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Two months later
Two days before the twins' 18th birthday

Beyoncé ran her hands across the hood of Summer's new car, a 2018 Lexus — her dream car. She couldn't believe she had spent so much money on her daughters for their 18th birthday, but she felt that they deserved it. They both were making good grades and had plans of the future. That's all she really cared about.

"Beyoncé." Shawn called sternly. She rolled her eyes hearing his voice. They've been on bad terms all week and Shawn blamed it on her hormones. Some days she liked him, some days she didn't and on this particular day, she couldn't stand him.

"What Shawn!" She groaned, turning to face him. He was walking towards her with papers in his hands. More than likely, he had finished doing all the paperwork for Skylar's car – the 2018 Jeep she had been begging him for.

"When did you want to come back and pick the cars up?" He asked her. She shrugged her shoulders and just stared at him. She was irritated, hot, and ready to leave. Shawn could sense that she still had an attitude and it only made him upset that she was upset once again for no particular reason.

"You're not cooperating with me and it's getting me angry. I've been dealing with your shitty ass attitude all week and I'm sick of it babe. You need to get it together."

Beyoncé didn't like his tone and in no time, tears were rolling down her face. It wasn't the first time Shawn had to yell at her to put her in her place, and she hated it.

Shawn wasn't fazed by her crying. Every time he retaliated, she began to cry. He blamed it on the pregnancy hormones, but he couldn't help but to get upset at times. Her smart remarks, backlashes, and tears were irritating at times. He wasn't used to it because she didn't act this way when she was pregnant with the twins.

"I'm about to talk to this man up here to see when we can pick the cars up. You can get in the car and wait on me. It won't take me long." Shawn said, handing Beyoncé the keys to his car. She sniffed and grabbed the keys out of his hands. When Shawn walked away from her, she began crying even harder. She couldn't believe that he didn't hug her or even try to make things better. He just walked away.

She waited in the car for him for nearly ten minutes. The first thing she did when she got in was call her little sister, Solange. Solange stayed in New Orleans with her husband and son so her and Beyoncé rarely saw one another, but they called each other nearly every single day. Beyoncé learned so much from her sister. Solange was the only one Beyoncé could really talk to because Solange always listened to her and never judged.

"He gets on my nerves.." Beyoncé mumbled to Solange while looking through the window, "He's always snapping at me and it makes me so upset. He yells at me like I'm a fucking child."

Solange laughed. She knew it was only the pregnancy hormones that had Beyoncé so wishy washy the past few days, but she still gave her sister some advice even when she may not necessarily need it.

"Have you ever thought about, maybe it's you?" Solange asked, "You know you've been snapping at him too. If he does one little thing wrong, you go crazy and you know this! Maybe you just need a break Bey."

Beyoncé rolled his eyes, "It's not me. Of course I'm going to be upset if I have to tell him to take the trash out a thousand fucking times a day. When he's not at work, all he do is sit his lazy ass around the house and watch sports. He doesn't care about me."

"What you mean he doesn't care about you?"

Beyoncé sighed, feeling the tears coming again, "He just don't!" She exclaimed, "He's tired of me. He doesn't want to lay in bed with me, he's always with his guys, he doesn't talk to me anymore, and sometimes it seems as if he doesn't want to touch me."

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