Chapter 8: Her Humanity

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Caroline Forbes

"Now you're going to do exactly as I say." I stare into the boys' eyes as he nods his head. "You will not be scared and you will not scream. Do you understand?"

"I understand," I smirk as tilt his head to the side and drain him.

"Care?" I turn around as the boy's body drops to the floor.

"Care to join the fun, Elena?" I ask as I wipe the blood from my mouth.

"You turned off your emotions. Why?"

"Oh, you know. My mom died and then Klaus. Oh, Klaus. He kissed another girl right in front of me." I put on my resting bitch face as Elena takes it all in.

"Caroline I've done it. You're just going to feel horrible later." She pleads with me.

"You sure have a talent, Elena. Always finding a way to make everything about you." I pick up the guy's body and throw it over my shoulder. "Got a body to bury. Toodles."

I wiggle my fingers at her as her face falls. I turn and run into rock-solid chest.

"Oh, you're not going anywhere." I look up to see Damon with a blank look.

"I think you underestimate me." I drop the body and speed over to the back exit but I'm blocked by Stefan.

"And I think you underestimate us." He sticks a syringe full of vervain in my neck and before I disappear into blackness I see Klaus pull me into his arms.

* * * *

I wake up with a killer headache and I groan in response. A bottle of blood is thrown towards me and I rush toward it, gulping it down.

"You can't hold me in here forever." I try to walk toward the door but I'm stopped by chains linked around my wrists.

"We can and we will love." Klaus's face appears behind the bars in the door. "I will stop at nothing to get you back."

"God your such a lovesick puppy." I groan as another throb goes through my head. I hear footsteps walking away and I smirk. "Go cry to your mommy. Oh, wait you can't. You killed her."

The door opens and I'm held up against the wall by my neck.

"Go ahead kill me. You'd be doing me a favor," I choke out as Klaus stares into my eyes. He drops me and I cough as the air comes back into my lungs. He walks out and slams the door shut but not before throwing a chair across the room. "Anger issues much."

Elena Gilbert

"How is she?" I ask as Klaus shuts the basement door behind him.

"She's exactly like every vampire with their humanity off. A complete bitch." He sighs and looks at the fireplace. "I messed up."

"She told me you kissed another girl in front of her."

"I didn't kiss that girl. She kept coming on to me and when I went to threaten her she kissed me." He crossed his arms over his chest.

"Awe did I put a kink in your relationship?" A familiar voice says from the doorway.

"Katherine," I say as Klaus says," Katerina."

"I know. Surprising right?"

"Actually no not really," I reply and she looks over at me.

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