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Paxton Flynn

"Sir, please."

"No, for the last time Mister Flynn, you cannot repeat the classwork and you cannot switch partners. The earlier you start getting with Sebastian Crown, the better." He pushed my note book back to me, "now, if you'll excuse me, I've got to prepare for my next class."

With one last plea look I left the classwork. Mr Stuart must really have a heart of stone or no heart at all. He was just so unconvincing.

"Did he?" Ryder getting off the wall, she was leaning on.

"No, he didn't. I was this close to kneeling," I pinched two fingers together to emphasize my point, "and yet he refused me."

"Sorry man," Landon said pocketing his phone, "although I told you so."

I sighed, "I don't like Sebastian anymore, up close he's a real jerk. A unbearable one. Because of him I failed a classwork."

Ryder chuckled, "it a C minus, you didn't fail." I glared at her and she backtracked. "Omg, you failed."

"You really don't like him anymore?" Landon asked as we walked out to our next class.

"No, I don't. I can't wait for this year to be over."

"And I can't wait for Ryder to pay up." Landon sang.

"Shut up asshole. Paxton would like Sebastian again tomorrow. A three months old crush doesn't just vanish like that." Ryder insisted.

Yes, it does.


The next day I came to class with a glare aimed at both Mr Stuart and my seatmate Sebastian.

"We both got a c minus on the classwork and it was all my work even." I said pointing at the red mark on the book.

He blew a bubblegum at my face and I winced as he retreated the gum back into his lips. "Cool."

My glare lingered on slightly pink lips for a while before I brought my eyes back to his grey blue ones. He smirked at me and offered me a gum, "want one?"

"Don't talk to me. Don't even look at me." I said going to my seat.

"Your loss."

I sighed, how the hell do I have a crush on such an insufferable jerk. This won't be easy at all. I just to ignore him. That's all. Imagine he wasn't here and maybe when I open my eyes he won't be. He's even increasing my blood pressure, Sebastian Crown is all shades of bad for me. Until now only Percy have ever gotten me this mad and all I did then was to push him out of the room. Is it possible to do the same with Sebastian?

"What are you doing?" His voice asked laced with curiosity.

I dutifully ignored him, my eyes still closed. I had to breath through my nostrils and wish him gone. Maybe I'll count. One. Two...

"Flynn? What the fuck are you doing?" He asked again now sounding amused as he poked me.

Oh God. Why is he even talking to me? I thought the rumors said he didn't talk at all. Leave me be your blood pressure villain!

I felt him lean closer to me. His warmth and Cologne were closer now and my heart started pounding. Ok now my blood pressure is really at risk but an entirely different reason.


My eyes popped open immediately and that was a big mistake because Sebastian Crown's - the most gorgeous guy in school, the one I have a crush no and the one I'm supposed to hate - face was literally two inches away from mine.

"Oh my God!" I gasped out moving backwards immediately and toppling over my seat, straight to the floor. I hit the ground with a groan and I swear, I heard something snap.


"Paxton!" Landon and Ryder yelled at once, as I heard chairs scrapping on the tile floor. I couldn't get up, not because anything hurt but because I was too embarrassed.

Ryder and Landon both lifted me off the ground and I just buried my head on Ryder's shoulder. If I so much as look at Sebastian, I'd just die right here. "Anything broken?" Ryder asked like a worried mother.

"I don't think so. No, I'm fine." I mumbled.

"Flynn are you alright?" Sebastian asked and I nodded against Ryder's shoulder.

"Cool then." Landon said giving me a pat and returning to his seat.

"Well-" Ryder started saying but I cut her off.

"Switch with me Ryder. Please, I beg you. Unless you want me to die, you'd switch with me. Please." I pleaded.

She smiled sadly, "I can't. I'd do anything to not be with Pamela but Mr Stuart would kill us, just manage ok?"

I watched her go back to her seat and I've never wished to be someone else as much as I do now. I turned around, looking at the floor but God saved me from any embarrassing conversation as Mr Stuart matched into the class at the right time.

"Take your seats everyone, let's get busy." He says matching to the board.

Sebastian and I did so, still not making eye contact. I heard him and say, "I didn't mean for that to happen."

"It's okay," I muttered out, still not looking at him. It's really not his fault, if it was anybody else they wouldn't have toppled over but its me and whether I like it or not, I still liked him. So much and that freaks me out.

I felt him looking at me and I struggled to keep looking at the board and Mr Stuart but he didn't stop looking and I am not that strong, so I scumbled to my will and turned to him too. Our eyes met, filled with many unspoken words and he was frowning. But my gut told me that his frown was not directed at me.

His eyes lowered to my lip and he looked away, scribbled on my note, packed his back and left the class.

"Sebastian Crown?" Mr Stuart called but that didn't make him turn or return. He walked right out and I gaped at him, wondering what's wrong.

I reached for my notepad and it said; your lip's bleeding.

True to his words, my lower lip was bleeding. I must have hit it on the floor when I fell. But how does that explain him leaving? Is he squeamish at the sight of blood?

I sighed, "another 'working alone' day. What a jerk."


😣 thoughts?


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