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Two months later

"Mom, someone's at the door!" Skylar yelled to her mother that was in the kitchen cooking them breakfast.

Skylar sat on the couch right next to the door not having the energy to get out of her comfortable position and open the door.

"Mama!" She yelled again until she heard footsteps coming out of the kitchen. She looked and smiled when she saw Beyoncé heading for the door with a slight attitude.

"You know you could have gotten your lazy ass up to open this door." Beyoncé said, rolling her eyes. She wiped the little pancake mix on her pajama shorts and turned the door knob.

Seeing Shawn on the other side didn't faze her like she thought it would. It's been two months since he popped over to his mother's house with a new woman on his arms. Since then, she stopped talking to him and the only time they ever talked was when it had something to do with their kids.

"Good morning." He said to her before stepping in. Beyoncé could tell that he was hiding something behind his back but she didn't feel like playing games with him. Once he was fully inside, she closed the door behind him and made her way back to the kitchen.

"Hey kiddo." Shawn said, placing a kiss on his daughter's cheek.

"Hi daddy, what are you holding behind your back?"

Shawn smirked and pulled out the bouquet of flowers and a card. Skylar gasped and looked at him. "You didn't have to do this for me Dad!"

Shawn laughed, "This is for your mother. Think she'll accept it?"

"She better!" Skylar exclaimed, "And if she don't, can I have them? I just want to make this guy jealous

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"She better!" Skylar exclaimed, "And if she don't, can I have them? I just want to make this guy jealous. You can get them back after."

Shawn rolled his eyes, "Whatever, where's Summer?"


"Tell her to come down here."

Skylar rolled her eyes, "She pissed me off so it's best that she stay far away from me." Shawn had to laugh at his daughter. Skylar had definitely took after him. She was a clown at times and only wanted to make jokes.

Summer walked down the stairs, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. She smiled when she saw her father.

"Who's the flowers for?" She asked.

"Your mother. She's not going to accept it though."

Summer shrugged, "She might. What are you going to do for her birthday? It's next Thursday."

Shawn shrugged his shoulders this time. It was a tradition for him to go all out for Beyoncé on her birthday. Even when they divorced, he drowned her with gifts and love just to show how much she is appreciated. She didn't like it, but she was always grateful that he thought about her.

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