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Paxton Flynn

People have wishes and people have far stretched wishes. Or at least me. My wishes are simple.

a. graduate highschool in one piece.

b. get into MIT

c. spend a whole night on the beach

d. buy my own car

e. get a boyfriend.

My far stretched wishes however are as the name says far stretched. Like, the possibility of them coming through are Nil.

a. grow taller than Percy

b. ride on Sebastian Crown's motorcycle

c. kiss Sebastian Crown

d. date Sebastian Crown

e. finish three full cartons of Italian pizza.

But right now one of my far stretched wishes are coming through. As I sit behind Sebastian Crown on his motorcycle, my arms wrapped around him and the wind hitting my face, I reflect back to my wishes and think that perhaps they aren't as far stretched as I thought. Maybe wishes like that do come through.

My blissful moment is cut short as the bike comes into a fast stop. My eyes is still shut and my arms are still around him. My hearts thumping from the rush but I enjoyed every minute of it.

"You okay, Flynn?"

I snap my eyes open and release Sebastian, my face turning bright red. Sebastian comes down gently and gives me a hand. Then he helps me remove the helmet and my hair is a scattered and moist. "That was awesome. Wow."

He laughed and I blushed, "thanks a lot Sebastian, I enjoyed the ride."

"Its no problem Flynn, anytime."

Then we just stand there, I don't want to part with him and I have no other thing to say. When I think its starting to get awkward, I take a step towards the store. "Well, see you around."

"Need a hand in there?"

I pause and turn back to him with a small smile, "You have a hand to spare?"

He smiled, then shrugged dropping the helmet on his motorcycle. "I've got nothing to do now and if I leave, who'd give you a ride back."

"I was going to take the bus but... thanks Sebastian."

"Yeah and from the way you were looking, I can tell you didn't want the ride to be over."

I gasped, "how was I looking?"

He smirked, putting an arm around me as we walked inside, "in love."


"In love with my motorcycle." He says then looks down at me. "It happens a lot after one ride on it. Happened to me too."


"What do you think I meant?"

I shrug out his arm and hastily grabbed a trolley, "nothing. Nothing at all."

I bring out the list dad wrote down for me and start going about picking them out. Sebastian helps and we talk about grocery a lot. He says he doesn't shop but he knows how to cook. Whereas, I don't. I tell about how I'm similar to my mom who also doesn't know how to cook and my brother, Percy is like my dad, an expert.

"My dad's a chef and works most of the time, at home." I tell Sebastian as I debate between two Mayo bottles. "All these are his demands."

He grabs a Mayo and drops it into the basket, making my decision for me as we move on. "You must see a lot of him then."

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