still had her doubts. She haven't given birth since she was a child herself, so she was nervous.

While she waited on her name to be called, she decided to call her man. It still made her smile knowing that her and Shawn was back on good terms and she could confidently call him her man. She missed that more than anything.

"Finally.." She said once he picked up on the fifth ring, "What took you so long?"

Shawn laughed, "Because I'm working. What are you doing?"

She swung her legs back and forth, "Oh nothing... I miss you, that's all." She really did miss him. They haven't seen one another all weekend due to their schedules and they rarely texted. Shawn wasn't a texter and she wasn't either. It was always better if they talked through the phone or in person.

"I miss you too baby," Shawn said. Beyoncé could tell he was smiling, "I'll stay with you tonight. We need to be working on me moving in though. That's what I'm focused on."

"So you're going to move back in? When?"

He shrugged, "As soon as I can. I was thinking I should keep my place and let people rent it out. What do you think?"

Beyoncé nodded her head, "That would be nice. I know there's some people who would love that. You'll keep it furnished, right?"

"Yeah, unless they don't want it furnished. I'm just ready to get back with you. I miss sleeping with you, waking up to your pretty ass face, getting breakfast in bed, I miss that."

Beyoncé smiled thinking back on those days. She missed him just as much, if not even more. She was going to respond when she heard her name being called.

"Baby, I have to go but we can talk about this later. You know I want you home." She stood to her feet and grabbed her purse. She followed the nurse towards the backroom with the phone still to her ear.

"Alright, we'll discuss this when I see you. I love you, talk to you later."

"I love you too." She said before ending the call. She sighed as she sat her things down. The nurse gathered her height, blood pressure, and weight before sending her into the room to wait for her doctor.

Thankfully she wasn't waiting long. Her doctor came in nearly seconds after she entered. "My favorite girl! Hi my love, how are you?" Beyoncé's doctor, Mrs. Smith asked with a smile. Mrs. Smith had been Beyoncé's doctor since she found out she was pregnant with Summer and Skylar. If it was one person who knew her well, it was definitely her doctor.

 If it was one person who knew her well, it was definitely her doctor

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