Chapter 24: Big News

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Caroline Forbes

"Caroline Forbes, what is that huge rock on your finger?" Elena grabs my hand to inspect my engagement ring. "He proposed?"

"Last night." I set my hand on my stomach as I remember that I haven't told my friends yet. "Is everyone on vervain?"

"What do you mean when you say everyone and why?"

"Our friends. I have something I need to tell everyone but they have to be on vervain." I need with my engagement ring as a bundle of nerves settles in my stomach.

"Okay." She grabs her phone out of her purse and sends a quick text. "The only ones who aren't are Matt and Jeremy."

"Have them take some and then tell everyone to come to the mansion." The nerves lessen slightly as I feel a presence behind me. "We can head there right now." Klaus grabs my hand and intertwined our fingers as he leads Elena and me out to his car.


"And the best one arrives last." Damon says this as he swings the front door open and plops down on one of the couches next to Elena. "So, what did you need to tell us blondie?"

Matt and Jeremy take small sips of their vervain-laced coffee as the nerves in my stomach grow. Klaus grabs my hand for support and I suddenly feel stronger, bolder. "What I'm about to tell you is very dangerous information. You can't tell anyone."

"But it's also amazing news." I look down at my stomach and smile as I place a hand on it. "I'm pregnant and it's Klaus' child." Gasps are heard throughout the room and I turn to walk away with tears threatening to spill but I'm bombarded with hugs.

"I don't care who's it is Care. I know you always wanted this." I smile at Elenas' comment and hug all my friends back.

"Thank you all for being so supportive." Klaus twists the ring on my left hand and I quickly hold it up. "Oh, I almost forgot."

"That diamond is huge." Bonnie quickly examines the ring and then turns to Klaus. "You don't even want to know what will happen if you hurt her."

"I swear on my life that will never happen."

"Okay. If that's settled then we need to borrow Caroline for a bit." Rebekah grabs my arm and practically drags me to the other room with Elena and Bonnie in tow. When we get inside she shuts the door and Bonnie mutters a silencing spell. "So how come I wasn't told any of this?"

"I wanted it to be a surprise for everyone Bekah." We all sit down on the couch and Rebekah pulls out a notebook. "So why did we come in here?"

"Wedding planning. You better be prepared Caroline because I've been waiting to plan a wedding for-."

"A thousand years. Yes, I know." She smiles at me and pulls up things on her iPad.

"Fancy or more nature-y?"


Niklaus Mikaelson

"Congratulations brother." Elijah hands me a drink while a smile forms on his mouth. "I knew there was hope for your redemption."

"I love her."

"I know. I've never seen you love another as you do Caroline." He takes a paper out of his pocket. "I had some witches find out more about the oliang."

"You certainly have my attention now." I set my drink down as Elijah starts in on what he found. "The cure is vervain?"

"Yes. It seems they would ground the vervain into a paste and apply it to the bite." Elijah picks up a medium-sized jar from the table next to him and holds it out to me. "Take this in case she gets bit again."

"Thank you, brother. You have no idea how much this means to me." I take the jar and set it on the table next to me. "Well, I must get going. Don't want our dear sister to torture Caroline with wedding planning."

"Good luck getting her away from Rebekah." A smirk finds its way onto my face as I walk out the door.

Caroline Forbes

What's your favorite flower?" Rebekah looks up expectantly from her iPad.

"Roses. Pink if you want an exact color." She smiles at me as she types that onto her iPad.

"Can we continue this tomorrow?" I cut her off as she begins speaking. "I'm exhausted after today."

"Sure. I wouldn't normally let you go right now but you got a little one on the way." I set my hand on my stomach and smile.

"Thanks, Bekah." Right as I walk out the door I run into Klaus. "Hey."

"Is everything going okay with the wedding planning?" He sets his hands on my upper arms as I nod.

"Yeah, I just really want to go to sleep right now." I gasp in surprise when Klaus picks me up bridal style. "Klaus I can walk."

"I know but I want to take care of you."

"I'm not sick. I don't need taken care of." The look he sends me is so adorable that I just decide to give in. "All right. Just promise me I'll get a good night kiss."

"You can have as many as you'd like." We reach the front door of his house and he speeds up to his room.

"Your room? I thought maybe I'd get a room of my own here."

"Our room. If you are to be my wife we can't sleep in separate rooms." I smile at "our" as he sets me on the bed. 

"I need something to we-." I don't even finish before he slides his shirt off and hands it to me. "Thanks. Come lay in bed with me."

"If you insist." Klaus walks over to the bed and lays down on his back next to me and I lay my head on his chest. "Up here, darling."

"I did say I wanted one, didn't I?" I reach my head up to his and place a kiss on his soft lips. "Good night. I love you."

"I love you." I close my eyes as he places a kiss on my forehead and I slowly fall into a deep sleep.

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