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"Mama!" Beyoncé heard for what seemed to be the millionth time that day. Today was the day the twins would be graduating from high school and they've been calling on their mother since six in the morning.

Beyoncé groaned as she removed the curlers from her hair, "What now baby?" She answered calmly to whomever that called her name.

"Should I wear flats or heels?" Summer asked, walking into her mother's bathroom where she was getting dressed. Beyoncé took a quick glimpse of Summer's feet where she had heels on one foot and flats on the other.

"Heels." Beyoncé said before picking the curlers up again.

"Why though?" Summer whined, "They are so high and I don't want to fall."

Beyoncé sighed, "You're not Summer. Don't be basic and put on flats. I taught you better than that." Summer rolled her eyes and walked out of the room. She didn't want to wear heels but her mother suggested it so she went with it.

Soon as Summer left out of the room, Skylar was walking in with two dresses in her hands. "Mama pick one," She said as she held the two dresses up to her body, "Yellow or Navy Blue."

Beyoncé looked away from the mirror and frowned, "I thought y'all was only allowed to wear white or black dresses."

Skylar smacked her lips, "Girl them white folks don't tell me what I can and cannot wear. Which one you think though?"

Beyoncé laughed and stared at the dresses, "Uh, I like the Navy Blue but what shoes are you going to wear with it?"

"Uhhhhhhh," Skylar said, "Dammit! I don't know! Let me try the dress on and come back with some shoes."

"Stop fucking cursing!" Beyoncé yelled as Skylar walked out.

"She get it from you.." She heard. Shawn walked into the bathroom fully dressed. He was just impatiently waiting on Beyoncé and the girls to finish doing what they were doing.

"Whatever," She said, finally unplugging the curlers, "Did you get Serenity dressed for me? I don't want to be late. We're kind of running low on time."

"Yeah she's dressed. We just waiting on you and the girls."

Beyoncé smiled and pecked his lips a total of three times, "Thanks baby daddy, I love you."

"I love you too." Shawn said with a chuckle. While they finished getting dressed, he went back downstairs and watched a little television with Serenity laying on his chest. She was such a quiet baby, which he found pretty cool because her name matched her personality. She was always so calm and quiet, rarely cried. She was so much different from Summer and Skylar. According to Beyoncé, they came out of the womb getting on her nerves.

"Alright, what you think now?" Skylar asked as she walked back in her mother's room. Beyoncé only had on her bra and panties when Skylar walked in. She walked out of the closet and stared down at her feet.

"I think the brown shoes look better with the navy blue."

Skylar nodded her head and ran back out. They had thirty minutes to be at the school and they weren't near ready. While Summer did her hair, Skylar was doing her makeup. They were all rushing while Shawn sat back on the couch, unbothered and half sleepy.

Thirty minutes passed and Shawn checked the time. He held Serenity in his arms as he went to check on everyone. "We late, what are y'all doing?" He asked when he passed by the twin's rooms.

"Okay, I'm ready now!" They yelled at once.

Shawn nodded his head, "Good. Meet me at the car. Let me check on y'all mom really quick." When Shawn walked in the room, Beyoncé was doing her makeup. He laughed and shook his head at how slow she was, yet she was the first one to wake up.

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