Chapter 3: The Truth

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Niklaus Mikaelson

I look down at Caroline sleeping and sigh. I can't just leave her here by herself but I'm needed. I leave a note on the table next to her and kiss her forehead before walking out. I arrive at my house in seconds thanks to vamp speed.

"How is she?" Rebekah asks walking down the stairs.

"She's fine for now," I say grabbing my keys off the hook. "I think she was having nightmares. She was thrashing around in her sleep."

"Why are you back home then?" she asks. "Don't leave the poor girl alone."

"Marcellus needs me in New Orleans." She looks at me in shock.

"You're not even going to bother to tell Caroline," she says putting her hands on her hips.

"I left her a note saying where I was going and why," I say and she glares at me.

"A note won't cut it Nik. You have to give her a real goodbye." I sigh.

"Fine I guess you're right little sister," I say heading out to my car. Once I arrive at Caroline's I look up to see her locking the front door. When she hears my car door shut she looks up and a tear slips down her face.

"You were going to leave without saying goodbye," she whispers looking down at the ground.

"I know love. I'm stupid." I stuff my hands in my pockets.

"No you're not stupid," she says and I look up in surprise. "You're an idiot."

She starts giggling and I chuckle pulling her into a hug.

"I'll miss you." she mumbles into my chest.

"I'll miss you to love," I say kissing her hair. She surprises me when she reaches her head up and kisses me.

"I- I don't know why I did that," she says breaking the kiss.

"I'm glad you did," I say crushing her lips to mine. The kiss was full of passion and longing. I slide my tongue along her bottom lip asking for entrance and she grants it to me. Our tongues fight for dominance but in the end, we both know I'll win.

"I need to go love." I break the kiss and she looks up at me. "Will you be okay for the next couple of days while I'm gone?"

"I can call Bonnie and Elena to come over," she says looking down at her hands. I tip her chin up with my finger and kiss her one last time before I get in my car and drive away.

Caroline Forbes

He gets in his car and looks at me one last time before driving away. I pick up my bag off the ground and get into my car before I drive to school silently hoping for no drama with Tyler. I walk to my locker to find the corner of a piece of paper sticking out. I open my locker and grab the paper before it falls to the floor:

If you're reading this it means I'm dead. I'm sorry I had to leave so early into your life but I know you'll do fine without me. I love you Caroline and I want you to live your life to the fullest. Explore the world, pursue your dreams, even find love. I know you'll miss me but that's okay. I will always be in your heart and I will always be watching over you. Remember that because you have eternity.


I put my hand over my mouth holding in a sob and shut my locker as Elena and Bonnie walk over.

"Care what's wrong?" Bonnie asks putting a hand on my arm.

"My mom's gone," I whisper showing them the note.

"Oh my god Care I'm so sorry." Elena hugs me.

"Oh god. I need to go home." I cry into her shoulder.

"Mhm and we'll go with you so you don't have to be alone," Bonnie says as they lead me to the front door. Tyler glares at us when we pass but his face softens when he sees me crying.

"What's wrong? What happened?" he asks his voice filled with concern.

"What do you care?" Bonnie asks glaring at him. "You're the one who hurt her."

"Yeah and then she hurt me right after." He crosses his arms over his chest.

"You practically cheated on me," I say and we go to walk away.

"Says the one who I found making out with Klaus." They stop in their tracks

"Is that true Caroline," Elena says, a hurt look on her face.

"I- I need to leave." I run out to my car. I get in my car and shut the door. I try to put the key in the ignition but my hands are shaking too much and I drop them.

"Damnit," I say reaching down to grab them and someone knocks on my window.

"Caroline open the door please," Bonnie pleads.

"I can't." Elena appears beside her.

"Please," she pleads and I sigh in response. "We just want to talk to you."

"Fine." I open my door.

"So what exactly happened?" Elena asks peering over Bonnie's shoulder.

"It happened yesterday," I say wringing my hands. "I was finishing my homework when someone knocked on the door and I opened it to see Klaus standing there."

"I then asked him why he was at my house and he said it was to see me." Bonnie leans on the car door. "I told him I didn't know why he came just to see me because I was nothing special. He said I was more special than I know. I asked him how and he said he would rather show me than tell me."

"I asked him how he would show me and then he kissed me softly and slowly. He carried me upstairs and set me on the bed and then Tyler walked in all pissed off," I finish looking up at my two best friends. "I don't know what came over me."

I feel a slight burning sensation on my chest as Elena says, "Woah."

"What?" I finally notice the name on my collarbone.

"What does it say?" Bonnie asks her eyes widening as she notices it. I pull my shirt down a little bit to fully show the name. We all gasp in surprise as I read out loud what it says. "Niklaus."

Niklaus Mikaelson

As I arrive in New Orleans I feel a burning sensation on my chest. I park the car in front of my house and pull my shirt down a little to see what the problem is.

"Not possible." I say pulling my shirt back up. On my collarbone is the name Caroline. I pull out my phone and dial Elijah's number as I restart my car.

"Yes, Niklaus?"

"I just arrived in New Orleans to find Caroline's name on my collarbone."


"That is a sign she's my mate."

"How could she be your mate? She's not even a werewolf."

"I don't know but tell Marcellus our business can wait. This is far more important."

"Whatever you wish Niklaus." He ends the call. I toss my phone onto the seat next to me and drive back to Mystic Falls.

Word count: 1,203

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