Chapter 21: Hole in Her Heart

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Caroline Forbes

I wake up with a slight pain in my head and I groan as I hit snooze on the alarm clock. I sit up and gasp in pain as my heart seizes.

"What the hell?" I check over myself for wounds but don't find any. It feels like there's a hole in my heart that I can't fill and I don't know why. All I remember is Tyler flirting with the waitress yesterday and I broke up with him. I suddenly notice that I'm not in my own home but I'm in the boarding house.

"Caroline?" Elena knocks on the door and I pad over, opening it. She looks surprised when I look at her but quickly covers it. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Why?" She shifts onto her left foot and I notice the ring on her left hand. "What's that?"

"Uh-" She starts as I burrow my eyebrows in confusion. 

"Don't tell her." Damon is suddenly behind Elena and I jump in surprise.

"Don't tell me what?" Damon stands up straight and clears his throat. "It's nothing."

"It is something and if it has something to do with me, then I want to know."

"But we can't tell you Care. It's to protect you." They turn to leave

"I have one question." Elena looks up expectantly. "Why am I here? Shouldn't I be at home with my mom?"

"Come." She grabs my hands and speeds away, suddenly we're in the cemetery. "Look." I look down at the grave and gasp as tears well in my eyes.


"40 years ago." I turn around and stare at her in shock.

"What? No, I just broke up with Tyler yesterday." A few tears slide down my face as I shake my head. "It can't be that I've missed 40 years of my life Elena."

"I'm sorry Care but it's true and I can't tell you why." She speeds away and Damon follows close behind, I'm left to cry alone.

Niklaus Mikaelson

She's been sitting in front of her mother's grave all day, crying. I want to pull her into my arms and comfort her but I can't. If I do she'll be in danger again and she needs to be safe. My phone buzzes in my pocket and I pull it out, answering the call.

"Nik where are you?"

"The cemetery."



"I thought you wanted to keep your distance."

"I need to make sure she's safe Bekah."

"Okay. Just know that I hope you change your mind on the whole compelling situation."

"I know." I end the call, slipping the phone into my pocket. I inch forward and step on a tree branch, which snaps with a resounding crack. Caroline whips her head around but I'm gone before she even sees me.

Caroline Forbes

"I think someone was watching me." Elena looks up and gives me a skeptical look. "No, I'm serious Elena. I was just sitting there and I heard a twig snap but when I turned around, no one was there."

She takes out her phone and dials a number.

"I thought you were going to keep your distance."

"I was. I didn't mean to step on the branch."

"Well try to be a little more discreet next time." She ends the call, throwing her phone on the couch. "I need to go."

"Why can't you give me answers?" She stops and turns towards me.

"I swore not to." She wrings her hands and tries not to meet my eye.

"Well, I want answers, Elena. I deserve to know why I missed 40 years of my life and if you won't give them to me, I'm going to find them out myself." I go for the door but Elena grabs my arm.

"If you do this Caroline, he will never forgive you."

"Who Elena? Who will never forgive me?" I grab her shoulders and shake her slightly.

"I can't." She pushes me away and I let out a huff before rushing out the door.

"Did you compel me?" I throw open the door to the Mikaelson mansion as Klaus pours himself a drink.

"I don't know whatever you mean love." Something flashes over his eyes when they meet mine but he quickly covers it. "Why? Has something happened?"

"I can't remember the last 40 fucking years of my life. Sounds like compulsion to me." I cross my arms over my chest and he sets his drink on the bar.

"Why and what would I compel you for?"

"Maybe you held me captive and I heard all your plans."

"Now love if I held you captive wouldn't you still be?" He sends a smirk my way and I huff in frustration.

"Then why can't I remember?" I sink onto the couch with my head held between my two hands. "My mom is dead and I can't even remember the last 40 years of my life."

"Caroline?" Rebekah walks in with a confused look on her face. "Nik what's she doing here?"

"I can't remember." The voices in the background are a blur as I become more and more frantic. "I want to remember." I draw my knees up to my chest and rock back and forth as tears slide down my face. "Please I can't stand not knowing." Someone sets their hand on my shoulder but I shake it off as my small whimpers turn into body-wracking sobs.

Niklaus Mikaelson

"What have you done to her?" Caroline continues sobbing as she falls back against the couch. "Nik fix her."

Realization dawns on me, it wasn't one of my enemies who hurt her but myself. Rebekah shakes my shoulders as Carolines' sobs heighten. "Fix her!" That snaps me out of my daze and I rush over to Caroline but she pushes me off. "Don't touch me!"

"I need to fix you." Her sobs turn to whimpers at my words.

"What?" Her clear blue eyes bore into my eyes as she takes in what I just said.

"Please." She grips my biceps as she pleads with me. "I can't take this hole in my heart." I cup her face in my hands and stare deep into her eyes.

"Remember." She gasps once before falling limp in my arms.

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