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Paxton Flynn

"I can't believe you. How on earth did you break your wrist while punching someone." Percy asked wrapping a bandage around my hand.

I shrug, watching him do his thing. "I was angry."

Percy looked at me and sighed, "and the fact that you haven't thrown a single punch since forever." He got up from where he was kneeling on the floor, so he could sit on his bed, signifying that he's done with me. "Why do you think I exercise so hard?"

"So you'll have muscles to woo girls with?" I asked back, trying to flex my wrist. I couldn't, it hurts bad.

"That and so I could fight your battles." He said and when I looked at him he actually looked sincere.

I smiled. "What makes you think I'll have battles to fight?"

He shrugs leaning back to relax on his stretched out hands. "Everyone has battles, whether physical or emotional. I might not be of much help emotionally but I can try physically. And, you're small, gay and too good to be real, do you honestly think you won't have battles?"

I shrug, then mumble. "I'm not small."

Percy smiles at that and comes over to hug me on my bed. "This is the most emotional I can be so suck it up." That draws the first laugh from me and I hug him back. "I'm so sorry, Paxton."

"For what?"

"For your wrist and for Spencer." He mumbles into my neck and although it's ticklish, I ignore it.

"My wrist would heal Percy and... It's not your fault."

"You've been quiet all your life and the one time you needed to punch a guy, I wasn't present. I like I've failed in my mission to protect you." He says seriously.

I don't bother dispute him. "You still have Tricia to protect."

He looks up with a small smile. "Yea and you're just sixteen and a half. This is the first of many trouble you'll find yourself in. Remember to call me then okay?"

I nod. "Okay."

His eyes flash back to my bandaged wrist and he hugs me again. "Imma kill him you know."

"Please don't."

We stay rooted and I turn to him. "Wait, does this mean you are gonna cause a lot more trouble than you already have?"

Percy threw his head back and laughed. "You haven't seen anything yet, Pax. I'm gonna rock our world."

I shake my head with a smile. "Again, please don't."


It's been two weeks since the love of my life was kidnapped by his father and I haven't heard from him ever since. The mansion is locked sealed and there haven't been a single soul in there, well except for when Landon and I broke in. The mansion was completely cleaned out, like a home nobody has ever lived in. There wasn't a single trace of the Crown's. Sebastian's room even had months old dust in it.

Its like I'd dreamed them up. Like I didn't just make friends and fall in love with the most amazing human being ever that is Sebastian Crown. Its like I didn't see four completely identical girls that were chatter boxes. Like I didn't even know the nanny. Like I didn't make love and have the greatest sex of my life on a king sized bed in his room. Like we didn't almost burn down the kitchen one night and ended up eating noodles right there.

It was crazy to be honest and I started considering the dream theory except Landon remembered them. Ryder did too. And the dates on the calendar too had changed showing the months we spent together. Whoever cleaned up the house was good, very good but he or she missed a spot. While gawking around Seb's empty room, I saw something on the wall that broke me. It made my laugh tears out and then proceed to crying - a chewed gum stuck on the wall.

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