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"Mom, hurry with the popcorn! The movie about to start!" Skylar said as she stared at the television screen

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"Mom, hurry with the popcorn! The movie about to start!" Skylar said as she stared at the television screen. Summer laid next to her on the long couch with her own bag of popcorn. Skylar refused to share her food and somehow persuaded her mother to pop her a bag of popcorn.

Minutes later, Beyoncé walked into the theatre room with Skylar's popcorn and a bottle of wine.

"Aww, and you brought me wine?" Skylar gushed as she stared at the bottle of Moscato her mother held in her hands.

Beyoncé threw the bag at Skylar, "This definitely isn't for you." Beyoncé was getting ready to sit in between her daughters when she heard someone clear their throat.

She looked up to see Shawn sitting towards the back staring at her. He signaled for her to come over and she rolled her eyes.

"I'll be back here girls." Beyoncé told her daughters as she made her way towards their father. She plopped down next to Shawn and he wrapped his arms on the seat behind her head.

Thursday nights was Family Night where they got together to watch a movie as one. It was something they did on the regular when Beyoncé and Shawn was married, but ever since the divorce, they rarely spent time together as a family.

It was ultimately the girls' idea to spark Family Night back up and to invite their father over. Beyoncé had no problem with it since her and Shawn was now cordial.

"Dang, dad," Summer said jokingly, "You taking her away from us?"

Shawn laughed and looked at Beyoncé who was sitting beside him trying to take the cork out of the bottle. "Yeah, y'all can get her back, never."

Beyoncé laughed and sighed a sigh of relief when the cork finally came out. She grabbed Shawn's glass and poured him a little while she drunk out of the bottle.

"So I get the glass and you get the bottle?" He asked her with a smile. She leaned closer to him and nodded her head.

"Yeah, but do you want the bottle? You can get it if you want it."

Shawn shook his head, "Take it to the head."

Beyoncé looked at him and smirked, "You just want me to get drunk."

Shawn gave her that same look and leaned in to whisper in her ear, "I'm always down for a little wine sex. You know how you get when you're off the wine. Horny and freakier than ever."

She looked up at him, reminiscing on their Family nights from years ago. After the movie or even before the movie went off, Beyoncé and Shawn always found themselves in a make out session and ready to have sex. It never failed. Even though they were divorced, Beyoncé could see it happening again.

"Can y'all be quiet? The movie is starting." Summer said, looking back to see her parents all cuddled up. It warmed her heart to see the two together and she only hoped that things stayed that way. She was old enough to know that those things take time.

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